The Children's Hospital Of Alabama

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Since 1911, Children's of Alabama has provided specialized medical care for ill and injured children.





Org chart

Thomas G. Shufflebarger

Andrew Loehr
Chief Nursing Officer & SVP, Operations
Chandler Bibb
Chief Development Officer
Mitchell B. Cohen
Chair, Department of Pediatrics
Vickie Atkins
VP, Risk Management
Heather Baty
VP, Ambulatory Operations
Doug Dean
VP, Human Resources
Crayton Fargason
Medical Director & VP, Clinical Affairs
Lori Moler
VP, Customer Service
Suzanne Respess
VP, Government Relations
Sandy Thurmond
VP, Primary Care Services
Yung R. Lau
Director, Cardiology
Santiago Borasino
Director, Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
Nancy M Tofil
Director, Critical Care
Richard J. Whitley
Director, Infectious Disease & Virology
Waldemar A. Carlo
Director, Neonatology & Perinatal Medicine
Daniel Feig
Director, Nephrology
Leon S Dure, IV
Director, Neurology
Reed Dimmitt
Director, Gastroenterology & Nutrition
Kimberly F. Whelan
Director, Hematology & Oncology
Robert F. Pass
Director, Hospital Medicine
Hector Gutierrez
Director, Pulmonology
Drew Davis
Director, Rehabilitation Medicine
Randy Cron
Director, Rheumatology
Michael Taylor
Director, Child Abuse