
Explore 33,346 companies in Education

SKO Learning develops educational software to improve executive and cognitive functioning and reading comprehension for k-6 students.



CoffeeStrap: A Better Language Exchange.

Agile Jordan


We are building a community around agile to improve the way we work in Jordan. What we try to accomplish: -Spread the seeds for a culture and mindset change -Continuously learn and share agile knowledge -Share our challenges and support each other



Blair empowers schools to be more accessible by structuring and creating sustainable ISA programs.



At Saronge, we help women ready to make changes in their career by providing rich, data-driven education and coaching. Our vision is for women to have the knowledge, tools and support to: See and be themselves Develop and express their self-worth Effectively understand and address current career c



KVCH is a 32 years old company having expertise in multiple training domains. In a world, where there is growing demand for skilled IT professionals, the key to transforming today’s students into tomorrow’s working professionals is to develop industry capabilities right from the foundation level. T

El Instituto Universitario de Yucatán, se ha consolidado como una Institución comprometida con el desarrollo educativo del país. El esfuerzo que realizamos, se dirige a brindar una educación con alto valor humano que permita a nuestros estudiantes, desarrollarse de manera plena en un mundo sin front



StudyPact is crowd funded motivation. Set your goals. Set your stakes. Get paid when you make it. Pay others when you fail.



100mentors empowers today’s youth to consciously take their once in a lifetime decisions & prepare them for the workplace of the future.



WoWijs is een initiatief van De Stichting Haagse Jeugd Gezond en heeft een succesvolle multidisciplinaire leefstijlinterventie bij het bestrijden van overgewicht en begeleidt kinderen tussen 6 en 14 jaar naar een gezonde leeftijl. WoWijs is erkend door het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Mi

The Imagine-Chancellor charter school will establish, equip, engage, and evaluate every student through an authentic curriculum and a nurturing learning environment.



Opent je wereld is onze belofte aan kinderen, ouders en medewerkers die voor Kibeo kiezen. We bieden een plek waar zowel kinderen als medewerkers zichzelf kunnen zijn, waar ze worden uitgedaagd om nieuwe dingen te proberen en waar ze worden gestimuleerd om hun eigen interesses en passie te volgen.  

Natur & Kultur


Natur & Kultur är en oberoende stiftelse med uppdrag att främja kultur, bildning och humanistiska värden. Stiftelsens kärnverksamhet är förlaget, som ger ut böcker, läromedel och akademisk litteratur. Dessutom delar vi varje år ut priser, stipendier och stöd för att stärka röster i det demokratiska

NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center offers industry training for union electrical apprentices and journey level workers.

Trinity Christian School is a Private Christian School located in Lubbock, TX.



RailsBridge is a free weekend workshop where women learn Ruby on Rails from volunteers.

About: Seeks to expose selected volunteers to a more in depth learning experience about the broader IEEE structure and organizational units outside MGA. Mission: Design a high quality onboarding program to accelerate volunteers knowledge of IEEE’s organization, products & services, and resources an

Lindhardt og Ringhof Uddannelse er et af Danmarks største og førende læringshuse. Vi udvikler læremidler, koncepter og platforme, der har det til fælles, at de giver børn, unge og voksne i Danmark de allerbedste betingelser for at uddanne og udvikle sig. Uanset om de går i 2. klasse, lærer dansk som

SAT Test Prep / ACT Test Prep / Private Tutoring - Good Morning Education - (720) 644-8264 - - 10200 E Girard Ave, A-416, Denver, CO 80231



UMPE es la unidad académica que concentra las maestrías y posgrados en Economía, Finanzas, Contabilidad y Transformación Digital de la Universidad de Montevideo. Cuenta con el respaldo, la calidad educativa y el servicio de la universidad uruguaya mejor rankeada en QSWUR 2022 para formar una nueva

Rounders Entertainment is a Cross-media company that teaches emotional skills to pre-schoolers.

Education, Incubation, Investment

PCUV es un ecosistema de innovación e investigación, con más de 80 empresas innovadoras, para generar conocimiento y fomentar los procesos de innovación.

Ovation Music & Studios offers private music lessons, instrument sales, service, and more.

