
Explore 1,093 companies in Romania

ArtSoft Consult


ArtSoft Consult is a dynamic Romanian IT solution provider company focused on custom software development and business process outsourcing services with excellent references on the international market. Founded in 2003 by a core team of IT specialists, the company has its headquarters in Cluj-Napoca



We combine the knowledge of the telecom industry with the goal to offer a full suite of wholesale and retail voice services designed to meet the ever changing needs of our valued clients. The name Zaheen means in Arabic: intelligent, ambitious and creative altogether. We chose to name our organiz

ELSA Industry


Our vision is sustainable carbon-neutral aviation, supporting the development of environmentally friendly means of transportation. This is present throughout the lifecycle of our products. We focus on the engineering and manufacturing of composite components and structures for lighter, more efficie

Mogo România


Mogo is a vehicle financier offering tailor-made loan solutions for the mobility needs of individuals and companies. Mogo operates in Romania since 2016 and is a part of Eleving Group - an international FinTech founded in 2012 and currently operating in 14 countries across three continents with a te

FOUNDERS: AMBASSADOR RONALD S. LAUDER & TOVA BEN NUN-CHERBIS Providing multicultural and Jewish education is our primary goal. Learn from the past, understand the present, and prepare for tomorrow. Phone: 031.438.20.53; 031.805.5772 E-mail: Timeline 1996 – The Ronal

Misiunea, respectiv scopurile fundamentale ale Federaţiei sunt următoarele: (1) Reprezentarea unitară, susţinerea, apărarea şi promovarea sistematică a intereselor legitime ale membrilor afiliaţi, în relaţiile cu autorităţile publice, cu sindicatele şi cu alte persoane juridice şi fizice, atât pe p

ROLDA, a charity devoted to saving the abused and neglected animals in Romania. 💖💛💙🐶 OUR MISSION - Rescue street dogs of Romania from starvation, abuses and death - Provide adequate shelter and necessary veterinarian care for our homeless fellow canines - Fight against corruption and cruelty in

Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), which is part Euroins Romania, besides Euroins Bulgaria, Macedonia and Euroins Euroins Health, is at the moment, the main engine of expansion of the group, on the insurance market in Europe. One of the largest and independent groups in the region, EIG aims on the in

Established back in 1990, Rohde & Schwarz Topex S.A. is part of the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies since 2010 and its Center of Competence for the voice switching solutions. Since its foundation, the company’s culture stood for innovation and strong customer relationship. Our main competencie



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Cu o activitate in continua crestere de peste 20 ani, SOMAREST are o experienta vasta in domeniul marochinariei si productiei componentelor din piele, urmând întotdeauna cele mai moderne metode de organizare și producție. Din echipa noastra fac parte mai mult de 1000 de angajați, lucrand într-un m

If you are looking to achieve GREATNESS in general and more specific with a DIGITAL PRODUCT then our goals align. We at Fabel are a team of passionate and dedicated people set on and creating Digital Products that people love to use. A diverse team of people passionate about crafting the best solut

Grupul EXPERT MIND, nominalizat cu locul I in Topul firmelor de contabilitate din Iași, oferă servicii complete de contabilitate, resurse umane, consultanță financiar – contabilă și servicii de înființări firme pentru entități cu diverse forme juridice: persoane fizice autorizate (PFA), societăți cu

Various Brands


Various Brands is a multi-brand concept store present on the market since 2007. With a strategic approach, focused on its client base needs and constant retail investments, Various Brands has grown in a national store network with 27 locations in 21 cities. Nowadays, Various Brands is the biggest s



Daca tie iti place, e perfect. Haine online, incaltaminte din piele naturala, accesorii. Transport 12 lei. Newsletter.



