
Explore 1,084 companies in Romania

Wizrom Software


Founded in 1992, Wizrom Software is one of the leading companies in Romania providing end to end business software solutions, having the largest number of ERP implementations in the Romanian business environment. With a total of 4,100 active clients and over 40,000 licenses installed, Wizrom is

Bittnet Group


Bittnet Group is the most dynamic technology group in Romania, the first IT company listed on BVB. Currently, Bittnet Group is organized in 4 divisions: • Education (Bittnet Training, Equatorial) • Clould & Infrastructure (Dendrio, Optimizor, TopTech, 2Net) • Cybersecurity (Fort) • Business Platfo

Christian Tour


In our hearts we consider ourselves curators of joy and happiness, because we believe that a holiday stands mostly for memorable experiences, togetherness and for sharing good time with the loved ones. Christian Tour is committed to fulfil the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, ac

Edenred Romania


Edenred este lider de piaţă ca platformă de servicii şi plăţi şi este partenerul de zi cu zi al întregului ecosistem al pieţei muncii, conectând peste 50 de milioane de angajaţi şi 2 milioane de comercianţi parteneri prin intermediul a peste 850.000 de clienţi corporativi în 46 de ţări. Edenred of


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KFactory is a designer, manufacturer, and distributor of smart technology software used to enhance the manufacturing process.



Eximprod is a Romanian group of companies focusing on the energy sector. Founded in 1994 as a privately-held company with headquarter in Buzau. Eximprod has grown to become one of the most important players in the Romanian market of products, equipment, and services for the energy industry and renew

SII Romania


We are a leading multinational technology company, focused on enabling our clients to achieve measurable and sustainable business results by constantly delivering strategic technology consulting and outstanding software engineering services and solutions adapted to their needs. On our way to conso



certSIGN provides innovative solutions both for organizations that need to protect their assets against possible threats, as well as for clients who wish to improve their IT system. Our wide range of products and solutions allows both international corporations and small organizations to protect the



Crafting Software was born in 2015 from our desire to forge great digital products. The journey from idea to masterpiece is paved with trust, hard work and sprinkled with passion. Working with us comes with customized premium software solutions, unique partner care and a team of skilled software de

Sense8 is a digital technology and consulting agency catering to leading brands and agencies in the CEE region. A Google Marketing Platform Certified Technology Partner, and Google Cloud Partner, Sense8 provides professional technology, support, data, analytics, specialty media and consulting ser

Bit Soft


Embracing challenges. Providing innovative solutions. Making things happen. Since 1994. A national leader in its field, Bit Soft offers consultancy, software and integrated IT solutions for top companies – small, medium-sized or corporations activating in the hospitality industry and looking for

Asociația pentru Valori în Educație este o organizație non-profit formată și finanțată de profesioniști din business, care împărtășesc convingerea că responsabilitatea pentru modernizarea educației publice este în egală măsură a societății civile, administrației publice dar și a comunității de aface

Despre Dobrogea Grup Misiunea noastră este să oferim consumatorilor sănătate prin produse de cea mai bună calitate şi echilibrate nutriţional. De aceea, activitatea de cercetare –dezvoltare este una din activităţile noastre de maximă importanţă, care se desfăşoară în strânsă corelaţie cu cererea ...

Publicis Groupe Romania, present for over 25 years on the local market, is the largest marketing, communication and digital transformation group, having the synergy between Creativity and Technology at its base. The Group offers clients access to the most advanced services and tools, concentrated in

Dacia Romania


Descoperă gama completă Dacia: Duster, Lodgy, Dokker, Logan, Sandero. Prețuri și caracteristici. Detalii despre ofertele de finanțare, pachetele pentru întreținere și rețeaua distribuitorilor noștri.

