Explore 7,847 companies in Spain
Drake Food Service is the largest international franchisee for the Papa John’s Pizza brand in the world, operating more than 420+ stores in 7 countries with more than 8000 employees. DFSI holds the exclusive master franchise rights for the Papa John’s brand in Chile, Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica, Gua
OroCash es la primera cadena en el sector de la compra venta de oro, gestión de empeños y la compra de oro como inversión. La compañía cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia en el mercado. Su concepto de negocio y su alta rentabilidad se demuestra, día a día, en sus más de 150 centros repartidos
Okify is a platform that simplifies and improves the home change process for renters, real estate professionals, and homeowners.
Estudios Superiores Abiertos de Hostelería es una escuela con formación 100% online. Ofrecemos cursos de cocina, cursos de pastelería, eventos…
Vision Factory is a brand new company placed in Barcelona. We are specialized in Marketing communications, Graphic Design and Resourcing & Education. Moreover everyday we provide an excellent business administrative support for our clients. We give a big effort into our work to get involved into the
Expertos en mejorar la visibilidad de tu empresa en internet. Diseñamos y gestionamos campañas de marketing para aumentar la visibilidad de tu empresa en internet con una estrategia eficaz. 1. Ofrecer un servicio de calidad en la puesta en marcha de estrategias de marketing online. 2. Ayudar
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Descubra nuestros hoteles Nuestros destinos Almería Madrid Granada Cádiz Huelva Ver más destinos Conozca las mayores promesas del deporte Senator Hotels & Resorts ha reunido a los futuros talentos del deporte nacional en una acción única en los establecimientos de la línea vacacional Playa Hoteles.
Madrid Destino es la empresa municipal del Área de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte del Ayuntamiento de Madrid encargada de gestionar los centros culturales y otras instalaciones adscritas a la misma, así como de las campañas y festivales encomendados por parte del Ayuntamiento. Madrid Destino se encarga
BotOn is a business intelligence platform aiming to centralize automotive and mobility framework data to create market intelligence.The platform connect vehicles by detecting VIN and decode model and brand. Processes data, so that the user is aware of what is happening inside its vehicle and connect
Helping companies implement their vision using Blockchain in an easy way with APIs & SaaS Blockchain solutions
LiveLink Motor is developing an eCall device for motorcycles.
FROGED is a tool that offers to scale business and business development services.
Stiga are experts in enriching customer experiences. They measure, analyze and optimize experiences with knowledge, agility and added value.
Histocell SL is a biopharmaceutical company that develops cell therapy products and novel medical devices for regenerative medicine.
eSignus delivers recognized and truly secure user experiences for the custody of private keys.
What makes us different is our close contact with our customers during the assessment, design and production of their projects; our 55 years of experience; our commitment with sustainability for more than 15 years, recognized by EcoVadis and Label More, and our extensive and comprehensive catalogues
Amphora is a technology platform that helps manage and control the logistics chain. They serve small and medium-sized businesses. Their services include multi-store integration, package creation and customization, and email automation.
El Grupo UNAVETS es, actualmente, uno de los mayores grupos sanitarios veterinarios de la Península Ibérica. Nació en diciembre de 2019 y en la actualidad cuenta con ~1.300 profesionales que trabajan en sus 130 centros veterinarios, 73 en España, 56 en Portugal y 1 en Gibraltar. El Grupo está cent
Practicamos una comunicación cualitativa supra-especializada en corporativo, financiero, de marca-marketing-categoría, de reputación, de situaciones especiales, de ESG y workplace culture. Contamos con una experiencia intensa y un know-how único. Somos una organización líquida, con un equipo dinám
En Genteel Home, somos un equipo joven y emprendedor, lleno de pasión y energía. Nuestro propósito principal es transformar las estancias de nuestros huéspedes en experiencias inolvidables que excedan sus expectativas. Operamos en las zonas más emblematicas de las principales ciudades de España com
Bella Aurora Labs S.A. is a Spanish company specialized in cosmetic brands that offers products and services to respond to specific skin concerns. With a people-focused business management model, Bella Aurora Labs has become one of the benchmarks in the European cosmetics market. Our mission state
aggity es una multinacional de tecnología especializada en la Transformación Digital de los negocios combinando las mejores prácticas y formas operativas con Plataformas Tecnológicas Innovadoras especializadas en diferentes procesos empresariales. Con aggity queremos ofrecer a nuestros clientes una
Fregata Space's artificial intelligence algorithms allow to discover the pollutants in the water and air from the information collected by earth observation satellite sensors, which offers the client a precise, economical and reliable information solution. Fregata Space's mission is to discover in r
Drug innovation company based on a pioneering AI-based drug discovery technology, that has built a robust pipeline for Orphan CNS diseases.
