
Explore 4,305 companies in Denmark

Business Danmark


Business Danmark er moderne, individualistisk fagforening og a-kasse for alle der arbejder med salg, marketing og rådgivning. Business Danmark tager udgangspunkt i medlemmernes virkelighed. Vi arbejder for at opbygge et velfungerende fællesskab af en masse individualister, der skal få både arbej

Unseen Bio


Unseen Bio is introducing the groundbreaking product Digital Gut within the preventive healthcare industry. Your gut consists of a unique and vast ecosystem of microorganisms; the gut microbiome. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi thrive here and they are specialized in coexisting with you. Jointly they

Odense Marcipan is the world’s leading manufacturer of marzipan and marzipan-related products. The company is represented on all markets where marzipan is used, and ODENSE is the largest brand in the Scandinavian countries. ODENSE products are available on the bakery, food service and retail markets

Pond is a biotech company that designs sustainable solutions of tomorrow with the use of bio-based resins ready to be mixed natural fibers. Its product is suitable to be used to substitute traditional crude-oil resins in many industries, including the automotive, wind power, airplane, textile, const



ROB-EX is a scheduling tool that is dedicated to detailed scheduling of all production processes. ROB-EX scheduling optimises production and improves efficiency. Your planning processes become less time-consuming and more effective, and you reduce costs on key parameters, including capacity, financi

The Nordic Council of Ministers is the forum for Nordic governmental co-operation.

Dansk IT


Dansk IT, er et fællesskab for it-professionelle. I Dansk IT udvikler du dine it-kompetencer, du bliver del af Danmarks største it-faglige netværk, og du har mulighed for at fremme den digitale udvikling i samfundet. Uanset om du er udvikler, arkitekt, projektleder, driftsmand eller it-chef. Dansk I



Martinsen Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab er et lokalt og regionalt revisions- og rådgivningsfirma med afdelinger i Esbjerg, Grindsted, Kolding, København, Tørring, Varde, Vejen og Vejle. Her er vi placeret solidt i billedet som det lokale anerkendte revisionsfirma. Som det lokale r



IT-konsulenter på ekspertniveau. Vores filosofi er, at konsulenterne yder et bedre stykke arbejde, når virksomheden bag dem er klar til at støtte dem 100 procent - det gør ZENIT CONSULT! Vi vil påstå, at en freelancekonsulent fra ZENIT CONSULT tilfører mere værdi til kunden end den samme konsulent

Teachers’ Pension and Life Insurance Company Limited is the pension and life insurance fund for Danish teachers. It was established in March 1993 for teachers in Denmark and Greenland as a mandatory, defined contribution plan. Today more than 145,000 teachers employed in Danish municipal and private

Hos TEMP-TEAM brænder vi for at arbejde med mennesker og har fokus på en tæt og personlig kontakt. Det tror vi giver det bedste samarbejde og de gladeste kunder og kandidater. TEMP-TEAMs medarbejdere er vores vigtigste ressource. Vi arbejder selvstændigt og har frihed til at tilrettelægge arbejd

HiFi Klubben A/S


HiFi Klubben is a retail chain specializing in home audio. We are based in Denmark but have webshops across Northern Europe and showrooms in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany. In HiFi Klubben, we want people to listen again. Because it matters! When we listen, something good hap

Miralix A/S


At Miralix we offer intelligent customer contact management through our self-developed contact center and switchboard solution. The solution is ideal for companies, which want to ensure that calls from customers are handled as quickly and efficiently as possible – no matter if the calls are receive

Biodome Games


Biodome Games is a tiny game developer making systems of wonder and play.

Uggerly Installation is a Danish installation company, who specializes in electric and plumbing services. You can read all about our services on our website at

Barberklingen tilbyder barberblade i den bedste kvalitet - leveret lige til døren! Slut med at betale overpris for barberblade. Svensk stål og tysk præcision!

