Jeffrey M. Buck

Dean & VP, School of Business & IT at Purdue Global

Jeffrey Buck brings more than 20 years of teaching and higher education administration experience to his role as dean of the School of Business and Information Technology. In addition to his faculty appointments, Buck has served at the director and executive levels in higher education, most recently overseeing adult and graduate business programs at Anderson University (Indiana). While at Anderson he led the development and implementation of several academic programs to include an online MBA, a post-and pre-MBA certification, a concurrent Master of Science in Technology with Purdue University, a joint degree with the School of Nursing, and a Filipino nursing MBA. Under his leadership the adult and graduate programs at Anderson University attained and maintained specialized program accreditations and achieved record levels of enrollment.

Buck maintains an active research agenda. He has published in journals such as Innovative Higher Education and the Journal of Applied Business and Economics. His current research interests include organizational commitment, services marketing, and factors impacting adult student satisfaction and success. In addition to his tenured faculty appointments, Buck has held a teaching position at LCC International University in Lithuania.

He is active with the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), having held and continuing to hold leadership positions in its Great Lakes Council.

Buck has served in the U.S. Army and has a daughter currently serving in the U.S. Air Force. He holds a PhD from the University of Mississippi in Higher Education Leadership with the cognate area of business administration and earned MBA and BS degrees from Ball State University.

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