201-500 employees

Explore 90,954 companies in the 201-500 employee range

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home is a program within the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs and is the only veterans home in the State of Maryland. The Home is a 454-bed facility providing a continuum of care from the 168-bed Assisted Living unit to a higher level of care in the 286-Skilled Nursing

SGH Redglaze expertise in the architectural products business that offers products & services for contractors, architects & building owners.

Regional Telhas


Com mais de 35 anos de mercado, evolução é a palavra que melhor descreve nossa história. Começamos com uma pequena empresa de revenda de aço na cidade de Assis- SP e nossa missão sempre foi interpretar as necessidades dos nossos clientes e evoluir ao lado dos nossos parceiros e consumidores. Hoj

HoHui Group LTD


At HohuiPack, their flexible packaging is just that – Simply Flexible. Their easy-to-use, ergonomic packaging facilitates reduced stress throughout the entire supply chain. They strive to be easy to work with and able to tailor solutions to fit their unique needs.

A web design template is a set of professionally created design files for building a web site.

Menneskers møte med Guds kjærlighet skaper forandring i enkeltmennesker, menigheter og samfunn. Sammen kan vi forandre verden.

Conway is de specialist voor on-the-go consumptie. Het is onze visie om "Your most convenient partner" te zijn voor onze klanten – de beste partner die zij hebben

TAMAGAWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. is a holding company primarily engaged in manufacturing and selling electronic and communication equipment. The Company operates in three business segments. The Electronic and Communication Equipment segment develops, manufactures and sells products including high frequen

R.L. Fine Chem


R L Fine Chem is a fastest growing API Manufacturer company in banglore india.

Transition Technologies-Software to społeczność prawie 400 utalentowanych specjalistów, zajmujących się dostarczaniem profesjonalnych usług programistycznych i consultingowych. Będąc częścią Grupy Kapitałowej Transition Technologies, zdobyliśmy ponad 30-letnie doświadczenie w branży IT, stając się l

Kooperativet Hand i Hand är en medlemsstyrd organisation som bildades 1995 för personer med rätt till assistans. Våra medlemmar finns i Skåne, Halland, södra Småland, Västra Götaland, Stockholm samt Jämtland. Vi stöttar våra medlemmar med allt ifrån att ansöka om timmar hos Försäkringskassan/kommune



Plusch offers comprehensive solutions to your interior requirements such as and luxury modern kitchen design with luxury kitchen cabinet brands. Plusch vision embodies your taste for modern luxury kitchen designs with latest luxury modern kitchen cabinets.



«АКРОС» - международная нефтесервисная компания. Cервисное сопровождение буровых растворов, бурение с управляемым давлением, оборудование очистки буровых растворов, закачка буровых отходов.

Universidad Latinoamericana de Postgrado Líder en Ciencias Sociales

Madison County


Madison County is one of the fastest growing counties in Mississippi, yet we have sought to remain a small, friendly community full of rich history and looking forward to a bright future. Named for the fourth president of the United States, James Madison, the 23rd county in Mississippi was created i

China HUALIAN Machinery Co., ltd., Wenzhou

Qoruqları İdarəetmə Mərkəzi Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin 20 dekabr 2018-ci il tarixli 417 nömrəli Fərmanı ilə Dövlət Turizm Agentliyinin nəzdində yaradılmış publik hüquqi şəxsi tabeliyində olan səkkiz qoruğun idarəetməsini həyata keçirir.

Nicola Veículos


A Nicola Veículos Ltda. concessionária Chevrolet surgiu em 15 de agosto de 1977 na cidade de Santiago. Hoje com mais de 13 revendas e ainda em ascensão é a maior franquia GM do interior do estado do RS. Seu maior objetivo é a plena satisfação do cliente, e tem como MISSÃO prestar um excelente serviç

Whether you’re a job-seeker looking to join a close-knit team that’s passionate about providing great service or an employer in need of experienced and motivated help, we’re ready to exceed your expectations of what a staffing service can do for you. We have success' in the waste & recycling indust

MGX Equipment Services, LLC, provides a full range of equipment, parts, and service for the nation’s top crane manufacturers. Whether you're looking for new, used, or rental options, we leverage our position as one of the largest crane dealers in the central U.S. – with the biggest reach – to make i

NY Project Hope


NY Project Hope is New York State's COVID-19 crisis counseling program. We help New York State residents understand their reactions and emotions brought on by COVID-19 through an emotional support helpline, educational materials, and trusted referrals. A program of the NYS Office of Mental Health

2011年,当国人对出国的概念还停留在留学、旅游、移民时,澳大利亚籍华人蔡强有感于中外就医环境、质量、文化等方面的差异,回国创办盛诺一家,注册资金3176万,总部位于北京。这是与国外知名医院建立官方合作、为中国患者提供海外医疗全程咨询与服务的专业机构。 多年来,盛诺一家从零起步,在上海、广州、深圳、杭州等地成立了全资子公司,在美国波士顿、休斯顿、罗切斯特、巴尔的摩、纽约、克利夫兰,英国伦敦,德国柏林、日本东京等地开拓了境外客服中心,拥有200余名全球员工。 目前,公司已经与哈佛大学医学院教学附属麻省总医院、布列根和妇女医院、丹娜法伯癌症研究院、波士顿儿童医院,以及MD



Intelligent buildings start with smarter equipment. At OEMCtrl, we empower you to build smart technology into your solutions so your customer can experience improved access to data, enhanced control and greater energy savings.



