Korea, Republic of

Explore 705 companies in Korea, Republic of

TV Chosun


One of 4 General Service TV Channels (Channel 19) in South Korea. Founded by Chosun Media Group which also owns the largest subscribed, newspaper (Chosun Ilbo ) and online media company(Chosun.com) in South Korea. Set up to pursue convergence between Newspaper, Broadcasting and Online med

Kolon Pharmaceutical, Inc. was established in 1958 with a mission to contribute on happiness of mankind and social welfare by enhancing people’s quality of life and providing top medical service thru development of innovative drugs with its respect for life and health. Kolon Pharmaceutical is a subs

Seoul Institutes of the Arts emboby te Korean art spirit and tradition; take the lead in experimental study for new arts and creation; train creative artists to make new art through original owrks seeking internationalism and subjectivity; contribute in the prosprity of beings by realizing the truth

Based on our original 3D precision measurement technology, 3D SPI and 3D AOI are developed and supplied to SMT and electronic manufacturing processes such as semiconductors, mobile phones, displays, and to automotive industry. Based on the world's best inspection technology, we are continuing to ex

From the leader in automotive distribution to an integrated global logistics & distribution company, Hyundai GLOVIS pursue sustainable growth through the materialization of enhanced supply chain management competitiveness. YOUR VALUE CHAIN PARTNER

The Korean Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC) is a special-purpose non-profit financial institution established in 1989 to help spur economic growth in South Korea through the provision of financial support to new technology businesses with little or no collateral to provide. This is primarily d

SMART FOOD NETWORKS enables food brands of all sizes to thrive in digital environment by democratizing essential food business capabilities.

Having faithfully performed its public policy banking role for 55 years, Korea Development Bank (KDB) was re-shaped in Oct 2009 as the KDB Financial Group, a corporate & investment banking specialist under a financial holdings company structure. The newly launched group will fulfill its new mission

Barun ICT Research Center researches social phenomena, technology, and policy impacts in IT/ICT environment. This center investigates social phenomena driven by digital divide in order to seek effective measures to bridge the gap; identify psychological causes and problems involved with excessive us

가장 믿을 수 있는 금융 솔루션으로 모두의 삶을 이롭게 합니다. '금융'은 여전히 누구에게나 어렵고 어쩌면 두렵기 까지 합니다. 여렵고 두려운 금융 시장에서 팀윙크는 고객의 옆에서 함께 걸어가는 금융 생활 동반자로 고객이 마음 놓고 맡길 수 있는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 신뢰, 안정감, 안심을 우선시합니다. 팀윙크가 만들어 가는 '알다'는 모든 솔루션을 한 곳에서 제공하는 종합 금융 플랫폼으로서 자산 관리가 필요한 사람들에게 신뢰감 높은 서비스를 제공하여 현명한 금융 생활을 가능하게 할 것 입니다.

A Korea-based non-profit established in 2016 advocating stronger climate and air policies.

BrickMate는 단순 서비스 개발을 넘어서 비즈니스를 함께 만들어 갑니다. BrickMate는 IT 아웃소싱 산업을 더 발전시키고 있습니다. 기술기반 스타트업 창업 및 엑시트 경험이 있는 창업가들이 운영하는 글로벌 IT 개발사로, 단순 소프트웨어 개발만 진행하는 개발사가 아닌 아이디어 단계부터 기획, 디자인, 개발을 하며 단기적인 프로젝트가 아닌 비즈니스를 함께 만들어 가는 팀입니다. 국내 서울 본사 및 베트남 호치민 지사에 160여명의 내부 고급 개발자 및 PM을 보유하고 있으며, 34,000여명의 파트너 개발자 네트워크를 구



ezCaretech has a leading EHR platform, providing a broad range of modules for hospital operation to hospitals. ezCaretech works at the intersection of health care business and technology to help clients improve their performance and advance digital transformation.



We Serve Your Global Success! Our mission is to strengthen our clients’ organizational and personal global competence by providing effective learning solutions. Our Services 1. Corporate Learning Solution Global communications solutions for 3 essential business functional areas (HR, Accounting &



SWING is a micro-mobility service provider.



