
Explore 4,289 companies in Denmark

Estate Media

1 follower

Estate Media is the Nordic region's largest media house with a focus on the real estate and construction industry.



Preo is pre-ordering for events. Boost your revenue by offering a sales channel where excitement drives your engagement. - Increase revenue before and during the event through fast payments. - Improves the classic experience from ticket platforms. - Pushing the sustainable agenda by offering a w

Destination Fjordlandet er en forening, der har til formål at skabe udvikling og vækst for turismeerhvervene i Roskilde, Lejre og Frederikssund Kommune. Destination Fjordlandet har ansvaret for turismeservicering, destinationsudvikling og markedsføring af destinationen, ligesom det også er foreninge

The finest liquorice in the world. Indulge or buy as the perfect gift for any occasion. Discover our premium services online and in-store. We have fast, reliable and secure shopping!

Behandlingsskolerne er Danmarks største specialskole, og vi driver 15 forskellige tilbud til børn og unge med særlige behov. Vores tilbud inkluderer dagbehandlingsskoler fra 0.-10. klasse, weekendaflastning, STU ungdomsuddannelser for unge i alderen 16...

Worldwide wholesale of Mushie and FRIGG. Babyarticles · High quality · Scandinavian design · Clean products. In the early years of a child's life the foundation on which the rest of life must be built is created. Feeling loved and secure are essential building blocks of a child's ability to form cl



2cureX operates as a medtech company in Denmark.



Monjasa is a global partner in the oil and shipping industries. Our core business includes reselling and physical supply of marine fuels and ship-owning activities on a global level. Monjasa was established in Denmark in 2002 and has developed into a global top 10 marine fuels supplier. Today, we


1 follower

Esben Elmoe and Kasper Gevaldig have founded AllUnite in 2013 with the vision to help retailers to increase foot traffic in stores. With sound experience in the eCommerce, the founders knew the value of marketing data - from customer profiling to conversion rates - for store owners. To access those

Thisted Kommune


Selvbetjening, informationer, nyheder og kontaktoplysninger til Thisted Kommune, Borgerservice og Jobcenter Thisted,

Spring Summer


Spring/Summer conceives, crafts, and produces digital experiences that help build brands, are good for business, and make people’s lives easier.


Juristic is the world's most advanced legal visualising tool - and it can automate legal drafting too! Solve complex legal and financial matters in real time. We are developing next-generation tools for advisers.



CyberPilot is a 100% privately held Danish company offering cybersecurity services and consulting. We work with all sorts of companies - big and small. Common to them is that they wish to improve their cybersecurity. As far as cybersecurity goes, there are no standard solutions. Effective cybersecu



Airofit helps athletes achieve maximum potential.



Mybanker er Danmarks førende bankportal, der skaber gennemsigtighed og mobilitet på bankmarkedet. Mybankers ‘skift bank’-service dækker over 80 % af det danske bankmarkeds brands og gør det nemt at sammenligne boliglån og skifte bank. Som en ofte anvendt ekspertkilde i medierne, og en aktiv del af d

Viegand Maagøe


Our expertise is the green transition. Across our many disciplines, we provide solutions focused on ESG and sustainability that creates value for both customers and the world. In the front line of sustainability In the years that have passed since our early beginnings in 2006, we have developed fr



Sempro delivers innovative digital marketing strategies to promote business growth for various companies.

UMAG Solutions


UMAG Solutions is your premier destination for drone magnetism expertise. Leveraging our extensive knowledge in magnetism, drone technology, and innovative hardware-software development, we provide cutting-edge and trusted turnkey drone magnetic solutions and services worldwide. Our proprietary tech

Skjern Bank


Det er nemt at skifte til Skjern Bank - se hvor nemt lige her



We design places for life. All life. SLA is an internationally renowned nature-based design studio. For 30 years, we have designed some of the most notable public spaces and masterplans in the world. Our work solves the biggest challenges facing our Earth today: From climate crisis and biological

Global Evolution


Global Evolution is a dedicated emerging and frontier markets boutique investment manager with an established track record based on a long history of investment in emerging and frontier markets. Legal | Disclaimers | Terms and Conditions:

Transmedica A/S


Selskabets formål er ledelse og drift af hospitaler samt health care servicevirksomhed med medicinsk personale, samt, direkte eller indirekte, at drive anden virksomhed, der efter bestyrelsens skøn er forbunden dermed.

Codeex A/S


Codeex is a company with three primary business areas solutions storage, servers, consulting services, development and hosting of IT infrastructure, network integration, and outsourcing of operations, operations, and support. Warehousing and logistics, development and design of warehousing and logis


1 follower

Simple and affordable construction project management software & mobile phone app.



BoligPortal is an online housing portal for people in search of rental accommodation.