Ziarul Financiar


ZIARUL FINANCIAR este liderul presei de business din România. De 25 ani pe piaţa românească, ZF oferă cititorilor semnificaţia evenimentelor recente şi anticipează evoluţiile din afaceri şi economie, prin ştiri, analize şi articole de opinie. Cea mai prestigioasă publicaţie economică din România,


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Intra pe site-ul Arctic si descopera toata gama noastra de electrocasnice. Produse de cea mai buna calitate pentru tine si familia ta.



COERA is a street-wise software agency, specialized in engineering, developing and integrating Online Platforms, Cloud Applications and IAM Solutions, always committed to fast visible results for our customers. Our consultancy and engineering teams operate at the border of business and IT, bridgin



Când pofta dictează, Tazz livrează!

We are a tech company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. We dedicate our efforts and expertise to the digital transformation of businesses and communities. We are constantly upgrading our capabilities to offer our partners access and performance in the digital economy. We are turning the com



Romstal, parte a Romstal Group este o companie specializată în comercializarea echipamentelor de instalații pentru construcții ce activează pe piețele din România, Moldova, Ucraina, Serbia și Bulgaria. În prezent, avem la nivel național o rețea de 57 de magazine, două centre logistice și peste 1.100


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A RebelDot company. We are building scalable software products for tech startups all over the world, while ensuring transparency, reliability and great communication.

Medicover is the only healthcare provider with international expertise in Romania, offering the highest quality medical care, health subscriptions and health insurances to patients throughout Romania. With over 27 years of activity on the local market, Medicover has pioneered the first corporate hea

PPC Romania


Suntem lider în domeniul energiei în Europa de Sud-Est, unde deservim 8,7 milioane de clienți, cărora le furnizăm peste 35 TWh de energie. Punem în prim-plan responsabilitatea față de comunitățile unde activăm, față de mediul înconjurător și față de clienți și angajați deopotrivă. Ne-am făcut o miză

OTP Bank Romania


Descoperă Universul OTP Bank, unul dintre cei mai buni 10 jucători din domeniul bancar din România, unde totul este despre oameni și oportunitățile lor de creștere. Motivația este ingredientul catalizator, iar diversitatea este ceea ce ne aduce împreună. Facem parte din OTP Group, unul dintre cele

FAN Courier


Suntem liderul serviciilor de curierat din Romania inca din anul 2006 si ne dorim sa ramanem in continuare partenerul de incredere al tuturor celor care aleg serviciile noastre, cu aceeasi pasiune si daruire pentru fiecare livrare efectuata.

Tuborg Romania

1 follower

Tuborg Romania este unul dintre cei mai mari producători de bere de pe piaţa locală și singurul berar din București dezvoltat printr-o investiție Greenfield. Tuborg Romania oferă consumatorilor produse de cea mai înaltă calitate, printr-un portofoliu format exclusiv din mărci premium și superpremium

Klass Wagen


Klass Wagen provides car rental services.

tbi bank


𝐭𝐛𝐢 bank is a mobile-first challenger bank in South East Europe and regional leader in alternative payment solutions, building an ecosystem by combining financing and shopping to address customers’ needs. It focuses on helping merchants to grow their business as well as providing consumers with f



Get ready to raise the stakes with Winner - the ultimate destination for young and thrill-seeking gamblers! We're all about taking risks and living life on the edge. Established in 2013, we’ve quickly become one of Romania's most well-known sports betting operators. Winner is the ultimate destinati



Newton develops and distributes software products intended for the gambling market, more exactly the slotmachines type. Newton Romania is a national level leader, having more than 100 customers in the country and offering monitoring services for over 23.000 appliances already connected. Whether it i

Base 7 Community


We form IT Freelancers in in the most awesome, professional and accessible way possible. We then prepare them to adapt and succeed in the newest and coolest global IT business contexts. We enhance their freelancing business with all the tools they need to generate profit and we offer them the contex

Vista Bank Romania este prezentă pe piața bancară din România începând cu anul 1998, fiind cunoscută anterior sub numele de Marfin Bank Romania. Cu o rețea de 31 de sucursale, Vista Bank oferă clienților persoane juridice medii și mari, precum și clienților persoane fizice cu venituri peste medie, s

Over 10 years of Experience in Renting Cars: 95% Satisfied Customers. Brand new cars. No hidden fees. Book online now.



