Margaret Osolo Odhiambo

Lived Experience Expert Advisor at Wellcome Trust

Margaret Osolo Odhiambo is an experienced professional in global health and community advocacy, currently serving as Community Lead at Chronicle Health since January 2022, where storytelling is emphasized in global health initiatives. As LE Advisor for Wellcome Trust since December 2020, Margaret focuses on transforming mental health funding, prevention, and treatment for young people. Margaret co-founded The Gold Culture, a platform dedicated to peer advocacy for childhood cancers and chronic injuries, and has held multiple leadership roles with Kenya Red Cross, including Youth Lead positions in both the Lower Eastern Region and Nairobi, as well as serving as Dissemination Focal. Prior to these roles, Margaret was an Advocacy Intern at Make Every Woman Count, conducting research on girls' and women's health and rights, and served as Health Lead for StreetWise Transformers, an organization supporting children and youth in street-connected environments in Nairobi.
