Snavely Forest Products


Snavely Forest Products is one of the nation's oldest and most experienced specialty building products distribution companies, dating back to 1902. Corporate headquarters is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sales and distribution facilities are located in Pittsburgh, Westminster, Dallas, Denve... Read more


Pittsburgh, US




Org chart

Stephen Snavely

Tom Plasschaert
Vice President Of Marketing Mass Merchant Sales
John Lewis
Director Of Information Technology
Kelli Layton
Divisional Accounting Manager
Lindsay Sneeringer
Divisional Accounting Manager
Brian Lathrom
Operations Manager
Rick Constance
Operations Manager
Carl Lamb
Executive Vice President
Bill Georgelis
General Manager
John Dignazio
General Manager
Rick Renshaw
General Manager
Celeste McBeth
Executive Assistant
Susan Fitzsimmons
Vice President
Jack Pence
Design Dept Mgr
Kim Pior
Engineered Wood Technical Rep
Mark Cappo
Trex Product Specialist
Matt Fick
Typar Product Specialist
Michael Kudis
Senior Business Analyst
Jeff Jackson
General Manager
Mark A. Rivas
Regional Sales Manager
Lori Dubbert
Office Assistant