
Explore 2,440 companies in Finland

Jatkuvuuskonsultointi Oy:n tavoitteena on auttaa yrityksiä ja yhteisöjä parantamaan liiketoimintansa jatkuvuudenhallintaa. Yrityksemme päätuote on jatkuvuussuunnittelu ja siihen liittyvät palvelut. Jatkuvuussuunnittelun tavoitteena on varmistaa kriittisten liiketoimintojen jatkuvuus ja varautua liik

Hyvä sisäilma on yksi merkittävimmistä työskentelyolosuhteisiin ja rakennuksen energiatehokkuuteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Ilmanvaihdon säännöllisellä huollolla ja asianmukaisella korjauksella rakennuksen sisäilmanlaatu ja energiatehokkuus paranevat, ilmanvaihtolaitteisto säilyy toimintavarmana ja



Mobile game studio based in Helsinki, Finland. We make games for the way people play today!



The platform powering virtual restaurants.

We are an innovator of high temperature thermal energy storages for industrial applications and district heating. #sandbattery



Wowanders is a smart travel diary app that automatically turns your trips into diaries, and makes it easy to share your favorite places with friends so that they can plan their own trips based on trusted recommendations from people they know.

Novarbo Oy


Novarbo specializes in growing plants and greenhouse technology used for professional greenhouse cultivation.

The Aalto2 Museum Centre is a new meeting place for architecture, design and cultural heritage in Jyväskylä, Finland. #aalto2

They produce serves free of charge and transparency is a key value of their work. Their projects bring together experts from the private, public and third sectors.

The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC) is the premier global organization dedicated to the advancement of Automation and Robotics in Construction. IAARC represents fields of construction including civil and building engineering, machine automation, robotics

Quattro Mikenti Group provides a wide range of electrical and HVACR services. Solutions are used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings as well as in health sector. Additionally, QMG has also participated in the renovation and repair construction of several historical public buildings.

EEE Innovations helps drivers to drive smarter with information gathered from the vehicle itself as well as from other sources.

Sisu Game Ventures is an exclusive advisory and investment company focused 100% on games. It was setup in 2014 by Paul Bragiel, Moaffak Ahmed and Samuli Syvähuoko and it focuses on the best gaming companies in the Nordic region and beyond.

Olemme kotisivuihin ja digimarkkinointiin erikoistunut asiantuntijayritys jonka tehtävä on olla yrityksille luotettava kumppani alati muuttuvassa digimainonnan kentässä. Kehittyvänä kasvuyrityksenä etsimme jatkuvasti uusia ja parempia tapoja toteuttaa digimarkkinointia tuloksekkaasti sinunkin tarpei

SD Worx Finland


We spark success at the heart of your business so you and your people can thrive. In today’s new world of fluid work, people want to be inspired by what they do and have the freedom to focus on what matters. Organisations need a dynamic, motivated workforce empowered by smart technology. As a leadi



RTV specializes in paint, building material, surface material, and furniture solutions.

Naantali - paras paikka elää, viihtyä ja tehdä työtä Naantalin kaupunki on kasvava ja vetovoimaisessa Varsinais-Suomessa sijaitseva noin 20 000 asukkaan kaupunki. Hallinto-, sivistys- ja teknisissä palveluissa on noin 800 työntekijää. Naantali on merkittävä teollisuus- ja satamakaupunki. Naantali

Our mission is to help to improve Finnish sporting success by improving the quality and impact of coaching and training with strong scientific service to athletes and coaches together with domestic and international collaborators.



Climate breakdown. Rampant inequality. Politicians without principles. If we want to build a liveable future when faced with challenges of this scale, history teaches us that we need powerful grassroots campaigns. But time after time, campaigns dissipate just as they are building momentum. Why? C

At the VATT Institute for Economic Research, we conduct high-quality research to support decision-making and to evaluate economic policy. The main building blocks of our analyses are large-scale register data, institutional knowledge and economic theory. We have 60 employees, mainly researchers wit


Jobly on tulevaisuuden työnhakupalvelu, jossa sinun ei tarvitse olla paras ollaksesi sopivin. Joblysta löydät avoimet työpaikat ja niistä itsellesi sopivimman helposti, aina ja kaikkialla. Kurkkaa avoimet työpaikat: #parhaistasopivin #työnhaku

We make action games with epic stories to foster lasting connections with players around the world.

Technology company that develops and sells business platform for mental health practioners and enterprises. With N Health, practioners and clinics can modernize their way of servicing end customer - especially before and after the therapy sessions.

Wiiste Oy on vaativiin rakennusteollisuuden järjestelmiin erikoistunut suomalainen mittausteknologia-alan yritys. Tarjoamme innovatiivisia laitteisto-, ohjelmisto- ja palveluratkaisuja asiakkaidemme tarpeisiin. Haluamme olla edelläkävijänä mukana kehittämässä yhä laadukkaampaa ja terveellisempää rak



IndoorAtlas offers solutions to developers in building location based apps and scale their plans worldwide.

