Natalie Maidment

Development Officer, North East at Clinks

Natalie has worked in the voluntary sector in the North East for 13 years. She has an in depth knowledge of the needs of the sector and has worked for and been a trustee for a number of support organisations at a local and regional level.

Prior to her secondment to Clinks Natalie ran the award winning Policy and Representation Partnership hosted by VONNE, and as part of this developed a Safer Future Community Network in the Northumbria and Durham Police and Crime Commissioner area.

Natalie has experience of supporting and developing networks, training and project management. She is currently seconded to Clinks (from August 2013) to further develop a criminal justice network in the North East; supporting voluntary organisations to keep up to date with emerging Criminal Justice System (CJS) policy; engage with commissioners and support the sectors work in reducing crime and promoting community safety.

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