Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America


WSWA is the national trade organization representing the wholesale tier of the wine and spirits industry.

Org chart

Francis Creighton
President & CEO

Francis Creighton

Michael Bilello
EVP, Strategic Communications & Marketing
Dawson Hobbs
EVP, Government Affairs
Jake Hegeman
SVP, Legal & Regulatory, General Counsel
Arianne Massey
SVP, Finance & Administration
Catherine McDaniel
SVP, Member Advocacy
Kari Langerman
SVP, Meetings & Events
Cody Tucker
VP, Federal Affairs
Chelsea Crucitti
VP, State Affairs
Bob Wiggans
VP, Membership & Data Services
Molly Fontaine
Director, Sales and Business Development
Eric Schmidt
Senior Manager, SipSource
Michelle Kinnard
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
Ian Spotts
Manager, Legal & Regulatory Affairs
Catherine Ontko
Coordinator, Meetings & Events
Rebecca Walker
Senior Vice President, Finance And Administration