The Healthcare Practitioners team at William Newton Hospital consists of a diverse group of medical professionals, including nurses, physicians, therapists, and pharmacists, who work collaboratively to deliver high-quality patient care. They are dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating patients while ensuring safety and support throughout the healthcare journey. This team also engages in ongoing education and professional development to enhance their skills and improve patient outcomes.
Blake Boswell
Radiologic Technologist And Di...
Bradley J. Newell Ph...
Clinical Pharmacist
Christopher A. Morri...
General Surgeon
Déjà Simpson
Respiratory Therapist
Kathy Hansen Kiene
Certified Occupational Therapy...
Mel Hartley
Family Nurse Practitioner
Melanie Burnett-Wils...
Clinical Educator/professional...
Michael Katunzi
Nicole Capps
Registered Nurse
Tad Parsons
Physical Therapist
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