Explore 14,075 companies in Government
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CSZNet provides IT Solutions & Services for Federal & State Government and Private Sectors. We offer a diverse array of solutions ranging from strategy services right through implementing IT solutions such as Modernization of Infrastructure, Cloud Solutions, Mobile Solutions, SharePoint and Projec
Website duo.nl/particulier
The BCGEU is one of the largest and most diverse unions in British Columbia with over 85,000 members in 550 bargaining units in the public and private sector.
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Dymatize Enterprises manufactures and supplies nutritional supplements to college, olympic, and professional athletic programs. Its products include nitric oxide, cereals and oatmeal, proteins, amino acids, creatine, energy and fat loss products, and apparel and accessories. It serves pro football,
City of Santa Fe is committed to providing excellent water, wastewater, trash, and recycling services, environmental services. The City of Santa Fe Public Utilities Department understands that commercial water, trash, and recycling accounts may need to be altered due to the COVID-19 virus.
IMSolutions, LLC, a Virginia-based management consulting firm, is a rapidly growing economically disadvantaged woman-owned (8m), veteran-owned management consulting company. IMS specializes in providing innovative and cost-competitive business and program management solutions to our clients across
Vickers Nolan Enterprises specializes in rapid technology insertion and hardware integration for military and IC requirements. They provide hardware and software integration solutions and program management, acquisition support, intelligence services, engineering, technical support, training, field
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A family-owned and operated business since 1946, Dawson remains the leading manufacturer of high-quality metal fabrications and architectural products, serving a clientele in the United States and throughout the world. From simple to ornate, every project is designed and fabricated through a unique
ESSSuper is one of Australia’s biggest super funds with more than 132,000 members and over $29 billion in funds. What’s more, we’re proud to be the dedicated, not-for-profit super fund serving Emergency Services and State employees. Our work has meaning, we serve the people who serve the community.
Established in 1921, Foster Fuels, Inc. is a third-generation Foster family owned-and-operated business headquartered in Campbell County Virginia. We serve residential and commercial customers in all regions of the United States. Foster Fuels' Mission Critical division meets emergency fuel needs at
Can you ever be too healthy? We all know the answer to that question. But working in a state that ranks #43 in overall health sometimes makes us feel like we're the only ones. The Oklahoma City-County Health Department is working hard to change behaviors. And we're glad to have you on our
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Promoting and informing a Tigard for all. Home of the BureauCat, En Contacto podcast, and Talking Tigard podcast.
Newark is a vibrant and diverse city located in the heard of the Bay Area. With a population of over 47,000 people, Newark offers a unique blend of suburban tranquility with access to urban excitement, making it a great place to live, work, and play. In addition to a robust economy, Newark is home
Small Business Majority is a national small business advocacy organization, founded and run by small business owners to ensure America's entrepreneurs are a key part of a thriving and inclusive economy. We actively engage small business owners and policymakers in support of public policy solutions,
A Family of Companies Three Saints Bay is the Holding Company for a group of 8(a), Alaska Native Corporation (ANC)-owned, Small Disadvantaged Business service companies. A Holding Company owns part, all, or a majority of other companies’ outstanding stock. Three Saints Bay does not produce goods or
Farstavikens skola är en sammanhållen F-9-skola. Avdelningen Kvarnberget ligger högt och vackert beläget mitt i centrala Gustavsberg. Skolan som stod färdig 1950 kommer inom ett par år ha totalrenoverats till toppmodern standard och därmed erbjuda de bästa lokalmässiga förutsättningarna för en skola
Tillväxtverket är en statlig myndighet under Näringsdepartementet. Vi har regeringens uppdrag att främja hållbar näringslivsutveckling och regional tillväxt samt att genomföra strukturfondsprogram.
The National Committee on United States-China Relations is the leading American non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to building constructive and durable relationships between the United States and China. The Committee creates opportunities for informed discussion and reasoned debate about
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Duke Student Government (DSG) is the official governing body of undergraduate students at Duke. DSG acts as the principal liaison between students and the Duke administration and oversees the funding and approval of student organizations on campus. DSG represents the student voice at Duke, lobbying
Keller and Heckman, founded in 1962, has a broad practice in the areas of regulatory law, public policy, and litigation, serving both domestic and international clients. Our firm is a pioneer in the use of interdisciplinary approaches to problem-solving. Since 1971, we have had an in-house scientif
The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and lite
From the small business owner to Fortune 100 hotels and government agencies, we have been providing superior service for over 25 years.
The American Evaluation Association is a professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation.
A partnership approach to digital quality assurance for Local Authorities across England. Invision360's award-winning digital QA tools assist Local Authorities in improving quality and consistency against recognised standards: ⚡️ EHCP ⚡️ EHCP Annual Review ⚡️ PEP ⚡️ Health Advice ⚡️ Statutory EP
Jsme národní rozvojovou bankou České republiky. Prostřednictvím finančních nástrojů podporujeme investice do rozvoje soukromého i veřejného sektoru.
