Stephan Wehselau

Chief Financial Officer at EnBiotix

Stephan is a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years' C-level experience as CFO and CEO, having raised over $300 million in venture capital and private equity from high-profile international venture capital and private equity funds in the US, Europe and Asia in the life sciences & IT industries. He has negotiated several major loan financings totaling $60M, and has a long track record in deal making including strategic alliances and corporate deals.

He was previously founding CFO of JenaValve Technology Inc. a medical device company in USA and Germany, and raised one of the largest VC rounds ever for a medical device company in Europe ($72.5M). He was a co-founder of Xantos AG, a well-known drug development company in Munich, in the field of oncology and diabetes in 1999, and co-founder of Spherotec GmbH a diagnostic company in Munich, Germany in the field of personalized medicine for cancer. He started his career in the pharma industry and worked first for Boehringer Mannheim and later on for Roche. Beside his management roles he was co-founder and non-executive Board member of NascaCell AG, SpheroTec GmbH, Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH, eZono AG and Opsyon i.G. Stephan is also co-founder and CEO/CFO of the new established Munich based ImmuCon GmbH a drug development company developing new treatments in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

In the IT space, Stephan was CFO of censhare AG, a software company from 2015 – 2018 where he raised significant capital and had a significant influence on the strong growth path of the company in this period.

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