Southeastern University


Southeastern University is a school in Lakeland.





Org chart

Kent Ingle

Kent Ingle

Meghan Griffin
Provost & Senior Vice President
William C. Hackett Jr.
Provost Emeritus & Professor of Practical Ministry
Anthony Roberts
Associate Provost & Assistant Professor, Christian Theology
Cody J. Lloyd
SVP, Strategy & Operations & Chief Information Officer
Phillip Schmitt
SVP, Finance & CFO
Bethany Thomas
SVP, Campus Life
Michael Steiner
VP, Innovation & Chief of Staff
Sylvia Blackmon-Roberts
VP, Community Relations & Chief Diversity Officer
Steve Saccone
VP, SEU Ministry Network
Julie Paul
Chief Advancement Officer
Justin Lathrop
VP, Strategic Partnerships
Patrick Fitzgerald
Deputy Chief of Staff
Lisa Coscia
Dean, College of Education & Associate Professor, Education
Jeffrey Paul
Dean, Jannetides College of Business, Communication & Leadership & Professor
Amy Beatty
Dean, Steelman Library & the School of Honors
Nathaniel Pearson
Dean, College of Social Sciences & Humanities & Associate Professor
Aimee Franklin
Dean, College of Natural & Health Sciences & Associate Professor, Biology
Mike Cuckler
Dean, Unrestricted Eduaction
Christopher Palmer
Dean, Barnett College of Ministry & Theology, Associate Professor
Tyson Voigt
Chair; School of Music & Director, Percussion Studies
Christine Corbett
Chair; Barnett College of Ministry & Theology & Professor of Religion
Chad Causey
Chair & Professor of Missions
Ben Gomez
Chair, SEU Latin America & Professor
Tiffany Jones
Assistant Professor, Professional Counseling