
Explore 4,301 companies in Denmark

Syddansk Universitet (University of Southern Denmark) tilbyder videregående uddannelser i form af bacheloruddannelser, kandidatuddannelser og efteruddannelse (masteruddannelser, uddannelser på deltid) samt forskeruddannelser (ph.d.). Universitetet har fem fakulteter og er repræsenteret med hovedcam


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Tag en af vores tre ungdomsuddannelser: hhx, eud eller eux business. Eller tag et kursus indenfor sociale medier, lean, ledelse, projektarbejde, økonomi eller regnskab.

Information, full name: Dagbladet Information, is a Danish newspaper published Monday through Saturday.



QuadSAT has been established as a VSAT solution and R&D company in Horsens, Denmark.

Clause Out


Clause Out brings you the issues that matter to you the most! We simplify the complexities of public policy and let you play an active role in shaping your community from your mobile device. Join now if you want interesting laws in your claws!



Fullview let's you instantly monitor, control and analyze user sessions for faster real time customer support. No downloads. Easy to integrate.

Kleit Fugeservice ApS is a Danish sealing company based in Copenhagen. We specialize in all types of soft sealant work. Contact our experienced sealant specialist if you would like a free quote for a sealing job.

Stine Goya A/S

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Designer Stine Goya established her namesake brand in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2006. Each collection is informed by the key words playful, artistic and bold. The label’s unique approach to design and colour, using unorthodox techniques and colour combinations to create new and expressive wearable



Guldmann is specialised within the healthcare sector and the mobility industry of ceiling hoists, ramps and consulting of ergonomic work environment. With the Guldmann brands, we make the process easy and the solutions customised. We operate within two areas: The Guldmann products service the heal

jem & fix


jem & fix er et lavpris byggemarked i vækst med en ambition om at nå 3 mia. i omsætning i 2020. Vi er en dansk, familieejet virksomhed med hovedkontor i Vejle og over 2100 medarbejdere i Danmark, Norge og Sverige.

Vestas aircoil


Vestas aircoil is an approved maker of charge air coolers for 2 and 4 stroke diesel and gas engines.



Med mere end 170 medarbejdere er Zurface partner for professionelle leverandører indenfor arkitektur, byggeri, landskab og renovering. Zurface er organiseret med en aktiv salgsorganisation af generellister inden for naturstensløsninger og råder over en række specialister, der har særlig kompetenc


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Selskabets formål er at drive virksomhed ved handel, udlejning af løsøre samt anden i forbindelse hermed stående virksomhed

Norconsult A/S besidder en solid erfaring fra et meget stort antal gennemførte byggeopgaver for både offentlige og private bygherrer. Vi yder rådgivning, projektering, byggestyring og tilsyn inden for byggeri, pharma og industri. Vort engagement i det enkelte projekt kan både være som bygherrerådg

Coalescent Mobile Robotics designs and builds an agile and collaborative robot. They provide products that include replenishment automation and in-store logistics improvements. Their customers' inquiries are addressed through phone, email, and online applications.



Logstrup is an international organisation engaged in the manufacture and supply of switchgear and controlgear systems worldwide. Since 1958 the company has been a leading innovative force in this industry. Logstrup has developed a complete range of type tested switchgear and controlgear systems. T

Nordisk Games


Nordisk Games provides smart growth capital, strategic guidance, and operational support We’ve made it our mission to fund, support, and challenge creators of the most fantastic form of entertainment ever devised by mankind. Our expected outcome? The best games in the world. And a lot of fun. And so



ScanPipe blev etableret i 1993 og er i dag Danmarks største VA specialist. Det skyldes, at vi fra første dag har haft faglighed og solid viden som topprioritet. Og vi forstår at omsætte vores viden til konkrete løsninger. Med fokus på saglig og udførlig rådgivning ved alle typer byggeprojekter. Fra


Stort udvalg, billige priser og hurtig levering – Hos Proshop finder du altid de mest aktuelle produkter til de bedste priser og vi pakker ALLE ugens dage.



RISMA Systems offers user-friendly online software tools to organizations and professionals that give access to updated information.

1 follower is a digital distribution solution that make insurers and brokers winners in online sales through distribution partners.

DanCables ApS


DanCables ApS are a family owned international distributor of electrical power cables for industrial markets. Specifically, we tailor logistical concepts for our customers and provide innovative power solutions. As a result, our concepts add value to our customers’ supply chains and projects. Indus

WARM (World Airplay Radio Monitor) is a new digital service that allows you to track and monitor music played on the radio all around the world and in real-time. WARM has the purpose of giving true transparency to artists/bands, DJs, managers, record labels, PR agencies and promoters by monitoring a

City of Aarhus


Aarhus is a dynamic city on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark. From here, beach, harbour and forest are all within reach of a 15-minute bike ride. 315.000 people live in Aarhus and 1,2 million people live in the greater Aarhus Area. Think of Aarhus as a major city crammed into a mega village. Being a

Nordic Social


Nordic Social is a digital marketing agency helping companies grow their brand and revenue through Instagram.



