Hannover Medical School


The Hannover Medical School (MHH) is a university in Hannover, Germany, teaching medicine, dentistry, health sciences, biochemistry, and b





Org chart

Prof. Dr. med. Michael P. Manns

Dietmar Otte Professor Dipl.ing.
Head Of Accident Research Unit
Thomas Rau
Head Of Research Group
Tobias Ross
Head Of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
Anke Katharina Bergmann
Deputy Head Of Department Human Genetics
Nina Harke
Head Of Robotic Urology / Assistant Professor
Sotirios Korossis
Director Of Biomedical Engineering
Christof Hurschler
Director Of Research Orthopaedic Department
Prof. Dr. J. D. Schmitto M.D., Ph.D., Mba, Frcs Facs (Glasg)
Director Of Cardiac Assist Device + Cardiac Transplantation Program At Hannover Medical School
Michael Hallensleben
Vice Medical Director
Adrian Schwarzer
Clincian-scientist Department Of Hematology, Oncology And Stem Cell Transplantation
Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner
Professor For Molecular Cardiology Dean Of Research
Frank Bengel
Dean Of Research
Karen Lopez Cayuqueo
Senior Research Scientist
Klaus-Hendrik Wolf
Postdoctoral Researcher At Peter L. Reichertz Institute For Medical Informatics
Lucas Lange
Postdoctoral Researcher
M.sc. Niloofar Tavakoli
Early-stage Researcher
Sachin K. S. Chauhan
Postdoctoral Researcher
Shambhabi Chatterjee
Junior Group Leader