1,001-5,000 employees

Explore 45,962 companies in the 1,001-5,000 employee range

Il Policlinico Casilino è un ospedale pubblico di Roma sede di DEA (Dipartimento Emergenza e Accettazione) di I livello.

LPCR Groupe, SAS


Groupe d’éveil et d’éducation européen, pionnier des crèches privées dès 2000, Grandir propose des solutions d’accompagnement à la famille et à la …

Fomento de Centros de Enseñanza es una institución educativa impulsada por un grupo de padres y educadores que promovieron la creación de colegios en los que se considera esencial la colaboración de las familias. El primer colegio de Fomento abrió sus puertas en el curso 1963-64. En la actualidad ha

DIAMOND ELECTRIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. is a Japan-based holding company engaged in the operation and management of group companies and other related business. The Company is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of automotive equipment and electronic equipment. The automotive equipment busine

Fundado em 1990, o Grupo Segil, iniciou sua atuação no segmento de segurança patrimonial, através da SEGIL – Vigilância e Segurança Ltda. Vislumbrando as novas necessidades de seus clientes ampliou sua área de atuação para atender as expectativas deste mercado, alinhando qualidade e excelência aos s

Preobrazhenskaya Baza Tralovogo Flota PAO is a Russia-based company, which is engaged in the fishing and fish-processing industry. The Company specializes in fishing, processing of raw fish and seafood, as well as sale of particular species, including Alaska Pollock, canned food and caviar. The Comp

Uralkhimplast PAO, formerly Ural'skaya khimicheskaya kompaniya OAO, is a Russia-based company principally engaged in the chemical industry. The Company specializes in the production of synthetic resins, elastrons and compounds on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) basis, engineering and special plastics, form



IMBA S.A. líder en su sector por más de 45 años de actividad, fue fundada el 29 de junio de 1967 en Cochabamba, Bolivia. IMBA es la empresa avícola más importante e influyente en Bolivia, bajo los principios de higiene, calidad y cumplimiento de la normativa de sus certificaciones. Sus productos

Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de Buenos Aires

twenty4 Fashion


Twenty4 offer trendy fashion at great quality and even better prices for men, women, teens, kids and home. Our diverse range of apparel and accessories caters for every taste, ensuring that you are always stylish, regardless of your "look". Identifying a need for value fashion to push the boundaries



Aalst is meer dan een carnavalsstad. Met ongeveer 83.300 inwoners is Aalst de 2de grootste stad van Oost-Vlaanderen en de 5de grootste stad van België.

Banco BPI SA


Banco BPI SA is a Portugal-based financial institution engaged in the banking sector (the Bank). The Bank is a parent of the BPI Group. Banco BPI SA offers a range of financial services and products for corporate, institutional and individual customers. The Bank's activities operate through domestic



The fastest growing, pre-engineered building systems, cladding, aluminum rolling mill and jacketing manufacturer in United Arab Emirates ( UAE ).

Haruyama Holdings Inc., is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in sale of clothing and related western items. The Company operates in two business segments. The Clothing Selling segment is engaged in sale of clothes and related western items. The Others segment is engaged in the advertising agency

Rucker Gmbh


This domain may be for sale!

Jiangsu Highhope International Group Corporation is principally engaged in trading business, real estate business and investment business. Trading business consists of the importing and exporting of commodities. The main customers of exporting include international purchasing groups, mass supermarke

L'​ Azienda Ospedaliera "Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord"​ è stata istituita con legge Regionale n. 21 del 22 Settembre 2009 ed incorpora l'Azienda Ospedaliera "San Salvatore"​ di Pesaro e la struttura ospedaliera "Santa Croce"​ di Fano per un totale di tre stabilimenti ospedalieri. L'​ Az.Osp. si col

JiLin Forest Industry Co., Ltd. is a China-based company principally engaged in forestry and artificial board businesses. The Company mainly provides wooded products, paper products, forest products, household products and others. The Company distributes its products primarily within domestic market

Olymp Trade is a new phenomenon in the world of trading and investing, a reliable broker that meets the preeminent requirements and needs of customers. Our company is an A-category member of the Financial Commission, that proves the high quality of service and guarantees the insurance of every trade

Sitio web del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Plaza Nueva, 1 - C.P. 41001 - Teléfonos 010 - 955 010 010 - webmaster@sevilla.org

Kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) of gehoorverlies kunnen bij Kentalis De Skelp in Drachten en Sneek speciaal onderwijs volgen (cluster 2).