HANJIN is engaged in the transportation and logistics business.

Sempio Foods Company is a food production company based out of 51 - 9 Pildong-1ga, Joong-gu, SEOUL, Seoul, South Korea.



GIANTSTEP is a content solution company that produces the best visual contents, established in 2008. As a player in the era of Metaverse, GIANTSTEP tries out various possibilities that arise between technology and creativity. From AI-based virtual human production, real-time XR content, immersive r



“ST Pharm provides reliable and timely custom manufacturing services for API following stringent quality system and close communication with the clients.” Founded in 1983, ST Pharm (formerly known as Samchully Pharmaceutical) has been offering excellent custom manufactur

The ocean has played a valuable role in the advancement of human civilization around the world since began. This is evident in the ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and Rome, and also in modern civilization with the British Empire and the United States. These advancement and spread of civiliz

텔코웨어는 Core Network에 속하는 VoLTE Solution, RCS Solution, IMS Solution, Data Traffic Solution, WCDMA Solution 등을 공급하는 ‘유무선 통신 솔루션 전문기업’ 입니다.

Maeil Broadcasting Network is a broadcast media company based out of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea.

Daekyeung University is a technical university located in Gyeongsan, South Korea. Students choose Daekyeung University for the hands-on experience with the subject matter, which is integral to every program on campus. This experience pays off in employment, as employers value the practical knowled

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW previously MW, Korean: 보건복지부) is a branch of the government of South Korea. The headquarters is in Sejong City. Mission 1. Building social safety nets for better tomorrow 2. Taking a life course approach for healthy life 3. Supporting a stable life afte

"Data drives human behavior." We are the only artificial intelligence company in South Korea that combines AI and data to improve revenue and key performance indicators.

Korea Airports Corporation was established in 1980 to carry out construction, management and operation of airports and to manage air transportation efficiently. As an organization specializing in airport management, KAC manages and operates a total of 14 airports in Korea including Gimpo, Gimhae, Je

Light rail vehicle – AGT manufacturer and its associated products. VVVF Inverter, Static Inverter, Train control and monitoring systems, Master Controller, HSCB, Passenger Display systems, PA system, PSD, testing equipments, Automated Guideway Transit - AGT (People Mover), Energy Storage System, Pe

Bonne Co. Ltd.


We are experts in innovative cosmetics and personal care product development for brands across the globe. We serve our clients in -Branding & Creative Development -Concept Development & Product Innovation -R&D & Color Forecasting -Customized Component & Packaging Development -Manufacturing, Filling



국가대표 정보보안 기업



YIDO is a leading Korean asset operations and management company that specializes in real estate, infrastructure, environmental and golf course business operations. We are the only vertically integrated asset operator in Korea, and heavily utilize IoT, cloud computing, big data analysis and mobile

소셜커머스 No.1 도대체 이런건 누가하는거야? We! We make price! 위메프!

Samsung Healthcare: Combining leading technology to improve the quality of people’s lives. Samsung is committed to creating a new future for medical professionals and patients with a mission to bring health and well-being to people’s lives. Integrating its leading expertise in display, IT, mobile an

Medipost Co Ltd


Medipost Co Ltd is a company based out of South Korea.

Incheon Global Campus is a national project established by the Korean government and Incheon Metropolitan City, to innovate the education system of Korea and to nurture next generation of global leaders in the fields of education, economics, industry, culture and arts. With an investment of USD 1 bi

타이탄플랫폼은 사람을 위한, 사람을 향한 착한 경영을 지향합니다. 이러한 경영철학을 바탕으로 디지털 콘텐츠의 권리보호와 함께 창작자와 수익을 나누는 플랫폼으로, 새로운 콘텐츠 패러다임을 제시합니다. 타이탄플랫폼은 창의적인 다양한 디지털 콘텐츠가 제작될 수 있도록 창작자들의 권리를 보호합니다. TCI(TiTANplatform Content Identifier) 기술을 통해 콘텐츠의 권리 보호는 물론 이력 추적을 통해 빅데이터를 제공하여 창작자들이 자신의 저작물의 정당한 권리를 행사할 수 있도록 합니다. 창작자들이 행복한 플랫폼은 더



A family of AMOREPACIFIC group _ Play Pink, Play ETUDE! _ 에뛰드는 즐거운 화장놀이 문화를 전파하는 대한민국 대표 메이크업 브랜드입니다.

