Stefan Marschall

Vice President for International Affairs & Science Communication at University of Düsseldorf

Prof. Dr. Stefan Marschall, born in Gerolstein in 1968, has held the Chair of Political Science II since 2010, with a focus on "German Political System". Stefan Marschall studied political science, sociology and psychology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn and at the University of Pittsburgh/USA. After receiving his doctorate in 1998, he habilitated in 2004 at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. He then held professorships at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen and the University of Duisburg-Essen.

In 2008, Stefan Marschall accepted a professorship in political science with a focus on "Analysis and Comparison of Political Systems/Political Theory" at the University of Siegen. In 2010 he was appointed to the Chair of Political Science II in the Faculty of Philosophy at HHU.

Stefan Marschall is known throughout Germany as a political scientist, including as head of Wahl-O-Mat research and as the author of various standard textbooks, especially on the German political system. In his research, he deals, among other things, with the change in democracy, political participation and the public sphere as a result of digitization processes.

At the HHU, Stefan Marschall is, among other things, speaker of the Graduate Academy of the Philosophical Faculty philGRAD, deputy speaker of the Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy and member of the NRW research college "Online Participation" and the Manchot research group "Decision-making using methods of artificial intelligence ".

In addition, he acts as organizer of the research network "Voting Advice Applications" of the European Consortium for Political Research and as speaker of the working group "Politics and Communication" of the German Association for Political Science. He regularly works as a reviewer for specialist journals and research funding organizations as well as for state institutions.