The Contentment Foundation


We believe in a world where everyone has the tools to cultivate sustainable wellbeing from the inside out. We offer simple, powerful tools to help teachers, students and adults meaningfully navigate their inner selves; ultimately rediscovering that they’re already whole just as they are. We aim to h... Read more




Org chart

Emmet B. Keeffe III
Chairman and Co-Founder

Emmet B. Keeffe III

Dave Kebo
Chief Creative Officer
Dr. Asheena Baez
Chief Implementation Officer
Lorna Holman
Chief Financial Officer
Navin Amarasuriya
Chief Operating Officer
Anik Ghosh
Full Stack Developer
Lakhan Samani
Lead Software Engineer
Er. Somesh Bhardwaj
IT System Administrator | QA And Support Engineer
Nidhi Samani
People Operations Specialist
Louise Smidmore
Personal Assistant To Emmet B. Keeffe Iii, The Contentment Foundation
Atima Joshi
Rollout Representative