Go the extra mile. Together. Our road towards the future of mobility starts here. Join the ride and let’s explore together where it leads us. Discover Movium and the power of a true partnership that can shape and change the future of mobility. Our ever-evolving platform and app are designed to fl

Connections is a European innovative group of technology companies, founded in 2005, in Bucharest. Companies in the group offer businesses the possibility to improve and align with current digital trends, by using technology tools to boost their strategical KPI and adapt to global market challenges.



Servicii aeriene de transport pe rute interne si internationale. Ofera posibilitate de rezervare online, programul curselor de zbor, adresele agentiilor si noutati.

Activity English School & Educational Programs este școala Ioanei Mafteiu în care se predă limba engleză prin joacă, într-un mod interactiv oferind o mare atenție procesului emoțional. Profesorii școlii sunt calificați și instruiți intern predând după pedagogia proprie.

TMK Artrom SA


TMK Artrom SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the steel industry. The Company is primarily active in the manufacture of steel products, such as tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and fittings. The Company's portfolio includes seamless precision steel tubes; seamless tubes for boilers and high tempe

BT Capital Partners is the investment bank and capital markets division of Banca Transilvania Financial Group as well as an exclusive member for Romania of Oaklins, the world’s leading alliance of M&A professionals. With over 10 agencies and branches and with our online trading platform, ‘BT Trade’,



Ştirile de ultimă oră, disponibile online. iti ofera ştiri interne si externe în timp real, ştiri politice, ştiri economice, mondene, sociale si din sport

NEPI was founded to acquire, develop and manage regionally dominant retail assets in emerging European Union markets with high-growth potential.

OMV Petrom


OMV Petrom is the largest integrated energy producer in Southeastern Europe, with an annual Group hydrocarbon production of approximately 41 million boe in 2023. The Group has a refining capacity of 4.5 million tons annually and operates an 860 MW high-efficiency gas-fired power plant. The Group is

Eau de Web


Established in 2006, Eau de Web is a Romanian company specialized in web development and digital content publishing. The areas covered by Eau de Web’s specialists vary from requirements definition, software architecture and system design, modern user interface design, accessibility and usability a



Soluții electrice complete pentru orice proiect! CONSOLIGHT a avut, în cei 25 de ani de activitate, o creștere susținută și organică pe piaţa materialelor electrice din România, devenind jucător strategic în importul şi distribuţia de sisteme electrice complete. În prezent, oferim echipamente ele

Nova Power & Gas


Furnizăm României energie electrică și gaze naturale. Cu o experiență de peste 17 ani pe piața de energie electrică și gaze naturale, Nova Power & Gas răspunde nevoilor consumatorilor printr-o ofertă integrată de servicii, în care eficientizarea consumului și a costurilor sunt obiectivele principale

Digitalya OPS


Digitalya is a top software development company based in Iasi. With over 52 worldwide web and mobile applications, their goal is to help people achieve their dream of being successful tech entrepreneurs. Digitalya can be your reliable tech partner. Their services include: Design Sprint Product and

Creative digital solutions / with a sprinkle of human touch. We are a friendly and passionate team of digital strategists, developers and technologists working to create digital solutions that make an impact on the world of tomorrow. Our in-house team takes a human-centric approach to all projects,

Ogre AI

1 follower

Ogre AI is a data science company specializing in machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions



Vertify is a creative SEO and Content Marketing agency that delivers business growth through one of the most scalable marketing channels for online brands -- Organic Search. Whether local or international B2C and B2B companies, the agency collaborates with e-commerce retailers, service providers, p

Paralela 45


Paralela 45 is today the strongest brand among romanian travel agencies. With more than 25 years of experience we are the most prolific tour-operator from romanian market. From charters, travel tours, airfare, bookings, lodging, board to guided tours with tour leaders conversant in international

Marca Bilstein este de mulţi ani sinonimă cu calitatea şi performanţa în domeniul amortizoarelor de suspensie. De la echipe de competiţii în sporturile cu motor, la firme prestigioase specializate în tuning şi până la cei mai renumiţi constructori de autovehicule, precum BMW, Ferrari, General Motors



