Jordi Masip i Riera

Senior Backend Developer at Doofinder

Jordi Masip i Riera is a Senior Backend Developer with experience in Elixir, Python, asyncio, Guillotina, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Docker, Kubernetes, Objective-C, Autolayout, SQLite, MySQL, and Erlang. They have worked at companies like Doofinder, Vinissimus, Onna, IMbee Messenger, and Fundació guifi.net, as well as having experience as a Professor associat at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Jordi holds a degree in Enginyeria de sistemes TIC from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, a Grau professional de trompeta from Conservatori de Música de Manresa, and ESO i Batxillerat, Tecnològic from INS Castellet.


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