AAB Silkeborg

1 follower

AAB Silkeborg blev stiftet 24. september 1940. Vores mission er at udvikle, udleje og administrere almene boliger i det midtjyske område.

Cphbusiness er Danmarks største erhvervsakademi med et stort udvalg af videregående uddannelser. Uddannelserne kan tages på fuldtid eller på deltid.

Saint-Gobain Distribution Denmark Som en af markedets førende distributører inden for bygge- og anlægssektoren, stræber vi på at levere værdiskabende løsninger til vores kunder. Vi har fem stærke brands i ryggen; Brødrene Dahl, Optimera, Øland, Zupply og ProTræ. Med både Brødrene Dahl og Optim

SubC Partner


SubC Partner is an international supplier of services and products to the offshore Oil/Gas industry and Wind industry. Our aim is to offer the most innovative, flexible, and cost-effective solutions to lower the price of energy. We offer a broad range of offshore inspection, installation, repair,

VMS Group A/S


MARITIME SERVICES. WORLD-CLASS. WORLDWIDE. VMS Group offer a wide range of services and products within the marine and offshore industries. Our core services include: • Repair and maintenance of diesel engines, turbochargers, gear, propellers etc. • Sales of spare parts and diesel engines • Desig

Vi er omkring 160 medarbejdere, der leverer el, vand, varme og håndterer spildevand for 32.500 kunder. Vi er en del af den bornholmske rygrad. Vi leverer sikker, effektiv og kundeorienteret forsyning. Vi skaber bæredygtig omstilling, udvikling og vækst på Bornholm. Vi ejes 100 % af Bornholms Regions



At SOFACOMPANY we do things a bit differently, as especially seen in our unique approach to craftsmanship and innovation. We’ve taken full control of every link in our value chain, thereby managing everything ourselves from design, to sales, and to our own physical showrooms, currently counting 29



Du får rådgivning 360 grader rundt ved et samarbejde hos LIFA. Vi står klar ved planlægning og udvikling af vort samfunds fysiske rammer og forestår enhver form for præcisionsmåling, opmåling og registrering af ejendomme, ledningsanlæg, infrastruktur og industri m.m. Endvidere udvikler vi softwar

Møns Bank


Moens Bank A/S is a Denmark-based local bank. It is primarily engaged in the provision of banking services to retail customers, as well as to small and medium-sized companies.



iMotions A/S develops and markets the most comprehensive, easy to use and scalable biometric research platform in the World. It helps our clients conduct state-of-the-art human behaviour research in the areas of Psychology, Neuroscience, Human Factors Engineering, Education, Health, Business and Hum

Orbis Medicines


We are developing the future of drug discovery with a platform to discover, develop, and deliver drug candidates for challenging targets.



Northstake is your entry to institutional crypto stakingAt first glance, investing in crypto assets may appear daunting, complex and requiring technical, legal and financial knowhow. Getting exposure necessitates orchestrating multiple and fragmented services.Northstake changes that, giving institut



MANGE FAGLIGHEDER SAMMEN I politiet arbejder mere end 16.000 medarbejdere sammen om at forebygge og forhindre kriminalitet, så Danmark er et trygt og sikkert sted at bo og leve. Vi er alle dybt engagerede og motiverede for at gøre en forskel for andre mennesker og for samfundet som helhed. Langt st

360 Law Firm


360 Law Firm is an international law firm located in the heart of Copenhagen.

Vi er specialister indenfor sprogløsninger, herunder tolkning og oversættelse. Fair priser, kvalitetssikring og tildeling af fast sprogkonsulent er garanteret, når du arbejder med os.



