UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) encourages international peace and universal respect for human rights by promoting collaboration among nations.



Paris, France




Org chart

Audrey Azoulay
Director General

Audrey Azoulay

Xing Qu
Deputy Director-General
Stefania Giannini
Assistant Director-General for Education
Shamila Nair-Bedouelle
Assistant Director-General for the Natural Sciences
Gabriela Ramos
Assistant Director-General for the Social & Human Sciences
Ernesto Renato Ottone Ramirez
Assistant Director-General for Culture
Tawfik Jelassi
Assistant Director-General for Communication & Information
Lidia Arthur Brito
Assistant Director, General for Natural Sciences
Anthony Ohemeng-Boamah
Assistant Director General for Priority Africa & External Relations
Santiago Villalpando
Legal Advisor & Director of the Office of International Standards & Legal Affairs
Bernardin Assiene
Director of the Internal Oversight Service
Begoña Lasagabaster
Director for Gender Equality
Zazie Schäfer
Director of the Bureau of Strategic Planning
Margaux Bergeon-Dars
Chief of Staff, Office of the Director General
Vidar Helgesen
Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Jackson Krainer
Senior IT Operations And Service Manager
Erin Chemery
Senior Partnerships & Project Finance Officer
Othilie Louradour du Souich
RBM Unit Head, Senior Strategic Planning Officer/spécialiste Principale Planification Stratégique
Firmin Edouard Matoko
Assistant Director-General, Priority Africa & External Relations, ADG/PAX