
Explore 4,300 companies in Denmark

LEA Ejendomspartner A/S er din ejendomspartner inden for ejer- og andelsboligforeninger, udlejningsejendomme. Vores mål er at gøre det mere enkelt for dig at eje, drive og udvikle dine ejendomme. Med kontorer i Kolding, Odense, Næstved og København K. administrerer vi foreninger og ejendomsporteføl



Er du til lette løsninger? Så er vi dit nye mobilselskab! Vi har ét abonnement, hvor du for bare 20,- kan fordoble din data. Det er eesy. Bare mobil.



ILLUM was established in 1891 by A.C. ILLUM and has since then been one of the leading department stores in Denmark. ILLUM is situated perfectly in the heart of Copenhagen right where the pedestrian streets Strøget and Købmagergade meet. The vision builds on quality and inspiration and the aim is to


1 follower

TURIS is a digital B2B wholesale platform that will improve and optimize your business today. Free trial, no payment information required. €99 per month.


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1. april 2021 skiftede Sodexos danske afdeling både ejerkreds og navn. Nu hedder vi SERWIZ, og vi leverer alle ydelser inden for Facility Management - og mere til. For Facility Management er mere, end du tror. Vi forstår vores kunders forretning og skaber merværdi: Vi sætter os ind i den enkelte



Udlån din formue til attraktive danske ejendomsprojekter til en høj rente og med kort løbetid.

Godt Smil


Godt Smil er DK's absolut førende tandlæger - Spar op til 40% på din tandbehandling - Klinikker i hele Danmark - Fuld tilfredshed eller pengene tilbage - Book tid nu!

Sparekassens formål er at drive pengeinstitutvirksomhed samt anden virksomhed, der er accessorisk hertil.



Criipto is a Copenhagen-based company specializing in secure user authentication and digital signature solutions using electronic identities (eIDs). We empower companies to integrate eIDs into websites or applications effortlessly, ensuring an efficient, secure login or signature process at a cost-


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Luxplus er en medlemsklub med store rabatter på hverdagsluxus! Som medlem kan du spare op til 80% på alt fra eksklusive mærkevarer til kendte dagligdagsprodukter inden for beauty, personlig pleje, parfume, hårprodukter, økologiske lækkerier, husholdningsprodukter og meget mere. Vores medlemmer spa



Monthio is the ultimate solution for creditworthiness assessments. We help leading banks and other loan providers in Nordics digitise the loan approval process, by increasing the speed and accuracy of application approval. We are also live in Spain and Germany, with entrance into France, the Nethe


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Selskabets formål er at drive handel, investering, servicevirksomhed og industri samt al virksomhed som efter bestyrelsens skøn er beslægtet hermed.

Organic Basics

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The fashion industry is a dirty bastard. We don’t like it that way. We believe in setting higher standards when it comes to sustainable production.

DK Company A/S


DK COMPANY IS A MULTI BRAND FASHION GROUP EST. 2001 Since its inception in 2001, DK Company has grown to become one of Europe’s leading suppliers of fashion and lifestyle brands catering to men and women. We offer fashion based on value for money and luxury for less. With an efficient and cost


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Based in Copenhagen’s Nyboder neighborhood, FRAMA is a multi-disciplinary design brand that creates lifestyle objects that inspire the senses and encourage mindful living. With an emphasis on natural materials, simple geometries, and uncompromising quality, FRAMA’s work connects the imaginative with


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EPOS delivers high-end audio solutions designed for enterprise and gaming.

At Logis, we understand the power of technology to revolutionize how first responders and healthcare providers care for their patients and communities. We design cutting-edge CAD solutions that use automation, integration and customization to give leaders in emergency medical services, fire depart



COMAsystem er en dansk-udviklet løsning til kontraktstyring, som skaber overblik og forenkler kontraktuelle arbejdsgange. Vores platform hjælper ved at etablere en skræddersyet struktur, som gør det muligt for virksomheden at arbejde aktivt og rettidigt med deres dokumenter og kontrakter. Vores noti



Freeway is a fast-growing privately owned company with just under 100 employees with headquarters in Viborg where it all started. In addition, they have 4 offices in Copenhagen and one in Aarhus, London and Malta.

SEED Capital


SEED Capital is Denmark’s largest venture capital fund within the seed segment. SEED Capital specializes in identifying, financing and developing competent and innovative entrepreneurial Technology and Medtech companies of the future and invest from seed stage through to exit.


We invest in beautiful minds building epic companies.

Ingholt Consult


Ingholt Consult er et uafhængigt, rådgivende ingeniørfirma, der i over 40 år har leveret byggeteknisk rådgivning af højeste kvalitet. Vores hold består af nogle af Danmarks dygtigste civil- og diplomingeniører. Vi er gode til at lytte og forstå bygherres, arkitekters og entreprenørers behov – og s



Lomax A / S is a total supplier to the business community within office items, electronics, furniture, storage equipment, kitchen & catering, and cleaning. Lomax is Danish-owned, founded in 1962, and today a state-of-the-art e-commerce company.



FORTEM hjælper virksomheder og offentlige myndigheder med udbud og indkøb i Danmark og internationalt. For offentlige myndigheder og virksomheder gennemfører vi udbud, der sikrer gode samarbejder med leverandører. For virksomheder udarbejder vi tilbudsmateriale, der er målrettet udbuddet og som sc

The Leading Network exclusively for innovation executives in large multinational firms About Us Members Boost your firm’s innovation capabilities and network Connect with peers in global corporations Learn innovation best practices and actionable insig...

