The Federal Reserve Bank of New York


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is a regional reserve bank that sets monetary policy and maintains financial stability in New York.





Org chart

John C. Williams
President & CEO

John C. Williams

Sushmita Shukla
First VP & COO
Helen Mucciolo
Chief Financial Officer & Head, Corporate Group
Lacey Dingman
Chief People Officer & Head of People & Engagement
Mihaela Nistor
CRO & Head of the Risk Group
Richard Ostrander
General Counsel & Head of the Legal & Compliance Group
Jack Gutt
EVP, Head of Communications & Outreach Group
Christopher D. Armstrong
Head of the Operations & Resiliency Group
Michelle Neal
Head of the Markets Group
Kartik B. Athreya
Director of Research & Head of the Research & Statistics Group
Clive W. Blackwood
General Auditor
Anat Gourji
Chief Financial Officer
Kelly Sudovar
Chief Product Owner, Process Simplification & Automation
Frederic Veron
Chief Information Officer & Head, Technology Group
Anna Nordstrom
Interim Head, Markets Group