Jenny Britton

Director of Children and Family Services at Washburn Center For Children

Jenny has worked in a variety of roles since joining Washburn Center in 2003. Jenny’s past experience includes elementary day treatment, in-home individual and family therapy, school-based individual and group therapy, children’s mental health case management, outpatient therapy and providing therapeutic services at a homeless shelter. She received her Bachelors degree in Social Work and Family Studies from St. Olaf College and her Masters in Social Work from the University of St. Thomas/College of St. Catherine. She began supervising the Case Management team in 2008 and the Intensive In-Home team in 2013. Her areas of expertise include helping children who are severely emotionally disturbed, providing wrap around services for children and families who have been exposed to trauma and providing in-home family therapy. Jenny’s trained in EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) and has a passion for treating the family as a whole in order to assist with long term and holistic healing.