
Explore 4,242 companies in Denmark

Create it REAL


Create it REAL are 3D printing technology provider.



DigitalGuest is a powerful guest experience platform including upselling, communication and guest service - all in one web app. We're here to help you mazimixe revenue and guest satisfaction trough our sustainable and digital solution for the hospitality industry.



Kvantum delivers quantifiable online marketing that results in measurable results for their customers.

Det er vores opgave at vurdere Danmarks ca. 2,3 mio. ejendomme. Vi sikrer retvisende, ensartede og gennemskuelige ejendomsvurderinger og beregner ejendomsskat. Vi arbejder for at skabe tillid til vurderingen og tryghed om beskatning af ejendomme. Vurderingsstyrelsen skal sikre retvisende, ensartede

Morsø Kommune


Velkommen til Morsø Kommune. Vi har meget at byde på – klik indenfor og se mere. Få nemt og hurtigt klaret dine ærinder online og find informationer.

BioXpedia A/S is a contract research laboratory focusing on delivering high quality cost effective Targeted Biomarker Screening to pre-clinical and clinical researchers.BioXpedia A/S is a contract research laboratory founded in 2016 by CEO Mogens Kruhøffer to provide high quality cost effective targ



Støtek makes customizable solutions for the global aluminum casting industry. Our range of furnaces is designed and manufactured to meet the unique demands and standards of the automotive industry. We strive to become the preferred partner of energy and process-efficient aluminum delivery technolog

Brøndum A/S


Selskabets formål er at drive handel, håndværk og industri, herunder specielt projektering, installation og service af el- og rørinstallationer indenfor nybyggeri, renovering, industri, miljø, fjernvarme og anlæg samt blikkenslagerarbejde, ventilation, airconditionering, sprinkleranlæg og styring af

Data & More


GDPR gave the citizens of the EU the first digital freedom rights in history. GDPR is founded on the simple belief that Personal Data belongs to the individual and that companies, organisations, and institutions are not owners but mere caretakers of personal data. As competent caretakers, we must

Innovation Centre Denmark connects Danish innovation to international partners. We have insights into research, science, technology, new business models and commercial innovation. Through our seven locations, we: - Connect Danish innovation to global markets - Give access to international knowled

People Ventures


People Ventures are your dreamcast team of co-founders, investors, executives, engineers, academics and industry experts. Together with talented entrepreneurs — We shape fantastic businesses through operational and commercial execution.

R&D Test Systems


R&D Test Systems is an international engineering company that helps customers bring new state-of-the-art technology to the market. With broad industry knowledge and highly specialized engineers, we have the right expertise to support our customers with development projects and the validation of new

Lars Larsen Group is owned by the Brunsborg family, descendants of JYSK founder Lars Larsen. The Group owns companies within a number of business areas including furniture, golf car, restaurants, and hotels, and is also an active investor in equities, funds, and real estate.

Arnsbo Group

1 follower

Arnsbo is a develop scalable and atomized marketing tools and communication services for the future.


1 follower

Nyheder om teknologi og naturvidenskab for fagfolk og interesserede; artikler, blogs, debat, infografik, video.



Pipe|bio is the bioinformatics cloud for antibody/peptide screening & drug development. They started out as consultants developing solutions on request for clients but quickly learned that often the needs overlapped. Their vision is to combine a sequence database, strong analytical engine, and easy-



Artland is a social art market dedicated to connecting art collectors and galleries worldwide. The team’s overarching mission is to make art buying more accessible and thus widen the sales pipe by providing art collectors with the tools to navigate in a diverse art world. It also offers the possibil



Wiseled is an innovative and established player delivering high performance illuminators suitable for any mission - whether on land, at sea, on mobile or on static platforms. Since the founding of Wiseled in 2003, the company has evolved into an internationally recognized provider of LED and laser



BullWall is a cybersecurity solution provider with a dedicated focus on protecting critical IT infrastructure from ransomware. We provide rapid containment of active attacks, and safeguard servers by preventing unauthorized intrusion. BullWall is your last line of defense for active attacks.



RISMA Systems offers user-friendly online software tools to organizations and professionals that give access to updated information.



InboundCPH er et specialiseret digitalt marketing bureau med base i København og Aalborg. Vi er kendt som et af Danmarks bedste SEO-bureauer, der har skabt varige resultater for danske og internationale virksomheder og institutioner. Men med 10+ år i branchen er vi meget mere end det. Vores marke

Selskabets formål er at drive ingeniørvirksomhed og anden i forbindelse hermed stående virksomhed

Orsted UK


Ørsted - Walney Extension is an offshore wind farm that generates green energy.