Blitz, oferă o gamă completă de servicii imobiliare integrate, înainte, în timpul și după finalizarea tranzacției. Acoperă toate tipurile de solicitări și prezintă clienților o paletă largă de opțiuni, atât pe segmentul rezidențial, cât și pe cel comercial. Clienții Blitz au acces la un call center



De aproape 23 ani, Cărturești redefinește așteptările pe care le avem de la o librărie. Dacă Borges avea dreptate, și Paradisul este o mare bibliotecă, noi încercăm să o aducem la picioarele cititorilor din România. De aceea, o vizită în oricare dintre librăriile Cărtureşti este o experienţă în sine

Each step, each client and banking operation brought us closer to an important milestone in our career: we have recently celebrated 29 years of activity on the Romanian market. We were present on the financial market ever since 1993, as Banca de Credit Industrial si Comercial. In 2000 we rebranded

New York Crew


Born in the city, raised for adventure. The outdoors is our passion: Whether in the mountains, the wilderness, the urban jungle, in remote destinations or in the countryside, NEW YORK CREW is here to inspire and empower alternative athletes and urban artists to push their limits - to seek new routes



Inulta is helping businesses focus on their analytical potential by providing the right software solutions for real-time, robust, and relevant decision making. Combining EPM (Enterprise Performance Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management), SPM (Sales Performance Management) technical competences a


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RCS & RDS, compania lider pe piata serviciilor de televiziune si de internet din Romania. Furnizeaza si telefonie fixa si mobila. Calitate la preturi accesibile. Cele mai mici preturi pentru TV, internet, telefonie fixa si mobila. Cele mai ...

EasyDo every business process digitally, from a single suite of apps: EasyDo CMS Museums, art galleries and other institutions must find new ways to tell stories and engage their audiences. Being underfunded and understaffed is enough of a challenge, you shouldn’t also have your job made more diff

Liberty Galati


Liberty Galati, located in South-East Romania, is the largest integrated steel plant in the country and leader in manufacturing metallurgical products.

fme Romania


Our team is working on digital transformation solutions that help enterprises speed up critical business processes, improve operative decision making and ensure information security and compliance using Enterprise Content Management, Business Intelligence and Cloud technologies. The fme Group is hea



La Mobexpert, ne ocupăm de mobilă. De 25 de ani. Am promis să fim îndrăgostiți de ceea ce facem. Mult mai important este că și voi iubiți ceea ce facem. Iar pentru asta vrem să vă mulțumim.



Milluu, prima platforma digitala din Romania de administrare proprietati



With every satisfied client, we go one step forward. Having the highest Microsoft certification level for Business Application, our mission is to help as many companies as possible to reach their full potential. Why do we think we can do it? We cover the entire ecosystem of Dynamics 365, we're spec



Expur is one of the largest Romanian oil seed processing companies. Expur processes sunflower seeds and rapeseeds producing crude oil, refined oil, and protein meals. The oils are sold on the domestic and export markets and the protein meals are sold largely to Romanian retail customers and manuf



Autoworld has a long history of leadership in the automobile sector, spanning more than 30 years. Autoworld is one of Romania's major Volkswagen, Audi, and Volvo car dealerships, employing over 200 people across three sites. Employees at Autoworld work in a varied, dynamic, and fast-paced workplace


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Character of activities: Custom software development based on 3 reliable outsourcing models: dedicated team l staff augmentation l project-based team Areas of specialization: *Consultancy & business analysis *Software architecture *Bespoke development *Testing & QA *Maintenance & support *Areas of

Harnessing the power and expertise of two global leaders through the joint venture between BMW Group and NTT Data, BMW TechWorks Romania serves as the European IT hub for BMW. This hub focuses on software development for HR, production, development, sales, and BMW Group Financial Services. Located