Osuuskauppa Suur-Savo on lähes 72 000:n asiakasomistajan omistama yritys, joka toimii Etelä-Savossa 12 kunnan alueella. Toimialueemme kattaa Mikkelin, Pieksämäen ja Savonlinnan talousalueet. Jo yli 76 % toimialueen talouksista on osuuskauppamme asiakasomistajia. Toimialojamme ovat päivittäis- ja er



Vahvan kokemuksen omaava KSTieto palvelee tänä päivänä niin yrityksiä kuin kuntasektoriakin. Tuotamme kustannustehokkaita ja laadukkaita ICT-palveluja yli 100 alan ammatilaisen voimin. Olemme 100% kotimainen yhtiö. Kotimaisuus on meille toimintaamme ohjaava arvo kuin myös ympäristöarvot. Vihreät ar

Cosmic Lounge


Cosmic Lounge is a mobile free-to-play puzzle games startup based in Helsinki and Stockholm. Our goal is to create games that everyone can enjoy and love playing for years. To achieve this, we extensively evaluate product-market fit throughout the whole game development process. We build games with



CosmEthics is the developer of a mobile app for safety assessment and analysis of cosmetics.



SensorFu detects new network leak paths before they are exploited.



Haluamme tarjota asiakaslähtöistä katsastuspalvelua vaivattomammin, edullisemmin ja laadukkaammin. Olemme katsastusalan kotimainen haastaja ja panostamme aktiivisesti asiakaspalveluun. Auton katsastus ei ole aina ikävää pakkopullaa! Miksi valita vaikeaa, kun voi valita Helpon? Perustehtävämme on p

Gate Apps


Gate Apps provides a secure and user-friendly solution for managing the Permit-to-Work (PTW) processes in industrial environments. Store all the permits of the factories, construction sites, and shipyards in your pocket. Monitor how the work is progressing and make sure that everyone follows the a

Combient Pure


80% of company-specific CO2 emissions come from value chains - from the upstream and downstream. Cutting these emissions is a must to reach the 1.5 degree warming path. Disrupting current ways of doing business is fundamental to cutting emissions substantially. Combient Pure helps industry-leading

[About us in English below] Aava Ohjelmistot Oy on erikoistunut hallinnoimaan kaikkea liiketoiminnan tuottamaa ja tarvitsemaa tietoa. Aava Platform on joustava ja helposti muokattava tiedonhallintajärjestelmä, joka tuo suurten tietojärjestelmien edut kaikkien yritysten ulottuville. Järjestelmäm

Radioul Oy


Radioul offers a comprehensive range of RF product development and R&D services, encompassing everything from product updates to the execution of entirely new, full-scale projects. In full-scale projects, we extend our support from the initial product specification phase to approval testing and the

Nordic Plug


Nordic Plug is a Nordic online shop specialising in charging accessories for full electric cars and charging hybrids. Nordic Plug wants to be at the forefront of helping Nordic customers to make the transition towards carbon-free transport. In our range you will find safe, efficient and affordable e

Wihuri Group


Wihuri is a Finnish International Industry and Trade Conglomerate. Wihuri Group employs 5 100 people.



Brightplus designs and manufactures innovative functional biomaterials from renewable sources.

Nextfour Group


Nextfour Group is an experienced and innovative product development company. We specialize in embedded systems for medical, industrial and other demanding environments. Our Turku-based design team has a long history of successful product development projects, and our comprehensive partner networ

Flow Computing


Flow Computing enables the next generation of CPU performance for the most demanding applications, such as locally-hosted AI and general-purpose parallel computing. We in Flow believe there has been only incremental improvements in CPU performance during recent decades. In our opinion, it has led

At Small Data Garden, we specialise in reliable IoT solutions based on our IOTSU® platform for the global IoT industry. The company was founded in Finland in 2017. We've grown to become a provider of market proven IoT-solutions for air quality, movement, and location tracking for both indoor and out

Raision kaupunki


Raisio on vetovoimainen ja vahvasti kasvava lähes 25 000 asukkaan ja 1 600 yrityksen moderni kehyskaupunki Varsinais-Suomen parhaalla paikalla. Uudistuvassa kaupunkiorganisaatiossamme työskentelee noin 800 ammattilaista. Raisiosta on kasvanut 2000-luvulla yhä merkittävämpi seudullinen kauppapaikka.

KWH Group Ltd


KWH Group Ltd is a family-owned company which manufactures and markets abrasives and water traps as well as offers freight forwarding, logistics services and frozen storage. We are based in Vaasa, Western Finland, Finland.

Frank Students


Frank Students, founded in 2013, is Finland's most popular student benefits and student identification service with over 160 000 users. We want to make sure that students won't miss out on any opportunities that student life can offer them. For companies, we offer a platform to reach students with t

Delta Cygni Labs


Delta Cygni Labs develops a professional remote video collaboration solution POINTR


Legal matters solved automatically, without a lawyer

Best-Caravan Oy


BestCaravan is a recreational vehicle supplier company that provides rental, leasing, and recreational vehicle services.

Sponsor Capital


Sponsor Capital is a Finnish private equity investor focused on investing in small and medium-sized companies. Our targeted investments are Finnish companies operating in domestic market and internationally. Sponsor Capital seeks to invest in companies that are pursuing growth, internationalization

Lastenoikeusjärjestö Plan International haluaa oikeudenmukaisen maailman, jossa kaikkien lasten oikeudet ja tasa-arvo toteutuvat. Siksi Plan parantaa erityisesti kehitysmaiden tyttöjen elämää ja suojelua. Uskonnollisesti ja poliittisesti sitoutumaton Plan perustettiin 1937, ja Suomessa toiminta alko

Experis Finland


Experis on johto- ja asiantuntijatason rekrytointi- ja projektiratkaisuihin erikoistunut kansainvälinen yritys. Tutustu palveluihimme!