

Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America. Millicom sets the pace providing digital services through its principal brand, TIGO.




Org chart

Marcelo Benitez
Chief Executive Officer

Marcelo Benitez

Celso Vianna
Chief Accounting Officer & VP Group Controller
Jose Alejandro Leon Liu
Chief Product Data Officer
Karim Lesina
Executive Vice President, Chief External Affairs Officer
Salvador Escalon
EVP, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer
Susy Bobenrieth
EVP, Chief Human Resources Officer
Xavier Rocoplan
EVP, Chief Technology and Information Officer
Jose Luis Villeda
Radio & Core - Global Procurement Manager
Juan Carlos Diaz
Strategy Analytics Manager
Jorge Enrique Sanchez
Operation AND Distribution Leader – Billing Operation
Anahel Figueroa Alvarado
Director Customer Experience Tigo Honduras
Cesar Abarca
Internal Control & Revenue Assurance Manager
María Isabel Cacacho
Content Owner - BTL Marketing
Mohammad Sha'Ad Hossenbaccus
Revenue Assurance Manager - Group
Sara Luciana Sabat
Global Subscription Growth Sr. Manager
Anibal Santos
Process Solutions Architect
Paul Proaño
CFO Paraguay
Gerardo Garcia
Finance Sr Manager
Elvin Rafael Giron Montes
IFRS & TAX Manager
Jeremy C. Pomares R.
Group Tax Senior Associate