Victoria Martinez

Business Development Manager, AI + Analytics at Red Hat

Victoria Martinez is Business Development Manager for the South and Central America Region at Red Hat Latin America. She is responsible for big data, advanced analytics and AI solutions, and was nominated for the Red Hat Innovation Awards in 2018. She is part of the Argentine Agile Community and has promoted the formation and consolidation of the Agiles Córdoba group.

Martinez has extensive experience in risk management and continuous quality improvement of critical embedded software systems, especially applied to electric programmable medical equipment. She is ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) certified by ISQi Germany, she was a member of the team of ISTQB- and ASTQB-accredited instructors. She teaches quality training and software engineering nationally and internationally. She has been a consultant on issues related to change management in complex environments, project management, and development and implementation of agile methodologies, testing, and assurance of software quality since 2005.
