Association of Women Surgeons

1 follower

The Association of Women Surgeons (AWS), founded in 1981, is a not-for-profit educational and professional organization. With approximately 3,000 members of all genders, AWS is one of the largest organizations dedicated to enhancing the interaction and exchange of information between women surgeons.... Read more





Org chart

Michelle Weil
Executive Director

Michelle Weil

Kelly Braniff
Executive Director:
Jennifer Suzanne Davids
ACS Advisory Council For General Surgery:
Stephanie Bonne
ACS Women In Surgery Committee (wisc):
Susan Pories
ACS Governor:
Adeline Foo
Social Media Lead
Lauren Curwick
President Of Medical College Of Wisconsin Chapt
Malika Gupta
College President
Amy Z. L.
Mid-atlantic Regional Representative
Marwa Genaw
Research Assistant