Ralph Yunker

Director, IT & Systems Support at ATCO Communication Services

Ralph is the Director of IT and System Support and is responsible for managing IT and System Support efforts along with project management for the customers ATCO serves. He has broad experience in leading outside plant engineering, system support, and system conversion teams in the telecommunications industry. Ralph joined the ATCO management team in November of 2009. Prior to joining ATCO, Ralph was involved with the Verizon project management team responsible for deploying the fiber to the premise infrastructure overbuild program in Western Washington. During his employment with GTE and Verizon, his system support team was responsible for the overall implementation and ongoing support of OSP engineering systems in the Northwest Region. Additionally, Ralph has been a key contributor to national system analysis teams for OSP and implemented major system conversions along with the development of practices and procedures during his telephony career of 40 years. Ralph is a graduate of Western Washington University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology. He is a contributor to his community by being involved with local boards and committees.


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