Explore 14,088 companies in Government
As a leader in economic development, the Port of Port Angeles has at its core the mission of bringing prosperity to the communities of Clallam County. The Port does this through thoughtful and creative management of people, resources and infrastructure to promote the long-term well-being of the citi
The City of Rexburg is America’s Family Community and home to BYU-Idaho, two hours southwest of Yellowstone National Park. Family comes in many forms so we don’t seek to define the family. Rexburg invests in initiatives that provide a community atmosphere for all families through promoting entrepren
ADPoly is a governmental entity managed by the Institute of Applied Technology. It brings the internationally recognized Applied Bachelor / Higher Diplomas of advanced careers and majors in collaboration with various partners and a talented team of administrators and instructors.
Freja eID is an electronic identification you can use to access online services, identify yourself and others, control who gets your personal data and make electronic signatures, all that wrapped in a safe and easy-to-use mobile app. EXPLORE FREJA eID We want to redefine what it means to be an e-I
The State Land Office is responsible for administering 9 million acres of surface and 13 million acres of subsurface estate for the beneficiaries of the state land trust, which includes schools, universities, hospitals and other important public institutions. The Land Office seeks to optimize revenu
ABM is a frontrunner in enabling e-government in India with several successfully sustained projects. ABM’s various e-governance solutions delivered 40+ million Citizen Services last year compared to 4.2 Million in 2010 and growing. Several states have selected ABM for the state-wide rollout of cruci
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit's vision is to be leaders in creating healthy communities and healthy environments. Our mission is to be committed to meeting the public health needs of our citizens by delivering accessible programming of the highest standards in protection, prevention and healt
From federal agencies to major cities to smaller counties and municipalities, Pioneer Credit Recovery, Inc.® (Pioneer) recovers debt for all levels of government. Pioneer provides its clients with quality results, experience, leadership, and technology, including state-of-the art infrastructure, tel
WCLS is a public library system in Whatcom County, WA.
Créée en 1976, Interfel l’Interprofession des fruits et légumes frais, rassemble l’ensemble des produits issus de la filière des fruits et légumes frais. Tous les stades représentants les métiers de la filière sont représentés : production, coopération, gouvernance économique, expédition, importatio
Need all-star employees? We're here to help. Need a great job in Memphis, Dallas, Atlanta, or Baton Rouge? You're our draft pick.
French Consulting offers unique Professional Management expertise and solutions to the U.S. Department of Defense. Our business offers Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO) to private corporations as well as Military Community Services, Healthcare Services, Health Facilities Management and Logistics f
“Advancing Your Agenda” is not just our tagline, it’s what we do. The attorneys at Cole Huber LLP have decades of collective experience representing municipalities throughout California. With offices in Northern California, the Central Coast, and Southern California, our attorneys provide thoughtfu
Founded in 1994, Cooksey Communications is a Texas-based, strategic communications firm that delivers high-impact results for clients with complex communications challenges. We specialize in issues-related communications for government/economic development, transportation, water, energy and educat
FSHISD educates the children of active military personnel. The district is coterminous with the Army installation Fort Sam Houston, meaning it has the same boundaries as the installation. We are diligent in our efforts to maintain a strong partnership with the Installation for the sake of our mili
Thank you for following Whittier City Hall on LinkedIn. The City of Whittier strives to provide a healthy, safe, and prosperous community through a balance of economic, social, political, cultural, and recreational opportunities. At Whittier City Hall, we aim to cultivate an atmosphere conducive to
myosh is a global vendor of environmental health and safety management (EHS) cloud based software. Features include easy to use interactive dashboards and mobile apps servicing the requirements of many industries including government, defense, aviation, manufacturing, construction and mining. C
På Dragør Kommunes hjemmeside finder du information, service og selvbetjeningsydelser fra Dragør Kommune. Du kan også følge med i det politiske liv.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a leading diplomatic institution in Africa with the ability and capacity to marshal strategic partners for the continent and the region; to play a central role in Ethiopia’s growth into a democratic developmental state and in the achievement of peace and stability
Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation is an independent, self-governed tribal nation located in Brooks, California. The Yocha Dehe Tribe is a sovereign Native American nation and is recognized by the United States. Operating under the Tribe’s own constitution and bylaws, the Tribal Council enacts laws that gover
The Palos Verdes Library District is a nationally recognized, award-winning library system serving all four cities on the beautiful Palos Verdes Peninsula. We collaborate with our community to create environments for learning and inspiration, and to share the unique history of the Peninsula. PVLD i
North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC). 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S42 6NG. Telephone 01246 231111
A park and trail system that serves the west suburban Minneapolis and St. Paul Twin Cities area of Minnesota with events and activities for all seasons.
