Mike Breller

Managing Director, Institutional Consulting at Beacon Pointe

Mike is responsible for servicing and consulting Beacon Pointe institutional clients. He is a member of Beacon Pointe’s Investment Committee and is part of the Beacon Pointe Alternatives and SRI/ESG Sub-Committees. As a consultant, his responsibilities include asset allocation, investment manager structure and manager due diligence and evaluation. Mike has been with Beacon Pointe since 2010. Prior to joining Beacon Pointe, he worked for 11 years as a financial analyst and investment specialist for Capital Research and Management Company, the investment advisor to the American Funds. In these roles, Mike represented the investment professional group to large institutional clients and to research groups for broker/dealer firms and consulting firms. Mike regularly contributes as a speaker and panelist at industry conferences for university foundations, insurance companies and Native American tribal governments. Mike graduated, magna cum laude, from Boise State University with a BBA in Finance. Mike volunteers his time as a Trustee and Vice Chairman of the Board for the Irvine Public Schools Foundation.