Recover Danmark


Recover er i dag Nordens største industri- og skadeservicekoncern med over 2.500 ansatte, heraf ca. 330 dedikerede medarbejdere i Danmark. Vores forretningsområder har udviklet sig over tid, og spænder i Danmark bredt inden for skadeservice, industriservice, marineservice, indeklimaservice samt en

At FranklinCovey, we transform organizations by building exceptional leaders, teams, and cultures that get results.When organizations partner with us, their people change behavior—both individually and collectively—in ways that have a dramatic impact. Our content, based on timeless principles of h



Det er Motorstyrelsens opgave at sikre, at alle motorkøretøjer er registreret korrekt, og at værdifastsættelse og afgiftsberegning sker på et ensartet og gennemskueligt grundlag. Vores arbejde bidrager til et smidigt og velfungerende bilmarked i Danmark til gavn for både forhandlere og bilejere. Vi

ActivCare A/S

1 follower

Selskabets formål er at drive virksomhed som vikarbureau samt dermed beslægtet virksomhed

Kjær & Sommerfeldt is today one of the country's most important suppliers to the hotel & restaurant sector and the business community, and supplies wine to more than 1,200 companies and 1,500 hotels, restaurants and cafés.

Deco Group AS


DECO GROUP AS produces and design modern blinds, drapery hardware, awnings and bathroom accessories to the entire Scandinavian market. We distribute our products through multiple brands. We specialize in designing functional and though through products to the DIY-market as well as high end products

Viden om Data

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Virksomheders evne til at indsamle, behandle og anvende data har skabt helt nye muligheder for datadrevne services og løsninger. Videncenteret er med til at forberede eleverne til et datadrevet arbejdsmarked.



TimeXtender, through its automated data management platform, empowers customers with instant access to data that is ready for analysis, enabling them to make quality business decisions with data, mind and heart. We do this for one simple reason: because time matters. A Microsoft Gold Certified Partn

A2i Systems

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A2i Systems (Applied Artificial Intelligence Systems) is a full stack vertical AI company solely focusing on developing PriceCast Fuel – the world’s only AI-first industry-specific retail fuel pricing decision and optimisation system.



XCI provides software to transform cybercrime investigations using artificial intelligence. Their passion lies in software automation, cyber security, and artificial intelligence. With automation and machine learning technology at its heart, they develop products that help organizations investigate



Founders is a startup studio. They partner with incredible entrepreneurs to build the next big thing from scratch.



At TARGIT, we are trusted by 8,000+ customers on 6 continents. We tailor our software to customers’ goals, requirements, and unique business environments by pairing our business intelligence (BI) expertise with a distinct focus on specific industries and operating platforms. This approach ensure



When Tina Søgaard started mixing her own skincare, she wasn't aware that it would eventually turn into a skincare brand. At the time she'd just gone through a difficult divorce, which affected her skin that became tired and dull. With her many years’ experience within the personal care industry, she



UNI-FLY is a Helicopter Operator specializing in Offshore Windfarm Hoist Operations with a proven track record since 2002. We believe in being an active partner for our customers doing our utmost to assist in developing new lines of business or fulfill any given need. Based on our experience we con

LEGOLAND® er Danmarks største turistattraktion uden for København og kendt over hele verden. Siden begyndelsen i 1968 har LEGOLAND indbudt til sjove og hyggelige oplevelser for hele familien – med udgangspunkt i børn i alderen 2-12 år. LEGOLAND parkens succes er bygget af mere end 60 millioner LEGO®



OK-fondens formål er: At støtte og udføre arbejde indenfor gruppen af ældre og handicappede i videste forstand, hovedsageligt med grundlag i frivilligt socialt arbejde, men også gennem anden virksomhed, der kan forbedre de nævnte gruppers forhold og livskvalitet.

WARD 24/7


Digital, AI based patient monitor software to enable continuous monitoring of patients in the hospital and at home

Vi flytter magt! Vil du være med? Vores mål er de ændringer god kommunikation skaber - ikke bare at beskæftige os med kommunikation. Om du vil arbejde med os eller hos os, om du vil følge os og i dialog, om du vil diskutere og tænke nyt med os - vi er klar. Geelmuyden.Kiese er Skandinaviens størst

Sparrow Quantum


Sparrow Quantum pioneers chip technology that generates the photonic qubits that power optical quantum computers, quantum communication, and the quantum internet. Their core technology, a deterministic single-photon source, sets industry benchmarks and is adopted by quantum leaders worldwide. Their



Frameo is a license-based software solution that redefines the classic digital photo frame with smart features and a highly rated smartphone app (iOS & Android). Use the free Frameo app to share photos and videos of your small and big moments. Friends and family can enjoy photos within seconds - any

Projectum ApS

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Projectum ApS has a vision of becoming a leading consultancy in Northern Europe within the Project & Portfolio Management area.


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Web-Koncept A/S er et webbureau med fokus på at levere responsive hjemmesider til små og mellemstore virksomheder i hele Danmark. Vores målsætning er at levere en hjemmesideløsning med en brugervenlig overflade, som prismæssigt passer til dine behov. Det er vigtigt for os, at du kun betaler for det



Upodi offers an enterprise-grade subscription business management platform. Upodi aims to help companies grow their business with recurring billing; operating the complexities as a service, and offers you to focus on building your services and company.



Trust Creativity Master Technology BirdsAtFive was founded on the experience that many companies found it difficult to adapt to a world where the rules of digital sales and marketing were constantly changing. Especially the lack of resources and digital competences seemed to be a major reason for



Konventum er Nordsjællands mest originale konference-, kursus- og uddannelsescenter. Konventum er beliggende i Helsingør omgivet af skov og med en af Danmarks smukkeste udsigter over Øresund. Den perfekte location for læring og udvikling under Konventum æstetiske rammer. Historie og arkitektu