National Farmers Union (NFU) works to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through the principles of education, cooperation, and legislation. We represent farmers and ranchers in all states, with organized divisions in 33
LOA is comprised of military officers and civilians in the logistics, acquisition and technology fields around the globe. The purpose of the Logistics Officer Association and Acquisition Officer Association is to enhance our military and civilian professions. LOA provides a forum to promote quality
There’s a group of people who are always there for us: the blue light community. Working tirelessly to keep us safe, healthy and supported; they make sacrifices every day. We want to thank them for it. Supporting millions of members acrossAustralia, Blue Light Card will partner with local, region
Our Vision: Healthy people thriving in healthy communities in Williamson County. Our Mission: The Williamson County and Cities Health District, in partnership with communities, protects and promotes the health of the people of Williamson County. Our Values: WCCHD employees commit to: -
We are a policy advocacy group fighting displacement in the East Colfax neighborhood through community-led decision making and power building. Our vision is to be a multicultural community where low and moderate income residents and locally-owned businesses can thrive.
The Newark Housing Authority (NHA) is the largest public housing authority in New Jersey and the eleventh largest in the nation. We have a portfolio of 44 public housing communities with a total of over 8,000 rental units scattered throughout the City of Newark. NHA also administers up to 4,000 Hous
BLOCKPHISH are a leading Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) for organisations across a variety of global industries including Healthcare, Legal, Financial Services and Government. We are passionate about keeping organisations secure, and provide insightful, proven solutions to tackle complex c
The VT Department of Liquor & Lottery provides a regulatory framework for the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and gaming entertainment, ensuring public safety and contributing 100% of profits to Vermont communities through the General and Education funds.
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) was established by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as amended by Decree No. 19 of 1999 and now the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control Act Cap NI Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 to regulate and cont
Located in Reston, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C., the Office of Finance (OF) is operated on behalf of the 11 regional FHLBanks. Its primary function is to issue and service all debt securities for the FHLBanks, while obtaining the most cost-effective terms possible given current market cond
Construite au XVIIIe siècle sur ordre du roi de Sardaigne pour concurrencer Genève, la Ville de Carouge est aujourd'hui une charmante cité où il fait bon vivre et offrant une multitude de services modernes, efficaces et accessibles pour toutes et tous. Son administration compte 10 services: - Serv
EMPLOYERS We understand. You want more than just a list of names to fill a role. You want committed, skilled and engaged candidates who can work with you to achieve your business goals. Findmea is the connector between you and these candidates. We partner with you, taking the time to understand you
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age." (Matt 28:19-20) Following the Great Apostle Paul's example, CM
This is an environmental economics research network that works with local and international public and private institutions to influence environmental policy
Washington Cities Insurance Authority is an insurance risk pool serving cities, towns, and municipal-type organizations in Washington State.
La cabecera del partido de General Pueyrredon es la ciudad de Mar del Plata, la urbe turística más importante de Argentina, tras Buenos Aires y el centro balneario más importante del país. Ubicada a 400 km hacia el sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, por autopista. http://www.mardelplata.gob.ar/
“The Georgian Public Broadcasting (GPB) was established under the Georgian Law on Public Broadcasting. Its purpose is to provide accurate and up-to-date information that is free from political and commercial bias and is shared without any hidden agendas. The programming seeks to address the needs an
Since 2002 ESPON is the provider of territorial evidence at European level. ESPON supports an evidence-based policy development in relation to the aim of territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory. ESPON produces (1) comparable, pan-European territorial evidence
Sítio Web do Munícipio de Loures
Cyalume Technologies, Inc. is a pioneer and the undisputed world leader in chemical lighting solutions. Trusted by the U.S. Military and government agencies for over 40 years, our products are expertly engineered and made right here in the USA to very strict quality standards. Our lighting soluti
We are Enthusiastic Techy people in the Center of India. We Love to work on New Technology and Tricky Solutions. Till now we have 59 Happy Clients all over the world in which the Government of India is our main client, If you Have any requirements then we love to hear from you and give you the best
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The Australian Institute of Physics is a organisation dedicated to promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community by: representing and promoting the physics community to government and other legislative or policy-making bodies organising meetings and conferences on
Lodging tax data from all across the EU, USA and CA in a single data format, accessible through API technology. No more compliance risks when using the single source of truth from the Trippz Lodging Taxes Platform.
L’Institut français du Maroc est le plus important opérateur culturel français à l’étranger et constitue la principale plateforme de dialogue entre la France et le Maroc dans les domaines de la culture et du savoir. Il a son siège à Rabat et comporte 13 antennes dans les villes de Casablanca, Tanger