Rose A. McMurray

Chief Transportation Safety Advisor, FDR Safety, LLC at National Safety Council

Rose A. McMurray is chief transportation safety advisor, FDRsafety LLC, where she provides transportation safety advisory services to a variety of clients with a specialty in offering federal regulatory compliance strategies. She brings a diverse transportation background, including enforcement policies and practices of compliance oversight bodies. In her prior public-sector role, Ms. McMurray oversaw the development, test and execution of the Department of Transportation’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) enforcement program. She is able to provide advice and assistance in helping clients advocate for their positions with government entities, including preparing companies for upcoming changes to regulatory requirements. She provides assistance on legal cases involving both plaintiff and defendants involved in commercial vehicle litigation serving as expert witness and case advisor. She also provides expert witness services on a variety of road safety issues. On a part-time basis, she teaches motor fleet safety and safety legislation and compliance to graduate students enrolled in the West Virginia University Safety Management Program and has served as technical advisor to the Morgantown, WV, and WVU Safe Communities Initiative. She also serves as the NSC Transportation Safety Division chair.