Children's Miracle Network Hospitals


Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (French: Réseau Enfants-Santé) is a nonprofit organization that raises funds for children's hospitals in the US and Canada that support the health of 10 million children each year across the US and Canada.





Org chart

Frances Fu
Chief Financial & Strategy Officer
Andrew Sjoblom
Chief Administrative Officer And General Counsel
Barbara O'Regan
Vice President, Foundation Partnerships
Briana Willcockson Ayer
Senior Director, Web And Digital Marketing
Laurel Moorhouse
Vice President, Programs
Mirna Novak
Design Director
Natalie Reich
Associate Creative Director
Maya Sultan
Vice President of Internal Affairs and Communications
Michael Kinney
Vice President Donor Systems & Engagement
Jessica McKnett
Chief Of Staff To The CEO
Julie Breckenkamp
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships
Kristen Schavemaker
Chief Programs & Foundation Partnerships Officer
Robin Valentino
Vice President, Foundation Partnerships
Sally Gilotti
Vp, Brand & Communications
Staci Cross
Vice President, Marketing And Business Development
Sarah Waters
Vice President, Strategy, Insights & Ideation
Brianna May
Program Coordinator - Programs
Tina Buckingham
Human Resources Project Coordinator