Softcrylic LLC


Softcrylic LLC is a information technology service provider firm.




Org chart

John Flavin

Alexander Owen
Director Of Data Engineering
Andrew Johns
Director, Personalization
Aswin Kumar
Associate Manager
Francis Lavelle
Chief Data Officer
Heather Barnard Gruber
Director - Engagement Management
Jirar (Jerry) Helou
VP, MarTech Strategies
Manikandan Murugesan
Automation Test Lead
Michael Davis
Director, PMO
Mujibur Rahuman
Senior Manager
Murugavel Velarasu (Vel)
Vice President Delivery and Operations
Natarajan Sivaramakrishnan
Vice President Of Architecture
Padmanaban B V
SDET Manager
Chris K.
Senior Manager - Talent Acquisition
Erin Bridwell
Human Resources Coordinator
Hemalatha S
Sr. Human Resource Generalist
Jennifer K.
HR Manager
Manoj Thangamani
IT Technical Recruiter
Prashanth P
Manager - Talent Acquisition
Sabareesan R
Lead Talent Acquisition Specialist - L3
Usha Pandaiah
Junior Recruiter
yogesh loganathan
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Dinesh Murugavelan
Talent Acquisition Specialist