0 followers is the next-generation, scalable data integration platform, built to handle complex data landscapes found in modern data-driven organizations. was founded in July 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Det Kriminalpræventive Råd (DKR) arbejder for at forebygge kriminalitet og skabe et tryggere samfund. Det gør vi ved at sætte kriminalpræventive projekter i gang, formidle viden om kriminalitet og forebyggelse og støtte det lokale samarbejde i alle dele af landet. Medlemmerne i Det Kriminalpræven



We are a Management Consultant Firm based in Aarhus, Denmark. We are all strong senior profiles on a mission to strengthen purpose driven organizations. We want to be measured on our ability to create value, to build client competencies and to balance thought and action to drive projects forward. B

I Haderslev Kommune gør vi vores bedste for at skabe gode rammer for borgere, erhvervsliv og uddannelse. Vi har gode levesteder, et væld af kulturelle tilbud, skøn natur og en masse spændende job i både private og offentlige virksomheder. Vi er en sønderjysk kommune med stolte traditioner, og vi


1 follower

Lædervarer har været Neye's speciale siden 1881. NEYE kæden blev grundlagt af Johannes Neye den 5. oktober 1881. Han åbnede som 24 årig en galanterihandel i Vimmelskaftet, København. Her ligger NEYEs hovedkontor stadig. I dag ejes kæden af NEYE Fonden, der har som formål at drive butikkern



MakesYouLocal help webshops succeed abroad. We help with the initial strategic decisions and localisation as well as the daily operations, where we take care of customer service, translations, shop management and online marketing, with a focus on growth and profitability. We can also do a check of

Nextt Management


At Nextt Management, they can do the little things, that allow your organization to accomplish the great things, it has been put in the world to do. They have delivered interim COO’s for international companies to create stability before a restructuring of the organization. And they have helped com



Teamway is the new way to hire freelance dev teams. We connect great companies with the best tech teams in a remote, flexible and mutually trusted setup.

DEKRA Danmark


DEKRA i Danmark er landets største sammenslutning af private udbydere af kurser og uddannelser på områderne for transport og befordring – herunder taxi (limousine), bus og lastbil. Mange af disse afholdes som AMU-forløb. Vi hjælper årligt mere end 35.000 kursister igennem et skoleforløb. DEKRA

Danske Lægers Vaccinations Service is part of European Lifecare Group which is one of Europe’s largest provider of vaccinations. Our vision is to create an opportunity for everyone to be vaccinated. We fight disease and save lives by making prevention and treatment easy, accessible and safe. Few,



STARTEX ApS is a textile company based out of Denmark. Visit our stores at:

Velkommen til Sankt Annæ Gymnasium – Københavns Kommunes Sangskole. Vi tilbyder et unikt undervisningsforløb for børn og unge i hovedstaden med talent for sang og musik. Skolens mål er at skabe veluddannede musiske mennesker med arbejdsglæde, sans for kvalitet og respekt for eget og andres værd. So

Den Sociale Virksomhed er en del af Region Hovedstaden og står for drift og udvikling af 19 tilbud inden for det højt specialiserede social- og specialundervisningsområde. Tilbuddene omfatter bo- og dagtilbud, specialundervisning, aktivitets- og beskæftigelsestilbud, rehabilitering, herberger, kri


1 follower

Brikk - lokale eksperter giver en A-Z service til en mere fair pris - fra 12.500 kr. Boligen kommer til salg på de store platforme og sociale medier.

Vestas aircoil


Vestas aircoil is an approved maker of charge air coolers for 2 and 4 stroke diesel and gas engines.



Trustworks is a Management Consultancy focusing on bridging the gap between business and IT to help clients realize measurable business value from their IT-enabled investments. We help our customers succeed with their IT transformation projects from inception to transition. At Trustworks we pride

TimePlan: Leading Workforce Management Software for Scheduling, Time Tracking, and HR Administration TimePlan is the premier workforce management software solution for scheduling, time tracking, and HR administration. Trusted by over 400 businesses across 25 countries, TimePlan streamlines operatio



We’re the only plug 'n' play carbon accounting solution that can provide building emission data based on actual consumption. Not estimates. 👉 If you need to: - Calculate and report CO2 emissions accurately - Measure real-time energy consumption in manufacturing - Analyse and optimise energy data i

Selskabets formål er handel og industri

Wired Relations is an automated privacy management software helping organizations comply with global regulations like GDPR

M. Goldschmidt Ejendomme A/S ejer, drifter og udvikler ejendomme i og omkring København samt på Sjælland. Vores portefølje består af attraktive velholdte ejendomme på centrale placeringer. Vi har fokus på helhedsoplevelsen og arbejder hver dag for at skabe gode og attraktive rammer om vores lejere

Micro Technic er en dansk elektronikproducent, der siden 1976 har produceret og udviklet industriel elektronik til danske og udenlandske kunder. Vi er en kompetent partner i alle faser af en produkts livcyklus: fra ide, design, prototype, volumenproduktion, produktionsmodning og udfasning med servi

Jobcenter Esbjerg er din samarbejdspartner, hvis du skal rekruttere nye medarbejdere, vil hjælpe en sygemeldt medarbejder godt i gang igen, eller hvis du gerne vil tage et socialt ansvar. Vores team af virksomhedskonsulenter er dedikerede til at servicere virksomheder i Esbjerg og Fanø Kommuner, s

Leading global renewable energy inspection, repair and maintenance service provider for wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm owners, providing services and expertise to all clients in the renewable energy supply chain

Tech Scale


Get your products to market faster, cheaper, and smarter. Tech Scale is your scale-up partner for all things development. We aspire to empower great ideas by making developer sourcing accessible to businesses of all sizes across the globe. Scale the way you prefer - we build your technology for


1 follower

Accrease is an award-winning consultancy. We've assembled a team of the brightest strategic thinkers, hard-working doers and committed specialists to unlock the potential of your Experience Cloud investment.

Assens Kommune


I vores fællesskab er der hjerterum, albuerum og højt til loftet. Hos os lever det gode nærdemokrati og aktive medborgerskab.