--- We are now using the Frequentis LinkedIN site --- Since 1989, C4i has led advancements in secure communications for the world’s most demanding mission-critical environments. C4i’s interoperable communications solutions are used by defence, governments and industry in more than 35 countries. C4i
El Consejo Superior de Cámaras de Comercio, representante a nivel nacional e internacional de las 88 Cámaras de Comercio, es el interlocutor válido ante los órganos de la Administración del Estado. Coordina las actuaciones de las Cámaras, fomenta la relación entre ellas y elabora la posición de las
Het AiNed programma helpt Nederlandse bedrijven en publieke instellingen om essentiële stappen te zetten met AI die van groot economisch én maatschappelijk belang zijn. Het AiNed programma is tot stand gekomen dankzij bijdragen vanuit een veelheid aan stakeholders, partners en deelnemers afkomstig u
City of York Council is for report problems, parking, council tax and traveling and many more.
Maclean Health is an ISO 9001:2015 certified medical and pharmaceutical products wholesale distributor with a specialization in supplying market innovators. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality medical and pharmaceutical products to our government clients, leveraging cutting-edge technolog
Official LinkedIn page of the City of Longview, Texas, with information about City government, services, and events. For more detailed information, please visit LongviewTexas.gov or call 903-237-1000.
Landsbyen Sølund er en boform og aktivitetstilbud for mennesker med betydelig og varigt nedsat psykisk og fysisk funktionsniveau.
Better Consultants. Better Business. Michael Shannon Consulting LLC is a leader in modern-day federal government business solutions. We have been a key financial policy, business process and systems implementation adviser to our clients. We have led large-scale efforts that have efficiently tr
SYNCHRON provides technical support services to the Department of Defense, Government Contractors, and select partners. Our mission is to combine Subject Matter Expertise with innovative technology applications to provide highly effective and efficient solutions to government and commercial clients.
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) is a bipartisan, non-profit initiative with a clear mission: to make recommendations to strengthen America’s long-term competitiveness for a future where artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies reshape our national security, economy
The American Economic Liberties Project launched in February 2020 to help translate the intellectual victories of the anti-monopoly movement into momentum towards concrete, wide-ranging policy changes that begin to address today’s crisis of concentrated economic power. Economic Liberties is led by
Namminersorlutik Oqartussat Qitiusumik Allaffeqarfeqarput 650 missaanik sulisulimmik. Qitiusumik Allaffeqarfiup aqqanilinnik naalakkersuisoqarfeqartup arfineq-pingasunillu aqutsisoqarfeqartup suliassaraa qinikkat tassalu Naalakkersuisut aalajangiinissaminni tunngavissaqartarnissaat qulakkiissallugu.
SECTION6 builds mission-critical software for your mission-critical business. SECTION6's mission is to help organisations whose mission is essential in people’s lives, communities, and often their countries. To help achieve our mission, we focus our services on designing, building, integrating, and
Het Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid (NIPV) is het publiek kennisinstituut dat veiligheidsregio's, Rijksoverheid en crisispartners onderling verbindt en versterkt met onderzoek, onderwijs, ondersteuning en informatie. NIPV fungeert als een centre of expertise als het gaat om hoogwaardige ken
The City of Mont Belvieu is located in Chambers and Liberty Counties in the state of Texas. It is just north of Interstate 10 along State Highway 146. It is estimated that the population in 2022 is approximately 8,340. The first permanent settlers to the area were Henry Griffith and his wife, Amel
We are an organization of more than 72,000 people who, by joining together, are achieving what we cannot accomplish alone. By standing together, we have a voice in our contracts and our daily work lives. We provide valuable services to our communities, doing more than 500 different jobs in 85 state
The City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent, nonpartisan oversight agency whose mission is to promote economy, effectiveness, efficiency, and integrity in the administration of programs and operations of City government. Report misconduct, waste, and abuse or share you
Federal Signal is the leader in innovative equipment, signaling products, communication, and security systems that keep workers, first responders, and our communities safe and secure. Follow along with us as our innovative spirit drives our commitment to safety and security to the next level.
Crimson Phoenix develops state of the art software and web applications to support various missions across the Intelligence Community and federal civilian sectors. Whether we’re developing personnel/HR systems, or developing custom tools to utilize massive amounts of data, Crimson Phoenix has the r
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board administers the Thrift Savings Plan, a tax-deferred retirement account similar to a 401(k).
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Hong Leong Asia is a diversified Asian multinational with core businesses in construction and transport.
Wij zijn denkers en doeners die meebouwen aan een weerbare democratie, kansen voor de jeugd en een goed stelsel van zorg en participatie. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat positieve verandering altijd mogelijk is. Door met alle betrokkenen samen te werken aan verbetering. Verbetering voor mensen die de
Prospera builds on two decades of Australian support for strong, sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. It implements important elements of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. Prospera works with around 30 Indonesian government agencies, providing the