AEM is a manufacturer of SMART metering devices for electricity and gas as well as AMR and AMM systems for the management of electricity and gas. The company continuously increases its product portfolio, adding at the same the concept of integrated solution, adapted for the specific need of the



At Axivant, we are at the forefront of digital transformation, seamlessly blending advanced content services with automation, intelligent document processing, and efficient SaaS delivery. As a global technology company with proprietary software platforms, we are committed to revolutionizing the hand



InnovX is one of the leading innovation accelerators in Europe focusing on scaling up tech startups through entrepreneurial education, connecting them to the best mix of finance, including venture capital funds, and collaborating with corporates open to innovation. The InnovX ecosystem is formed by

Parte activa a unui grup la nivel international, cu o bogata experienta in Siguranta, Calitate si Protectia mediului, TÜV AUSTRIA ROMANIA este un partener competent pentru economie, industrie si autoritati. Trasaturile importante ale grupului – orientarea catre client si abilitatea de a oferi servic



Recycle today for a better tomorrow. The virtual place where you can manage all of your waste operations and data.

Teatrul Mic


Teatru clasic, emoţionant, amuzant, complex - Teatrul Mic. Un loc în care puteţi evada din rutină pentru a intra în poveste. O scenă deschisă, care stă sub semnul valorii. Cu o istorie fascinantă, la nivelul căreia încercăm să fim şi azi.



Tratarea, distributia apei potabile, respectiv, colectarea si tratarea apelor uzate menajere si pluviale in mai multe orase din judetul Mures, Harghita

Grup CrisTim


Cris-Tim, unul dintre cele mai mari grupuri care activează în sectorul agro-alimentar din România, a fost înfiinţat în urmă cu peste 30 de ani de doi antreprenori români, Cristina și Radu Timiș. Fondată ca o mică afacere, Cris-Tim continuă și astăzi să fie o Companie de Familie, de peste 30 de ani,

Compa SA


Compa SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the automotive industry. The Company is primarily active in the production of motor vehicle components. Its product portfolio consists of injector components, windscreen wipers, turbo charger components, pinions for steering gears, pneumatic brake cylin

Media Investment


Media Investment provides content marketing, mobile marketing, content creation, native advertising, branded content, programmatic marketing, ROI analysis, social marketing, and consulting services.

Casa Pariurilor


One of the leading companies on the Gaming market in Romania. The company has over 700 agencies throughout the country and is the second home to more than 1800 employees. In 2010, the company received the National Award given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for its work in the Gaming industr

Sante International S.A. has as its object the commercialization of medical devices starting from the concrete needs of the potential beneficiaries. The main segment of the market we are addressing is the hospitals belonging to the public sector, without neglecting the significant private initiative

Donna Medical Center a fost fondată în 2011, din dorința doamnei Dr. Elena Claudia Teodorescu, medic radiolog specializat în Imagistica Sânului, de a înființa o clinică dedicată sănătății femeii, un loc unde fiecare femeie să poată beneficia de o evaluare profesionistă a stării de sănătate, să fie s

La Coders Lab, suntem mai mult decât o instituție educațională; suntem o poartă către viitorul muncii în industria IT. Suntem specializați în cursuri online cuprinzătoare: Java, JavaScript, Python, Testare Manuală, Testare Automată și Design UX/UI, personalizate pentru persoanele care doresc să-și r

Electroprecizia SA is a Romania-based company primarily active in the production of electric motors and electric and electronic equipment. The Company's portfolio includes three phase asynchronous electric motors; electric motors with two, three and four speeds; single phase asynchronous motors; gen

The League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS) is an open platform of dialogue and action for Romanian students and alumni around the world. Our primary purpose is to promote our members'​ academic, professional, social, civic, and cultural interests, and to facilitate their individual and collect

Gral Medical


Site oficial Gral Medical