Entrenarme is an online agency that connects two types of users. First, personal trainers who are seeking new customers and planning training sessions with current clients. Second, customers looking for new ways to improve lifestyles through physical exercise or improve current sport status. Entrena
CORIFY Care is a start-up funded by main world-wide experts on cardiac arrhythmias which is going to introduce in the market a novel medical device to non-invasively map cardiac arrhythmias in real time. This novel technology will improve the treatment in more than 10 million of atrial fibrillation
Sociedad de servicios para los productores audiovisuales. EGEDA tiene presencia en Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Republica Dominicana, Ecuador, España, Perú, Uruguay y EEUU
Gestamp Wind was founded in 2007 to play a unique role in the expansion of the Renewables Division of Corporación Gestamp, Gestamp Renewables. Gestamp Wind develops, constructs and operates wind farms in the world’s leading wind energy markets. At Gestamp Wind, we strive to grow as a strong and r
Bahía del Duque es un conjunto residencial de lujo inspirado en la cultura de las Islas Canarias, reflejando en su arquitectura influencias del estilo colonial y en la indumentaria del personal, el uso de trajes folclóricos. Está ubicado, en la Isla de Tenerife, en pleno Océano Atlántico, conocida
We began a path of success in 1958 with the creation of 📍Vilardell Purtí and its dedication to decolatation. Thanks to this industrial division based on excellence in I+D+I, we paved the way for a new medical division. In 2006, 📍Avinent Implant System was born, focusing on the dental field and off
Rethink Foods Company focuses on making plant-based and clean-label ice creams.Rethink Foods Company was founded in 2018 and was headquartered in Madrid, Spain.
KeepITup is involved in the cyber security industry and they conduct interviews to assess whether their expectations are in line with yours. They want to bring the company and the candidate together in a close, honest and professional atmosphere, fulfilling the objectives of both parties. They speci
En Aszendit trabajamos día a día para ser el partner tecnológico de nuestros clientes y colaboradores 💻 Tenemos como objetivo principal solventar el gran problema presente en el sector tecnológico, eliminar la rotación de los colaboradores poniendo en el centro al capital humano de nuestra empresa
Socilen is collective funding platform that connects families or SMEs that need financing with investors willing to finance.
El Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Alberto Sols” (IIBM) es un Centro Mixto del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) ubicado en el campus de la Facultad de Medicina. Las líneas actuales de investigación del Centro Mixto reflejan
With +35 years experience, APD is a privately owned Spanish company, with extensive know-how providing high value-added engineering. We provide tailor made imaginative solutions in the fields of: - Security & Defense - Healthcare - Telecommunications - Transport & Traffic - Industrial Automation - P
Filmijob has developed their own algorithm. It identifies and shows the affinity level of every candidate with every offer, and companies can see which candidates are most suitable for their offers. In addition, the recruiter ask five questions when posting the offer, and candidates answer to them w
Europe Language Jobs is a European job board specialized in multilingual recruitment across Europe.
Con modalidades de consultoría, outsourcing o headhunting, en prevención de riesgos laborales e ingeniería con profesionales altamente cualificados a nivel internacional, operando en España, Portugal, Chile, México y Perú. Agilidad y compromiso en los plazos de entrega, dando una cobertura intern
We provide outsourcing services for Tech and Marketing consulting (developing, security, strategies definition, etc.) and Project Management (from the scratch until the project is released). Our clients are Agencies from different tipologies (Tech Agencies, Design Agencies, Marketing Agencies, etc.)
Transformation Partner. Somos una compañía dedicada a crear e implementar soluciones que impulsen la transformación empresarial y la competitividad en este entorno radicalmente disruptivo en el que se desenvuelven marcas y organizaciones de cualquier tamaño y sector. Integramos consultoría de negoci
COFUNCO es la compañia creada en 1.992 para la comercialización de los productos fabricados por FUNOSA –FUNDICIONES DE ODENA, S.A., destinados al mercado de la construcción y obra civil: Tapas y registros, rejas y rejillas, etc... en fundición, dúctil o gris, con la finalidad de permitir el servic
WasabiJobs intends to shake the recruitment of customer facing roles, placing the candidate as central generator of value for the Company.
Distribuidora de pescados y mariscos desde 1964, con Tienda y Marisquería en Madrid: amplia gama de marisco fresco, recién cocido y congelado
Founded in 1981, SOGO began its journey under humble circumstances. The company began at a small office in the city of Barcelona, where the idea of creating high quality household appliances with resistant and long-lasting materials was born. Finding early success with elegantly designed consumer el
CeliaB is a Spanish brand founded in 2012. Colorful, fun and chic we create amazing designs that make woman shine!
Pavimentos Arquiservi es el mayor grupo de pavimentos ligeros – Suelos de madera ,tarimas laminadas, parquet, suelos de vinilo, caucho, moquetas, PVC…- a nivel nacional, por la cantidad y la calidad de los productos que integran nuestro portfolio. Más de 20.000 referencias de primeras marcas, que c
Catts Camera is a retail company that specializes in the import, distribution and sale of film, television and video filming equipment. In addition to products, it comprises cameras, lenses, lighting, glasses, monitors, stands and other consumables and merchandising.