Reuben Alexandro

Senior Account Receivable And Costing Executive at Beleaf Farms

Reuben Alexandro is currently working as the Account Receivable Officer at Beleaf Farms since December 2022. With experience as a Finance Accounting Intern and Insurance Agent at Allianz, Reuben also owns an Ecommerce Business called Analog Kit since June 2018. In the past, Reuben interned at LAPAN as a Student Intern, led the Documentation Division at Geoscience Gigantic Competition UI, managed Technical Operations at GECo 2019 for AAPG Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter, and held various positions at Anak Awak UI and HMGs UI. Reuben graduated from the University of Indonesia with a Bachelor's degree in Geophysics and Seismology.
