Explore 8,605 companies in Charity
Global Peace was launched on 27 July 2018, by the Chair of ACCORD’s Board of Trustees, Mrs. Graça Machel at a luncheon hosted by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for twenty Heads of State attending the 2018 BRICS Plus Summit. Working through young people across the world and with governments
We're a multi-award-winning Students' Union providing advice, support, representation, events, facilities activities, societies and opportunities for all students at Teesside University. We're led by students for students with 3 elected Student Officers (President Education, President International
APNABI es la asociación de referencia en TEA materia de autismo en Bizkaia. Nació en la década de los 70 como iniciativa de un grupo de familiares de personas afectadas de autismo, que vieron la necesidad de aunar esfuerzos en su lucha por dignificar lo que entonces, y debido al desconocimiento qu
AntFarm’s vision is to see all people healthy, live with purpose, and contribute to community well being. Our mission is to create and connect a healthy, purposeful, and compassionate community by providing culturally aware and responsive life-changing learning experiences for youth.
SOS-Lapsikylän tavoitteena on lisätä lasten ja perheiden hyvinvointia Suomessa ja maailmalla. Olemme lastensuojelun ja lapsiperheiden varhaisen tuen asiantuntija ja palveluntuottaja. Toimimme myös kehittämiskumppanina kunnille ja maakunnille lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. SOS-Lapsikylä o
Easter Seals Goodwill ND, Inc. is a leading organization in supporting children, adults, and families to have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play in their communities. We are one of few dual-brand organizations in the United States. We have affiliation with two national organizations
The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Rotary District 7890 is made up of 59 clubs located in northern Connecticut and weste
The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) is a charitable policy and community development think-and-do-tank. It was founded in 2011 to encourage and facilitate the inclusion of Canadian Arabs in the cultural, political, civic and socio-economic life of the country. CAI’s vision is for an engaged and empowe
Convinced that everyone needs to hear the Gospel, our heart is to make disciples of Jesus in communities where He is least known. We partner with local Australian churches in equipping and sending out cross-cultural gospel workers, with a variety of skills and talents, to serve in a diverse range of
TRIMBERGER FAMILY FOUNDATION is a nonprofit organization management company based out of 1261 CHATEAU DR, SAN JOSE, California, United States.
Ocean Mind Inc. is a not for profit charity that provides therapeutic surf courses for young people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. We use a mix of surf therapy and mentoring to create a therapeutic environment for young people to challenge themselves, learn new skills and develop
Union Christian College adheres to the philosophy that education is far more than just simply students with professional knowledge. It has to devote itself to deliver whole person education that fosters spiritual, intellectual, humane, social and physical development of learners, nurturing them to b
🌿 Welcome to Jarurat Care 🌿 Founded with a compassionate mission to combat the challenges of Gallbladder, Cholangiocarcinoma, and Liver Cancer in India, Jarurat Care stands as a beacon of hope for those embarking on one of life's toughest journeys. Our NGO is dedicated to providing a lifeline to
FOR OUR FUTURE ACTION FUND is a company based out of 225 E BROAD ST, Columbus, Ohio, United States.
API Chaya supports Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islander survivors and families impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as human trafficking survivors from all communities. API Chaya engages communities to change societal conditions that enable domestic and sexual violence, huma
About Samvedana: We are a registered charitable institution exempted under section 80 G; VISION: • To support the social growth of the less privileged slum children by providing good educational opportunities • To uplift their whole environment by various welfare programmes, outdoors exposu
City Hope St. Louis provides opportunities to the unhoused community in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region to ensure all of our community members are sheltered, fed hot nutritious meals, and given hope through targeted teaching, empowerment, and provision of resources to our guests that will assist t
JCI est LE mouvement mondial de jeunes citoyens actifs. Notre mission est de donner l’opportunité aux jeunes de développer leurs talents pour créer des changements positifs. Basée sur le principe du « Learning by Doing », cette ASBL permet aux jeunes de développer, par l’action, des techniques de ge
LAKE TRAVIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION is a company based out of 2101 LAKEWAY BLVD, LAKEWAY, Texas, United States.
The World Race is a stretching journey to serve “the least of these” while amongst real and raw community. This unique mission trip is a challenging adventure for young adults to abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it's not about you; it's ab
La Esperanza Granada is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious educational NGO, funded by both private and public donations. ‘Born’ in 2002, we started in a small village on the outskirts of Granada, and we now help more than 400 children and young people in poverty-stricken areas. We are a
For Youth Development For Healthy Living For Social Responsibility
TEXAS SUICIDE PREVENTION COLLABORATIVE is a social impact organization that supports and administers the Texas Suicide Prevention Council - a network of 140+ statewide partners, local coalitions, Military and Veteran Organizations and institutions of higher education who work together to improve su
People with disabilities, parents, professionals and interested citizens join together to promote and advocate for the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
HeroHub is a charitable ecosystem that creates a greater social impact, by connecting individuals with charities, nonprofits, and their opportunities with 5 innovative tools!