The purpose of YueCheng Education (YCE) is to provide a future-oriented education for the children of Chinese and expatriate families living in Beijing. Founded on a passion to challenge and empower young people to live fulfilling and productive lives, YCE opened Beijing City International School (w

Bij een zwemles is vertrouwen en veiligheid erg belangrijk. SwimBee werkt alleen met gecertificeerde leraren en is een erkend leer-werk bedrijf. Hierdoor kunt u er zeker van zijn dat uw kind in goede handen is. Voor en na de les kunt u kort met de leraren praten en de lessen kunt u altijd zelf volge

Minos Labs


Minos Labs offers remote, pre-education, and career acceleration programs.

Colegio Victoria


K-12 bilingual education



VCOG is het schoolbestuur van de christelijke basisscholen in de stad Groningen. VCOG verzorgt onderwijs aan ruim 3300 leerlingen, wonende in verschillende wijken van Groningen. Met zo'n 300 leerkrachten en ondersteunend personeel geven wij onderwijs met Lef en Liefde.

Retain Technologies is a student monitoring and scheduling platform. Retain Technologies provides software tools for athletic departments, campus programs, tutoring centers, and student development. It provides appointment scheduling, check ins, progress reports, and app messaging.

Beam is a holistic education entity with longstanding experience in developing successful and advanced learning methods, management.

Our school district is a welcoming, high-performing, and thriving district with approximately 2175 amazing, unique, and special students who attend one of our four elementary schools, middle school, high school, or regional non-traditional high school. Centered on the boundary of the fertile, produ

Vi uddanner velfærdssamfundets kernemedarbejdere. Hos os kan du læse til SOSU-hjælper, SOSU-assistent eller pædagogisk assistent, eller du kan vælge EUX Velfærd, hvor du både får en erhvervsuddannelse som SOSU-assistent eller pædagogisk assistent OG en studentereksamen på én gang. Vi har også spænde

Purdue GEARE


GEARE is the top international program for engineers in America. We provide Purdue engineers the opportunity to have a holistic experience. Our brilliant engineers start with a series of educational events and seminars to equip them with the knowledge and skills that they need to tackle the challe

Indeed Training


Indeed Training is an apt platform for professionals and students to take courses to improve their job-related skills. We aim to help you to master different aspired fields such as Digital marketing, Web development, Web designing, and much more. Apart from Training, we also help our students to get

ISO-Quality Testing delivers comprehensive, user-friendly and cost-effective computer-based testing solutions to credentialing bodies.

We locate and train outstanding people for the innovative digital professions in cooperation with the leading digital companies.

We are raising up ten thousand men who are thriving in their four main roles. Son of God // Husband of a Thriving Wife // Intentional, Faithful Father // Supportive Brother

SET Padova


The Student Engagement Team (SET) was established in September 2020 by a group of second year master’s degree students from the Human Rights and Multilevel Governance (HRG) program at Università degli Studi di Padova (UniPD). We believe in fostering an education system that encourages young people t



PREP , Inc. is a company that trains clergy, mental health professionals & lay leaders & Provides Resources for Relationship Education.

Creating Minds


A platform to learn and develop skills that you need for your excellent career. We help you crack your dream job by supercharging your skillsets. With our world-class mentorship and new-age curriculum, we enable you to get placed in your dream companies worldwide



Nos dedicamos a la enseñanza del idioma inglés con un método comprobado de autoría propia entregado por maestros altamente capacitados y supervisados. Nuestra misión es "Cambiar vidas por medio de la enseñanza del idioma inglés mejorando la competitividad de todos aquellos de alguna forma participan



Luksialta löydät monipuolisesti ammattiin tähtääviä ja osaamista kehittäviä koulutuksia niin nuorille kuin aikuisille. Tutustu laajaan tarjontaamme!

Assignment writing is a regular part of studies for students at various levels.

HBCU First


HBCU First is a student-led community advancing the economic participation and well-being of America's Black youth. As the leading HBCU internship and mentoring academy, we empower elite students — at over 70 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) — with in-demand, college-to-careeer



SunSed is an IT company that builds programmable websites for developers.

Het Onderwijsbureau heeft een passie voor onderwijs! Onderwijs gaat over emotie en betrokkenheid! We moeten kinderen opleiden voor de toekomst. Daarom komen wij met vernieuwende oplossingen en denken wij nét even anders. Wij profileren ons als het gespecialiseerde ondersteuningscentrum voor pers



SEOBetter is a small business owner and entrepreneurs and consulting agency that provides marketing, e-commerce, SEM, SEO.