Karen Jellema

Human Resources Director at Smith Senior Living

“I work for the Res­i­dents,” says Karen Jelle­ma, Human Resources Direc­tor. ​“Even if I am doing paper­work, I know that the end result makes their lives bet­ter. That keeps me moti­vat­ed.” Karen not only loves her job, but also trea­sures the time she spends vol­un­teer­ing with the book club she orga­nized for Res­i­dents. ​“We strive to make our ben­e­fits pro­gram for employ­ees just right so that our employ­ees do not have to wor­ry about their own retire­ment, health­care or even brown bag­ging their meals. We know that by tak­ing care of our staff mem­bers we help stay focused on ser­vice to our Res­i­dents,” adds Jellema.


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