
Explore 4,305 companies in Denmark

The 0-Mission


The 0-mission offers companies to set up solar panels corresponding to their electricity consumption - on subscription terms. It is green energy without greenwashing.

Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriets koncern arbejder med vigtige politiske dagsordner, stærke menneskelige dimensioner og har stor bevågenhed fra offentligheden. Vi er en ambitiøs organisation med fokus på medarbejdertrivsel, udvikling og muligheden for intern rokering. Koncernen blev dannet i

Danish Shipping


Danish Shipping is a business and employer organization for Danish shipping, which is Denmark's largest single export industry. Danish Shipping was founded in 1884 and has since been a meeting point for the Danish shipping industry. Danish Shipping looks after the interests of the industry and act


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Med MENUPAY kan du og dine kollegaer få rabat samt gode tilbud på mere end 500 restauranter og caféer.


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With GoodiePack you can build your own digital welcome pack to your guests.


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With more than 50 years of experience in selling stamps, coins and accessories, Nordfrim has become one of the go-to sources for collectors worldwide. We are a member of The International Federation of Stamp Dealers Associations (IFSDA) and The International Association of Publishers of Stamp Catalo

Kongskilde Industries is a global manufacturer of pneumatic solutions for conveying for the paper, packaging, recycling, and plastics industries. With over 70 years of experience and offices in 9 countries around the world, it is our mission to provide the most efficient pneumatic solutions for mate

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Vi leverer Danmarks bedste digitale løsninger inden for ledelsessystemer, sags-og dokumenthåndtering m.m.



Pleaz' online platform gives you acces to short video-guided breaks based on science to give renewed energy at work - for body and brain.

OpenNet A/S


At OpenNet we enable multiple fibre infrastructure operators to collaborate with multiple Internet Service Providers over a single open access platform and standardised set of processes and contracts. The OpenNet platform pushes networks utilisation, prevents overbuild and reduces the cost of collab

Multicut A/S


Since 1998, Multicut has operated internationally within several industries, delivering manufacturing solutions and the will to invest. Multicut started as a machine shop with ambitions and is today operating out of two facilities worldwide - Vildbjerg, Denmark and Fort Collins, United States. The



Fjernvarme er et af de vigtigste redskaber for, at Danmark kan nå målsætningen om 70% reduktion af CO2-udledningen. VEKS er et miljøcertificeret fjernvarmeselskab. Rørsystemet overfører kraftvarme og overskudsvarme fra affaldsforbrænding til 20 lokale fjernvarmeselskaber, der dækker 170.000 husstand

Accobat is a leading BI and CPM consultancy on the Danish market for data management and business-consultancy. Accobat's expertise in the use and implementation of BI and CPM products derive from a long market existence. Accobat entered the market back in 2003 and has since then received several com



Plantemagerens flydende urter - økologisk, smagfuld og laaang holdbarhed. Slut med visne urter og velkommen til et løft til alle dine måltider.



Danmarks mest erfarne forhandler af billige hårde hvidevarer - og vi er nu også taget til Norge. Hos Skousen er det naturligvis hårde hvidevarer, der er i fokus. For os handler det om at servicere vores kunder med billige hvidevarer i høj kvalitet og at matche kundernes individuelle ønsker og beh

R&D Test Systems


R&D Test Systems is an international engineering company that helps customers bring new state-of-the-art technology to the market. With broad industry knowledge and highly specialized engineers, we have the right expertise to support our customers with development projects and the validation of new



MakesYouLocal help webshops succeed abroad. We help with the initial strategic decisions and localisation as well as the daily operations, where we take care of customer service, translations, shop management and online marketing, with a focus on growth and profitability. We can also do a check of

Sweco Danmark

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Selskabets formål er at drive rådgivnings- og konsulentvirksomhed og at eje aktier eller andele i selskaber, der har samme formål. Selskabet må ikke drive entreprenør- eller handelsvirksomhed. Selskabet kan til fremme af formålet optage enhver form for virksomhed, herunder erhverve fast ejendom med

MME Nordic


MME Nordic is a supplier of complete solutions within high-level machine construction for the medico industry. The name is new, but in all fields, our personnel is competent and highly experienced people in this specific business. We are ready to receive your assignments and supply turn-key automati


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Headlight will bring you clarity to your goals and the tool to achieve them.

Velkommen til Sankt Annæ Gymnasium – Københavns Kommunes Sangskole. Vi tilbyder et unikt undervisningsforløb for børn og unge i hovedstaden med talent for sang og musik. Skolens mål er at skabe veluddannede musiske mennesker med arbejdsglæde, sans for kvalitet og respekt for eget og andres værd. So



Turnpikes is an IT company providing solutions and services aimed to improve life and performance of knowledge workers. This is achieved via high quality ECM (Enterprise Content Management), VIM (Vendor Invoice Management) and Insights & Analytics, enabling organizations to make smart decisions.

Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen yder faglig rådgivning til kulturministeren og bidrager til udformning og gennemførelse af regeringens målsætninger på kulturområdet. Ligeledes udmøntes tilskudsmidler til såvel enkeltpersoner som organisationer og institutioner, og styrelsen indsamler, bearbejder og formi

headspace Danmark er et gratis og anonymt rådgivningstilbud til børn og unge mellem 12-25 år. Den overordnede vision bag headspace er, at ingen børn og unge skal slås med problemer alene, men have nem adgang til tidlig hjælp og støtte, når de oplever udfordringer i deres liv. Alle unge skal have nog



Qufora is a design-focused medical device company. We enable people with chronic bowel disorders to live a more fulfilled life. By breaking the limits of conventional thinking, we develop solutions to improve the health of people and protect our planet for future generations. Our solutions set new

Everyday products meet style, good design and compelling stories. JJDK is a leader in identifying, designing, and developing everyday products for people living busy lives. We create everyday products for everyone - women, men and children of all ages and social backgrounds. We believe that a good



IS IT A BIRD is a strategic innovation agency. We turn deep human understanding into new business concepts, opportunities and innovation capabilities. We employ methods from social science, behavioral economics and design thinking. Our style is empathetic and passionate. Read more at www.isitabir

About 35 kilometres west from the city centre of Copenhagen, students gather every day to take their upper secondary education at Roskilde Katedralskole. Dating back to the 10th century, Roskilde Katedralskole has a long tradition of educating the youth of Roskilde and the Roskilde area. Today, the

CA er en landsdækkende a-kasse for 68.000 medlemmer. Mange af CA’s medlemmer arbejder i erhvervslivet og mange er højtuddannede. Men der er også mange medlemmer, som arbejder andre steder og har andre uddannelser. Men fælles for mange af vores medlemmer er, at de har et mindset, hvor udvikling e

Give Steel A/S

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Give Steel A/S er en førende producent af stålkonstruktioner. Alle konstruktioner produceres i Danmark ud fra et ansvarligt og miljøbevidst princip.

Health for all – that is our mission in the Danish Health Authority We are the top health authority in Denmark, and our task is to promote public health and establish a good framework for health services in Denmark. We give advice to the Danish Ministry of Health, municipalities and regions and w



Uniify assists financial institutions in quickly, easily, and securely onboarding new customers. The objective is to manage all essential sources of financial data in a single, integrated system that assures compliance while accessing data and onboarding consumers.

Fuse Vectors


At Fuse Vectors, our mission is to revolutionize AAV gene therapy development. Traditional cell-based technologies have hindered progress, posing challenges in safety, efficacy, development time, and cost. Our Cell-Free AAV technology surpasses these methods, producing safer, more effective, and cos

Harald Nyborg

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Harald Nyborg is a chain of stores that offers electronics, tools, toys and leisure products with a focus on quality and affordability.


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ARoS er et af nordens mest besøgte museer og har en vision om at blive blandt de tyve vigtigste kunstmuseer i verden. Med sine fem gallerier og en hel etage dedikeret til installationskunst præsenterer museet hvert år markante nationale og internationale kunstnere samt udstillinger med kunst fra ARo

Data & More


GDPR gave the citizens of the EU the first digital freedom rights in history. GDPR is founded on the simple belief that Personal Data belongs to the individual and that companies, organisations, and institutions are not owners but mere caretakers of personal data. As competent caretakers, we must

Innovation Centre Denmark connects Danish innovation to international partners. We have insights into research, science, technology, new business models and commercial innovation. Through our seven locations, we: - Connect Danish innovation to global markets - Give access to international knowled

Leading global renewable energy inspection, repair and maintenance service provider for wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm owners, providing services and expertise to all clients in the renewable energy supply chain


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CityCallCenter is an inbound call center with a focus on good customer service 24 / 7-365 days a year.


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We want to be your preferred partner when you need to recruit specialists. With 10 years of experience in the IT and tech industry, we can help you!



Capacit er grundlagt med en mission om at gøre op med det traditionelle, fastlåste kunde/leverandør-forhold, som vi kender fra IT-branchen, og dermed ændre den måde, fremtidens IT-produkter organiseres og leveres på. I Capacit er vi specialister i digitalisering. Vi designer, udvikler og drifter I

ATLANT 3D Nanosystems is a deep-tech company enabling on-demand micro and optoelectronics fabrication to make the air a smart matter.

Team Olivia Danmark er en del af Team Olivia koncernen, der består af 51 selskaber og har mere end 11.000 medarbejdere i Sverige, Norge og Danmark. Team Olivia Danmark startede i 2013, da Handicaphjælp Danmark - nuværende Olivia Danmark - blev en del af Team Olivia. I januar 2016 blev Focus People d



CarBuddii is a Danish software company delivering high-end solutions for the automobile industry. CarBuddii's mission is to help dealers, garages and importers to sell more cars or motorcycles and create a digital environment which is easier to use, and cheaper. CarBuddii takes point of departure in


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NewCap Holding A / S is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The NewCap Group has a strong position in the growing market for independent asset management, savings advice and insurance brokerage in Sweden. The advisory activities are conducted through separate subsidiaries in Sweden, and the asset managemen

På får du adgang til online kvalitetsuddannelser inden for fitness, kost og træning. Vi gør dine fitnessdrømme til virkelighed og hjælper dig med at realisere dine mål. Vi tilbyder evidensbaserede og fleksible uddannelser, der kombinerer den nyeste viden inden for styrketræ



I Basico er vi en smeltedigel af fagligheder – fastansatte såvel som associates. Du finder: økonomikonsulenter med interesse for IT; facility-konsulenter med ekspertise i CSR såvel som affaldssortering; regnskabskonsulenter, som kender finansfunktionen som deres egen bukselomme; legal-konsulenter, d

Det er vores opgave at vurdere Danmarks ca. 2,3 mio. ejendomme. Vi sikrer retvisende, ensartede og gennemskuelige ejendomsvurderinger og beregner ejendomsskat. Vi arbejder for at skabe tillid til vurderingen og tryghed om beskatning af ejendomme. Vurderingsstyrelsen skal sikre retvisende, ensartede

Datasolvr ApS


Data is one of a company's most valuable assets - a gold mine of truths and insights waiting to be uncovered. But to leverage this in a continuous and seamless way is challenging. Large data projects can be high risk, low return efforts, while fragmented analysis won't provide long term value. Datas



Measurelets project a technological toilet for the healthcare sector.