Lori Nathanson

Senior Technical Assistance Lead at Insight Policy Research

Lori Nathanson brings over 20 years of experience designing and conducting educational research with a passion for making research findings accessible and actionable for policymakers, educators, students, and their families. She provides training and technical assistance (TTA) and supports projects such as the Student Engagement and Attendance Center (SEAC) and Promise Neighborhoods Training and Technical Assistance.

Dr. Nathanson brings expertise in emotional intelligence, trauma-engaged, and healing-centered approaches to SEAC’s webinars, learning series, and products. She provides direct grantee support for several Promise Neighborhoods grantees as site liaison and amplifies the voices of people in those neighborhoods who are transforming their areas into more equitable, thriving communities.

Prior to joining Westat Insight, Dr. Nathanson provided TTA to local educational agencies, nonprofits, and philanthropies as founder of Lori Nathanson Consulting and director of Partnerships at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. She has provided professional development and coaching for leaders, educators, and youth development professionals and provided TTA to New York City-based workforce development clients to improve data-driven decision-making practices. Lori earned her bachelor’s degree from Duke University and completed her doctorate at the University of Virginia.

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