Decision Focus

1 follower

Decision Focus develops software for Governance, Risk and Compliance. Since 2004, Decision Focus has provided the world’s largest and most prestigious enterprises with software and services. We’ve taken our years of knowledge and experience to create new software which, we believe, is the ultimate

Nortra Group


Nortra Group ApS is a wholesaler of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs). Located in Denmark, we operate worldwide with a specific focus on Europe. Through our existing network and by taking full advantage of international price fluctuations and exchange rates, Nortra Group is able to offer a vast ran

Wind Power LAB


Wind Power LAB is a Danish company, founded in 2016 by a passionate group of wind power industry professionals. Our team of experts based in Copenhagen offers market leading expertise related to blade risk management. Our goal is to deliver the best available and robust solutions to empower our clie

Boligkontoret Århus er en almen boligorganisation med godt 5.600 boliger i Århus og nærmeste omegn. Vi er en moderne, udviklingsorienteret og stærk boligorganisation med dedikeret fokus på vores beboere. Det kan vi skrive meget om – men det kommer bedst til udtryk, når du møder en af vores ca. 100 i


Ask4IT aims to make outsourcing of IT professional simple and trustworthy by giving our clients one place to start the search and the confidence of getting the best counseling and feedback for mutual success in the process. We are genuinely curious to learn YOUR business and the challenges ahead. W


1 follower

EnviDan is an Environmental Services company located in Denmark.



DAB (Dansk Almennyttigt Boligselskab/Danish Nonprofit Housing association) is one of the largest nonprofit housing associations in Denmark.

Selskabets formål er entreprenørvirksomhed, handel og produktion, samt al virksomhed, som efter bestyrelsens skøn har forbindelse hermed

Blazar Capital


Blazar Capital is building new companies with the aspiration to become the next global online leaders.



Maki A/S is a distributor of toys, games and baby equipment in the Nordic region.

FLEYE Copenhagen


FLEYE Copenhagen creates eyewear driven by curiosity. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, using innovative solutions and sublime craftsmanship to achieve beautiful design, fit, and quality. We work with a philosophy and an aesthetic, which are grounded in building trust a



Grandhood is the world's first 100% digital pension solution and seamless pension experience for entrepreneurs and SMEs. They believe that the good pension advice and pension savings are not only for employees in larger companies. They provide an easy and quick onboarding for companies as well as a

Water Valley Denmark bring the best minds in the water industry together. We facilitate project collaboration and innovation in order to create solutions for the world’s fundamental water challenges    Behind the forthcoming research and innovation efforts of Water Valley Denmark stands the Co

Guldager A/S


Welcome to the official Guldager A/S Linkedin profile. We are specialists in water treatment with many years of experience. We use the latest knowledge and technology to provide clean water every day to the modern society's many needs. Guldager offers all kinds of corrosion protection and water



Selskabets formål er at drive havecentre, dyrecentre, gartnerier, at yde planteservice til erhversvirksomheder og med de nævnte formål beslægtet virksomhed.

Daka Denmark A/S


Daka Denmark A/S which operates in the international rendering industry, processing animal by-products for the pet food, animal feed and fertilizer industry. Daka also produces animal nutrition applications. Further, Daka produces high-quality, second-generation biodiesel made of animal waste. Dak

Ogilvy Danmark


We sell - or else … Vores grundlægger David Ogilvy startede sin karriere som dørsælger. Han kunne sælge og gøre salget til en god oplevelse. I dag tvivler ingen af os på, at et succesfuldt salg er betinget af strategisk tænkning, skarpe indsigter, kreativ innovation og stærk eksekvering. Men 80 års

Nordic Investment Opportunities A/S (NIO) pioneers in providing access to best-in-class private market funds for professional investors such as family offices, foundations, institutions and high-net-worth individuals. We bring the skills required for high-quality fund selection, due diligence, inve



Adversus is an outbound auto dialer that helps telemarketing, fundraising, and appointment scheduling businesses streamline their outbound and inbound activity, automate manual processes, and provide valuable insights. Adversus allows you to customize your dialing strategy with numerous features. C

Danske Hospitalsklovne er en landsdækkende forening, der har eksisteret siden 2003. Vi er tilstede på alle landets børneafdelinger og på otte børnepsykiatriske dag- og døgnafsnit, og foreningen har 61 professionelt uddannede hospitalsklovne. Hospitalsklovneuddannelsen tager halvandet år, hvorefter a

Fremsyn ApS


Fremsyn er et selvstændigt konsulenthus med speciale i grøn forretningsudvikling og rådgivning inden for energi og transport. Vi er sat i verden for at fjerne klimaskadende gasser fra atmosfæren go miljøforureninger fra lokalsamfundet til gavn for både klodens fremtid og vores egen sundhed. Vi t

Choosing Jydsk Aluminium Industri (also known as JAI) is not only a choice of supplier – it is access to unique expertise and know-how. Through this our customers experience increased growth, innovation and efficiency. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐀𝐈? JAI is one of the largest and most automated gravity die c

Brdr. Hartmann


Brødrene Hartmann A/S is a Danish public corporation which produces moulded-fibre egg packaging.

With more than 70 years of experience, Novenco Marine and Offshore is one of the largest high-quality heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration system suppliers to the marine and offshore industry. With production facilities in China and a manufacturing collaborator in Europe, we ha

Vi har Kulturen til forskel, når vi bygger bro til hinanden. Med virksomhedskultur, vækstkultur, talentkultur og vinderkultur.