Universidad Internacional de La Rioja


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Org chart

José María Vázquez García-Peñuela

José Antonio Ibáñez-Martín Mellado
Vice-Chancellor, Academic Programs & Postgraduate Stud
Daniel Burgos Solans
Vice-Chancellor, Research & Technology
Pedro Serna Bermúdez
Vice-Chancellor, Academic Development & Faculty
Javier Tourón
Vice-Chancellor, Innovation & Educational Development
Josu Ahedo Ruiz
Vice-Chancellor, Students & Academic Quality
Natalia Álvarez Díaz
Director of Finance
Rubén González Crespo
Director of the School of Engineering
Sergio Garea Casau
Director of the Technical Department of Internet Education
Mónica Pérez Iniesta
Director of the Technical Department of Content
Thais Sánchez Valencia
Director of the Technical Department of Academic Programs
Purificación Ortiz Juárez
Director of the Department of Admissions
Elena Martínez Carro
Dean of the Faculty of Education
María Luisa López Huguet
Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law