Sarah Salter

Head of Wheelers Hill Junior Campus at Caulfield Grammar School

Sarah has held several leadership positions at Wheelers Hill Campus since joining Caulfield Grammar School in 2016. These roles include Junior School Coordinator, Deputy Head of Junior School, and Acting Head of Junior School. Sarah joined the School Executive Team in 2020 as the Head of Wheelers Hill Junior Campus.

Originally from the UK, Sarah migrated to Australia in 2014. Prior to Caulfield Grammar School, during her tenure as a Curriculum Leader and Pedagogical Coach at a brand-new Government school in a rapidly expanding area of Melbourne, she was involved in leading the curriculum development and embedding consistent evidence-based teaching and learning practices in a school experiencing exponential growth. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Post Graduate Certificate in Education from Canterbury Christchurch University in the UK.

Sarah is an experienced Pedagogical Coach with a keen interest in building data-informed teaching practices. Her area of expertise is a student-centered approach to coaching, where teachers are supported to analyse data and evidence to evaluate learning and teaching to plan high-quality learning experiences that promote student growth.

An avid collector of Children’s Books and a keen writer herself, Sarah has a particular passion for language and literature which she shares with students at every opportunity. She strongly believes in schools building a community of readers and writers where students develop a love of language and see themselves as authentic and capable authors. Above all, Sarah is committed to creating a safe, supportive and nurturing educational environment where students are invested in their own learning and ultimately become life-long learners.


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