KAIST is a public research university located in Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established by the Korean government with the help of American policymakers in 1971 as the nation's first research oriented science and engineering institution.



Elice provides an interactive and data-driven Computer Science classrooms for everyone. Our customers and partners include KAIST and SK.

Hyundai HYSCO


Hyundai Hysco is a manufacture of Automotive steel sheet products and various steel pipes. Its corporate office is located in Seoul, and it also operates works in Ulsan, Dangjin, and Suncheon in South Korea and now building global operations worldwide. Currently, Hyundai Hysco operates three works i



서울시 강남구 삼성동, 기업법무/금융, 공정거래, 송무, 지적재산권, 부동산건설, 조세, 노동



Global Digital X-ray Imaging solution Rayence has built the world's first full line-up of dental, medical, veterinary, and industrial X-ray detector products. Also, Rayence is the only company in Korea that has the techniques for designing CMOS Wafer, developing flat panel detectors (TFT), and usi



Lie Sang Bong is one of Korea’s preeminent fashion designers, a master craftsman and artist who is internationally recognized for his architectural collections that celebrate and enhance the body. Since founding his eponymous brand, LIE SANGBONG, in 1985 Mr. Lie continues to blend traditional influe

CLO Virtual Fashion develops true-to-life, 3D garment simulation technology for fashion and film/gaming industries.



지난 10여 년간 쌓아온 노하우와 혁신을 바탕으로 창조적 서비스를 제공하여 고객가치를 극대화시키고 있는 토마토시스템은 현재 대학사업분야에서 독보적인 위치를 차지하고 있으며 공공, 금융, 교육, 제조사업분야에서도 고객에게 부합하는 새로운 가치를 창출, 기술혁신을 통해 최고의 가치를 제공하는 전문 IT기업으로 성장해 나아가고 있습니다. 토마토시스템은 전 임직원이 지난 10여 년 이상의 열정과 혁신으로 쌓아온 기술 및 경험, 창의성을 바탕으로 IT 글로벌 기업으로 도약할 것입니다.

kt alpha


빠르게 변화하는 디지털 커머스 시장에서 사업 영역 확대 및 시너지 효과 창출을 위해 KTH와kt mhows가 만나 KT알파(KT alpha)라는 이름으로 새로운 출발을 합니다! 최고의 고객 경험을 선사하는 통합 커머스 플랫폼 기업 kt alpha에서 alpha 人을 찾습니다. K쇼핑, 기프티쇼, 리플, 우선샵 등 다양한 사업에서 인재를 모집하고 있으니, 모집 직무 및 자세한 내용은 아래 kt그룹 채용사이트에서 확인 가능합니다! 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 👍👍 https://recruit.kt.com/

Sangshin Elecom is a leading manufacturer of electronic components such as NTC ceramic thermistors, VCO, HIC, L/C filter, R/F filters. Duplexer, PLL(Phase Locked Loop) Module, I/F filter. DR(Dielectric Resonator), etc. with over 30years of experience in developing and designing for the microwave com



A leading Korean law firm



“We walk the path together!” Since its foundation, Genicom Co., Ltd. has grown into a total solution specialist in ultra violet ray detection technology and products on the back of specialized GaN-based technology and is doing its utmost to emerge as a global sensor specialist by developing vari

Vespa Inc


Vespa Inc, Leading game developer based in Seoul, South Korea. We created "King’s Raid"​ that are available on mobile devices via its own dedicated channel in the Apple App Store, Google Play. "King's Raid is a mobile turn based Role Playing strategy massively multiplayer Mobile games. Our success c