Drujba Glassworks AD (Druzhba Staklarski Zavodi AD Sofia) is a Bulgaria-based company that is principally engaged in the production, distribution and export of glass containers and packaging. It consists of two manufacturing units, in Sofia and in Plovdiv. The Plovdiv factory comprises of two glass

Fluidra México


Fluidra Comercial España, empresa dedicada al desarrollo de aplicaciones para el uso sostenible del agua: piscinas, riego, tratamiento del agua, etc.

Nitta Corp


Nitta Corporation is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of belting products. The Belt and Rubber Product segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of belt products, transmission products, rubber products, toothed belts, V-belt automatic tensioners, and pulleys. The Hose and Tube Product



AchatVille permet aux internautes de trouver tous les produits et commerçants qu'ils recherchent, pour un achat en magasin ou en ligne. Pour les commerçants, AchatVille est outil opportun et efficace ...

Gothic Landscape is a construction company that offers landscape construction services.

Mun Siong Engineering Limited is an investment holding company. The Company is also engaged in providing mechanical engineering service. It operates in two segments: Mechanical, and Electrical, instrumentation and others. The Mechanical segment includes mechanical engineering services of pre-fabrica

Servicios especializados en Minería y Obra Civil. Ejecutamos obras de Sondeos, Cimentaciones, Tratamiento de Suelos, Túneles, Galerías, Edificación Industrial y Obra Civil.

Two Coast Living


Comfortable. Convenient. Contemporary. Two Coast Living is a residential property management company that owns and operates stylish, convenient, and modern communities found in urban and semi-urban communities across the United States. Two Coast Living communities represent the ideal combination o



Führender Hersteller von Umschlagbaggern und Elektrobaggern sowie Raupenkrane, Hafenkrane, Telekrane und Seilbagger.

Wojas SA


Wojas SA is a Poland-based company primarily engaged in the manufacture, wholesale and retail trade of footwear. The Company's offer includes leisure footwear, urban shoes, elegant shoes and trekking boots. It also sells socks and leather accessories and operates through the Internet store. The Comp

Established in 2002, The Meat & Wine Co brings personable service giving you the sense of a ‘home away from home’. While focusing on meat we bring you cutting edge modern cuisine. Serving world class produce and products including the exclusive line of Monte Beef. Designed from paddock to plate thr

Qendra Spitalore Universitare “Nënë Tereza” në Tiranë është institucioni shëndetësor më i madh në Shqipëri dhe si institucion shëndetësor akademik është i vetmi i këtij lloji, duke u klasifikuar si e vetmja qendër shëndetësore terciare shqiptare. Aktualisht QSU “Nënë Tereza” ofron shërbim shëndetës

Beam is a holistic education entity with longstanding experience in developing successful and advanced learning methods, management.

Grupo Tiradentes


A missão de ofertar educação de qualidade exige amor, labor e compromisso social. Requer ainda outros tantos sentimentos, valores e competências que alicerçam a busca contínua pela excelência na arte de ensinar e aprender. Tudo isso é o que move o Grupo Tiradentes em seus anos de existência.

Lohia Group of companies is based in Kanpur, a city in North India. Lohia Group has been dedicatedly serving the market in the field of textiles and flexible packaging for more than three decades.

CHTC Fong's International Company Limited, formerly CHTC Fong's Industries Company Limited, is a Hong Kong-based investment holding company principally engaged in industrial products-related businesses. The Company operates businesses through three segments. Manufacture and Sale of Dyeing and Finish

Planet Sushi


Planet Sushi is a chain of restaurants.

Continuing Healthcare Solutions offers exceptional care for skilled nursing, rehabilitation and assisted living services to our residents throughout our network of communities in Ohio.

Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii jest największym w Polsce ośrodkiem naukowym specjalizującym się w rozwijaniu nowych metod leczenia i rehabilitacji zaburzeń psychicznych i neurologicznych oraz w badaniach nad neurobiologicznymi mechanizmami zaburzeń w czynnościach ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Dys

ЮНИТЕКС – это качество. Компания ЮНИТЕКС была основана в 1992 году. За 20 лет непрерывного развития стала лидером отрасли по производству всех видов офисной мебели. Наша цель — создавать условия для развития Вашего бизнеса. ЮНИТЕКС – это производство. В состав Холдинга входит четыре производст

博地控股下辖中青及万翔两大品牌十余家子公司,业务领域涉及影视文化、城市功能产业地产及投资孵化 基金等三大板块。集团以浙江为中心,现已在北京、天津、安徽、香港等城市设立全资公司。作为以新型 产业为主导的企业,博地控股现已全面开展战略投资业务,希望以资本为平台,在多个行业内打造出一批 领先企业,贡献于中国经济。 此外,博地控股还承担着公司总体资金管理,以及子公司战略方向统一协调与指导等战略功能。 Bodi Holdings Group is responsible for the strategic direction and coordination as well as the