We are disrupting the multi-billion hydrogen peroxide industry and supply chain through breakthrough innovations and products enabling safe and green generation directly at the point of use. We are the first and only company worldwide to offer commercial on-site, on-demand hydrogen peroxide generati



Audika er er en danskejet kæde af Oticon-certificerede hørecentre. Kæden er ejet af Demant, som er førende inden for høresundhed med mere end 100 års erfaring på området. Hos Audika mener vi, at et høretab er et tab i livskvalitet, og det er derfor vores vision at hjælpe flere mennesker til at hør



Fullhouse Foodservice distributes food, beverages, and non-food items to all types of professional kitchens; ranging from restaurants, large canteens, hotels, inns, hospitals, bakeries, festivals, or concerts. We supply goods to private businesses, associations, and public kitchens. Whether it's the



UNIwise is a European edtech company that provides a dedicated digital assessment platform for higher education. Assessment is a crucial element of education, and we lead and support higher-education institutions on their journey of the transformation of their assessment practices. UNIwise’s digit

Randers Kommune


Randers Kommunes hjemmeside med mange muligheder for at finde information og selvbetjening

BESTSELLER Foundation is a private foundation, philanthropically funded by fashion group BESTSELLER. As a for-profit impact investor, the foundation invests in businesses with positive social and environment impact, specifically targeting climate-tech ventures in Sub-Saharan Africa. Using a broad r



We extract useful information out of big data. We document every step and produce a detailed report and pipelines you can reuse in future experiments. Past work includes metagenomics, pipelines for small RNA, single-cell RNA-seq, and proteomic studies.



Tabtimize Is the most intelligent and complete link building tool that simplifies all processes in building contextually relevant backlinks, down to the click of a button.Contextual Link prospecting, outreach, and campaign management combined and automated in one platform that ensures a streamlined



Basen er et skole- og dagbehandlingstilbud for normalbegavede børn og unge i 4.-10. klasse, med særlige udfordringer såsom autismespektrumforstyrrelser (ASF), angst, OCD, depression, isolationsproblematikker, ufrivilligt skolefravær, spiseforstyrrelser eller andre psykiatriske vanskeligheder. Base


1 follower

Head chef William Jorgensen and restaurant manager Søren Jakobsen met at cooking school in Silkeborg over twenty years ago and have worked and cooked together ever since. In the early days, the pair had a dream of creating a special, unique restaurant where guests  In 2014, they celebrated the o

We specialise in power and gas trading. For professionals driven by curiosity and ambition, we provide a positive and inclusive space for pioneering work, where trust and empowerment enable the magic to happen. Our approach is highly-cooperative and data-driven, and our ambitions are global. Foun



At TimberNest, we design and produce social furniture that encourages social interaction between people. We wish to challenge modern patterns of social behaviour by facilitating space for authentic interactions and exchanges. With our simple, yet innovating Danish design, our quality furniture sti

North-East Venture is an international multi-stage venture fund based in Copenhagen.



Finematter is an online store that offers a curated selection of independent designer jewelry with free shipping and a one-year warranty. Finematter assists independent creatives and entrepreneurs in expanding their businesses beyond a single store without sacrificing their creative integrity. Finem

European Aircraft Sales is an international dealer and broker for new and pre-owned aircraft. We offer a complete range of aircraft brokerage services to assist individuals and corporations in either purchasing or selling an aircraft. Having a shared 60 years of aviation experience, owners Katja N

Dansk Markedsføring står sammen med Kim Jong Andersen bag denne digitale pris. Vi vil sætte større fokus på det digitale håndværk og hylde de bedste virksomheder. Danish Digital Award har til formål at præmiere og synliggøre det mest inspirerende, effektive og veludførte digitale arbejde, der udvikl

Lintrup & Norgart A/S er anerkendt som en af Storkøbenhavns førende erhvervsmæglere med speciale i salg, udlejning og rådgivning inden for kontor- og investeringsejendomme. Kontakt os for en uforpligtende snak om jeres behov på eller på: 70236330. Erfaring og netværk Vores positio

Danmatic is a company involved in design, production, sale and service of processing machinery for the Bakery- and Food Industry world wide. We are one of the leading manufacturer and distributors in Scandinavia. Danmatic’s head office, administration and production facilities are located in Viborg