Propstep is an end-to-end platform for long-term rentals

Welcome to the page of VL - Danish Management Society. The purpose of the Danish Management Society is based on the objects clause articulated for the founding of the Society on 8 April 1965: The purpose of the Society is to promote modern, accountable leadership and management by means of sharing

Stibo DX


Stibo DX develops content and digital asset management systems for media companies and brand publishers around the world. Since 1979, Stibo DX has been a leading technology partner for some of the world’s biggest media companies, including The New York Times, Gannett, Axel Springer, Times of India,

Since 2005, Momentum Gruppen has provided services within management, development, sale and sourcing of wind turbine and solar plants. This makes Momentum Gruppen one of the most well-established and experienced players in the field. We cover the full value chain from development of projects to te

Odense Sport & Event A/S er et flagskib i den syddanske oplevelsesindustri. Selskabet består af Odense Congress Center A/S, Odense Boldklub A/S samt koncertbureauet LIVE CULTURE, cateringspecialisten Kai Thor A/S, restauranten hos Odense Eventyr Golf samt Odenses største hotel, det helt nye Hotel Od

AD Danmark


AD Danmark supply spare parts in original quality. AD Danmark only delivers to the professional auto industry. The user get in the range within car equipment, mopeds, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles, camping and mobile accessories. They are stock-leading in the range of quality spare part.



Frese develops and manufactures dynamic valve technology and other innovative flow control solutions for HVAC systems.



AccuRanker as SEO,SEM Tool and Rank Tracker it is giving you great insights on keyword performance for both desktop and mobile on Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and YouTube.


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LENDME is the first and biggest online loan broker, that enable our users to compare individual loan offers from different banks.

PF har valgt at satse på en meget flad struktur primært for at gøre de (aktive) studerendes indflydelse på foreningens politik så direkte som mulig. Helt basalt er Fællesrådet foreningens øverste myndighed, og det består af repræsentanter fra samtlige faglige råd. Bestyrelsen, der vælges af Fællesrå


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Velkommen til Lederne - Danmarks største interesseorganisation og a-kasse for ledere



Vi skaber effektiv kommunikation til unikke målgrupper. Vi lægger vægt på professionalisme, ansvarlighed og høj kreativitet på en hver opgave vi bliver stillet overfor. Har du brug for en udbyder til eksekvering af din kampagne, som kan tilbyde dig en strategisk planlægning & kreativ udformning, sa

Citrotek ApS

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Citrotek ApS is a trading and engineering company with activities within sales and service of climatic test equipment. Our product portfolio includes, among other things: climate cabinets, heaters and incubators, vibrators, salt fog cabinets and corrosion chambers.

KROMANN advokatfirma har kontor centralt placeret i Aarhus midtby. Firmaet er etableret i 2006 af advokat Monica Kromann, som har mange års erfaring som jurist og advokat inden for rådgivning og førelse af sager ved Danmarks domstole. Firmaet tilbyder juridisk rådgivning og bistand til såvel



InfoSuite is a Business Intelligence application including Budget Management, Cash flow Management and Activity Planning.


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MovieStarPlanet ApS is the company behind the games and social networks MovieStarPlanet, BooniePlanet and BlockStarPlanet targeted for kids aged 8-13 years. In the virtual worlds, users design their own MovieStar, BlockStar or Boonie avatar, which is used to play the games and have fun with friends.



PowerCon A/S assist in the development of electronic power converters and test equipment. The company specializes in power conversion and the main competencies include: - Electrical engineering - Control engineering - Software development - Hardware manufacturing - Mechanical engineering -



Kvantum delivers quantifiable online marketing that results in measurable results for their customers.



Psykiatrifonden er en humanitær, sygdomsbekæmpende organisation, der arbejder for at fremme psykisk sundhed hos danskerne, så alle får mulighed for at leve et godt liv, uanset om de er psykisk sårbare, har en diagnose eller oplever en midlertidig krise. I Psykiatrifonden arbejder vi målrettet på



Norlys er Danmarks største integrerede energi- og telekoncern med ca. 800.000 andelshavere, 1,7 millioner kunderelationer, 3.000 medarbejdere og over 100 år på bagen.



With more than 20 years of experience in Wind Energy Industry, Aluwind has 100% focus on the wind energy industry and its requirements for durable and lightweight products, flexible and cost-efficient production, and reliable deliveries. Aluwind has production and sales locations in Europe, North Am



Accutics is a marketing data management platform to streamline campaign tracking, combine campaign data & assess campaign performance.

Selskabets formål er autosalg, autoservice og andet ledelsen måtte finde hensigtsmæssigt.