Center for Child Study and Protection Foundation (Yayasan Pusat Kajian dan Perlindungan Anak - PKPA) was established on 21 October 1996 in Medan by a number of Civil Society Organization (CSO) activists, lecturers, and college students with Notarial Deed Number 65 of 1998. In order to comply with La
For almost 40 years, WISH has been a refuge and an essential point of contact for street-based sex workers who have been made vulnerable due to poverty, homelessness, trauma, violence, stigma, and a lack of access to supports and opportunities. WISH is the largest organization in Canada supporting s
Peyton’s Promise serves as the “middleman” between food drives and organizations fighting hunger. Our advocates encourage the donations of fresh healthy food and eliminate the donations of outdated food. Our advocates run food drives in their schools and communities as well as hosting our stock the
Promover la unidad nacional en torno a nuestros valores. Promover una cultura de integración a favor de las personas con discapacidad. Construir y operar centros de rehabilitación para menores con discapacidad. Apoyar a instituciones que trabajan en el sector de la discapacidad en la Repúb
The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) is a charity and an industry-led network with a mission to radically improve the sustainability of the built environment. With over 700 member organisations spanning the entire value chain, we represent the voice of the industry’s current and future leaders st
Our core mission is to be Asia’s premier sales activation agency providing high quality, high volume sales while enhancing and developing our clients’ brands. We have more than 2,000 independent contractors who deliver close to 120,000 presentations face-to-face daily, to potential customers and don
Welcome to Delta Sigma Pi's Lambda Tau Chapter! This is the official page where alumni, collegiate members, advisors, and all other stakeholders in Lambda Tau can stay connected and up to date with current events and chapter updates. Our chapter was established on April 4th, 1987 by 11 Bentley stud
A not-for-profit action group working to increase the quality of air in London, starting from borough of Camden 📣 During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camden’s air quality dramatically improved. Walking on our streets became more enjoyable as there were fewer cars on the road and toxins in the air. We’ve
Our Mission The Hispanic Women's Network of Texas promotes the advancement of women in public, corporate, and civic life through education, personal and professional development. Our Vision To be the premier women’s organization leading as an agent of change. Our Values Respect, Integrity, Servan
The Council for Third Age, C3A, set up in May 2007, is an agency which promotes active ageing in Singapore through public education, outreach and partnerships. As an umbrella body in the active ageing landscape, with its focus on lifelong learning, senior volunteerism, and positive ageing, C3A works
The culture collective is the world's first global ecosystem to connect, empower, and activate culture champions. Join us in a city near you or apply to open a chapter in your city! We have chapters in San Francisco, Singapore, Perth, Los Angeles, Seattle, Toronto, Lansing, Auckland, Wellington, Me
The Zahra Trust's mission is to aid those suffering from war, poverty and famine. We do so by providing basic philanthropic needs, enabling them to survive and making themselves sustainable so they will no longer require aid.
DemonTHON is a year-long fundraising organization, benefiting Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago that culminates in a 24-hour student-run Dance Marathon every spring. Throughout the duration of the year, DemonTHON hosts events on campus and throughout the City of Chicago that engag
The Children’s Agenda was founded in 2004 after a multi-year planning process initiated by the Rochester Area Community Foundation to address three things missing for children and youth in Monroe County: 1. Advocacy for policy and funding changes that get to the root of problems, independent of and
Fondo Social para La Vivienda is a company based out of Calle Ruben Dario No. 901, SAN SALVADOR, Salvador, El Salvador.
The Montgomery County Humane Society is the pre-eminent animal welfare organization in Montgomery County, helping animals find safety, love, quality care, loving homes, and a new chance at a happy life. In April, 2014 MCHS became fully independent and 100% privately funded. We take cats and dogs ou
The Kite and Key Society is The University of Pennsylvania's oldest and largest service organization. The Kite and Key Society was founded in the Spring of 1924 with a total of ten students. Today, Kite and Key numbers more than 200 students, with volunteers serving via Chat and Chew, Tour Guiding
The Spirit of St. Louis Women's Fund (S0S) educates and inspires women to engage in informed, collective grant making by investing in Greater St. Louis' small nonprofits to positively effect change in our communities.
Spurwechsel GmbH is a civic & social organization company based out of 42 Badstraße, Bad Boll, Baden-W��rttemberg, Germany.
Prisma es una ONG peruana que diseña y ejecuta investigaciones y proyectos innovadores que potencian las capacidades y mejoran su acceso a oportunidades, contribuyendo a un desarrollo sostenible. Prisma contribuye a la mejora de la calidad de los servicios públicos al ciudadano, generando evidencia
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity builds community – one home, one family at a time – by making it possible for low-income families to own decent, affordable homes. We also engage our local community through volunteer activism on our job sites. In addition, we also run ReStore - supplying o
Somos una organización de inspiración cristiana, abierta a todo hombre y mujer de buena voluntad. A través del trabajo voluntario tenemos como misión servir, promover y dignificar a quienes más lo necesitan. Motivados por los ejemplos contemporáneos de caridad de San Alberto Hurtado y Madre Ter