Chudleigh’s was born on an apple farm, a place where bliss is never far away. Our scrumptious snacks have been inspired by the magic of coming home.

Barney's Gourmet Hamburgers is a favorite throughout California with locations in San Francisco, the East Bay, and Greater Los Angeles. Our sit-down restaurants with table service are not your typical fast food joints. We use fresh, high-quality ingredients in our burgers, salads, sandwiches, fr

The BOLIVIAN AMERICAN CENTER with 60 years of life, currently a financially self-sustaining institution and academically recognized for the excellence in the teaching it provides, has earned the prestige of being the most important in the teaching of English in Bolivia and one of the outstanding in



OTTO Portland, OTTO Pizza, Pizza delivery, takeout, gluten-free, Boston delivery, Portland delivery, Late-night food, South Portland Pizza, Yarmouth pizza, Newburyport pizza, Brookline pizza, Lynnfield pizza, Cambridge pizza, Coolidge Corner, Harvard Square, Arlington pizza, Saco pizza, beer, wine,

SCRIBES هو نظام تخطيط موارد الشركات وهو عبارة عن حزمة متكاملة من الأنظمة التي تشمل عشرات التطبيقات مطورة من قبل شركو بحر العرب ومخصصة لادارة و تخطيط موارد الشركات المتوسطة والكبيرة. وقد طور باستخدام تقنيات مايكروسوفت العالمية و اوراكل و يعمل على الشبكات المحلية على نظام ويندوز. يجمع سكرايبس معظم ممي

Normandin Transit se spécialise dans le transport de lots brisés ou de charges entières de marchandises, à destination ou en provenance des États-Unis.

Leading producers of Indian Made Foreign Liquor catering exclusively to the overseas market.

ADX Groupe


ADX Groupe, votre bureau d'études de l'existant : - Réalisation de diagnostics immobiliers obligatoires lors de la transaction ou location des biens. - Recherche d’amiante dans tous types de bâtiments, dans les trains, les navires, les enrobés routiers... - Analyse de l’environnement : eau, air, sol

Lapin House


Founded in Greece in 1976, Lapin House is celebrating 40 years as a pioneer in the field of children’s wear. They have been years filled with creativity and smiling children! Guided by quality and specialized know-how, combined with a unique aesthetical point of view that characterizes “Lapin House

AMERICAN SCHOOL FOUNDATION OF CHIAPAS offers day care through high school education in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico. We are a multicultural educational community that inspires a passion for learning by nurturing creative and principled citizens, through critical thinking, inquiry and collaboration.



Terraservice nace el año 1995, iniciando las perforaciones con un equipo de aire reverso. En 1999, inicia su proceso de internacionalización con una filial en Argentina y asociación con la sudafricana Cementation Africa para la construcción de chimeneas raise boring. El año 2002 inicia la perforac

CASAREDO É SABOR DE FAMÍLIA É no sul do Brasil, em São Lourenço do Oeste-SC, que a Casaredo produz, há mais de 50 anos, alimentos com sabor de família. A partir de um moinho próprio, a Casaredo iniciou a produção de farinha de trigo e milho, com a tradicional marca Libardoni. Hoje, possui uma lin

Desde que comenzó operaciones en 1978 la misión de Lanco ha sido satisfacer a sus clientes fabricando los mejores productos posible. Basándose en las creencias de sus fundadores, la línea de productos Lanco consta de una amplia variedad que incluye desde pinturas arquitectónicas y acabados para made



ActiveWills' mission is to make writing a Will, that is fully legally binding, so easy and so affordable that everyone can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing their family, their wealth and their wishes are protected.

ASAHIMATSU FOODS CO., LTD. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of frozen tofu and processed foods. The main products are Namamisozui, including bag natto juice, bag fresh miso and cup fresh miso, Shin Asahi Tofu, instant cup soup, Kori-tofu of cut gourmet and other pr


Adèle France


Particuliers, avec Adèle, profitez d’une qualité de ménage exceptionnelle comme à l’hôtel. Nos prestations sont établies à un tarif juste et fixé à l’avance. Contactez nos femmes et hommes de ménage pour l’entretien de votre domicile.

Parkwood Theatres have four venues that are located around the UK and all three offer a unique experience to all of our guests. With a range of plays, musicals and activities taking place, there is something for everybody. Find out more about our venues here

Patriot Erectors


Turnkey Structural & Miscellaneous Steel Fabrication & Erection. AISC Certified Fabricator & Erector. Safety, Quality, Performance.



Utah wedding reception and event center centrally located in Bountiful just 15 minutes from Salt Lake City. Wedding luncheons, ceremonies and much more...

We are Asheville’s only co-ed, independent, secular day school for grades PK3–12, and our Key School is a national leader in transforming students with language-based learning differences into high achievers and confident, capable learners.

RUNSYSTEM CO., LTD. is a Japan-based company engaged in store management business and real estate businesses. The Company mainly operates in two segments. The Store Management segment is engaged in the development of stores for complex cafes, the provision of all or part of the three basic services

Happy Dragon


At Happy Dragon, we’re committed to providing you and your loved ones with exceptional care in a compassionate and friendly atmosphere. Located in Corona, our center tries it’s very best to facilitate the emotional, cognitive and social development of young children. The classrooms are designed to p



Lacombe Action Group, Lacombe, Alberta.