Roy Astrachan

Managing Partner & Portfolio Manager at Hudson Bay Capital Management

Roy Astrachan is a Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager of Hudson Bay responsible for a convertible and capital structure arbitrage portfolio. Mr. Astrachan began his career at Goldman Sachs where he was a Financial Analyst in convertibles trading from 1997 to 1999. He left Goldman Sachs to join Camden Asset Management LP in Los Angeles where, for the next six years, he was a Portfolio Manager, and later Partner and Co-Chief Investment Officer. At Camden Asset Management LP, Mr. Astrachan had the sole responsibility for research, portfolio selection and trade execution for a portfolio that included capital structure arbitrage/credit, activist investing, legal/indenture investing, distressed investing and convertible arbitrage. Mr. Astrachan joined Hudson Bay in 2008.

He holds an AB in Applied Mathematics from Harvard College where he graduated summa cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
