Explore 4,309 companies in Denmark
KOMPAS VC is a specialist early-stage venture capital firm with offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, and Tel Aviv. We back innovative and scalable technology solutions that reduce emissions, increase productivity, and strengthen business resilience in the built environment an the manufacturing
Welcome to Contrast Company! At Contrast we design, innovate and re-define the way brands are built and marketed. Our aim is to exceed the expectations of all our business partners – through innovative and reliable solutions and long lasting partnerships. Therefore, we consistently provide a wide r
The Centre for Cyber Security was set up in December 2012 within the Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS). As a part of the DDIS, the Centre has access to the special intelligence-based knowledge about cyber issues available to the DDIS while the attachment also creates a number of synergies.
Together, let's change the standards! Organic cotton 🌱 | Recycled wool ♻️ Plant-based sunglasses 🌻 | Eco-friendly dyes 🌈 Made in Portugal 💚 We are Colorful Standard, a sustainable essentials brand that sells 100% organic cotton garments, plant-based sunglasses, and 100% recycled merino wool
Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund er faglig organisation for socialpædagoger, familieplejere, ledere, forstandere, medhjælpere og håndværkere. I alt 35.000 medlemmer, som hovedsageligt arbejder med: Udsatte børn og unge, børn, voksne med fysisk eller psykisk handicap, psykisk syge, misbrugere og hjeml
EFFIMAT – RETHINK EFFICIENCY EFFIMAT is elevating your business with intelligent vertikal storage and high-speed picking solutions. We help you to maximise your existing storage spacewith compact, progressive and multifunctional solutions. The EFFIMAT-solutions are developed and produced in Denmark.
Fredericia is a family-owned and B corp-certified design company established in 1911. Our passion is to create modern originals rooted in our heritage and relevant to a global audience. Authentic, purposeful, sustainable designs. Crafted to last.
At Airflight, we are building some of the biggest multirotors in the world utilizing the multirotor platform for hoisting operations. We seek to replace fossil fuel processes with electrical driven platforms.
Hos Bodenhoffs Bageri er vi stolte af vores håndværk, og smagfuldt bagværk, baseret på gode råvarer, er vores passion. Vi gør os altid umage med vores produkter, og vi har friskbagt stenovnsbrød og kager flere gange dagligt. Kære kunde - velkommen i en af vores 10 butikker, på bodenhoffs.dk elle
Tjellesen Max Jenne (TMJ) er en dansk medicinalgrossist og -distributør. Gennem partnerskaber leverer TMJ lægemidler, apoteksrelaterede frihandelsvarer samt medicinsk udstyr til apoteker og sygehusapoteker til gavn for danske familier og patienter. Derfor ser vi os selv som et essentielt led i fors
Digitalisering skal være god forretning. Smartere processer, gladere medarbejdere, færre omkostninger, enklere processer og større omsætning. #forandigitalt
Mansoft A/S er en client management IT-konsulentvirksomhed, som leverer rådgivning, konsulentydelser og softwareprodukter inden for Application Management, Deployment samt Management. Vi er Microsoft Gold Certified Partner og arbejder sammen med Microsoft. Det vigtigste for vores aktiviteter er
L&P Executives is founded out of Copenhagen, Denmark with offices in Delaware, United States and Belgrade in the Republic of Serbia. Our mission is to be your partner that executes on your sales targets whilst enhancing your brand identity, using years of relevant experience across the likes of She
10 bilcentre - 8 stærke bilmærker! Vi klæder vores kunder på til at tage det rigtige valg. Afdelinger i 2x Odense SV, Svendborg, Middelfart, 2x Fredericia, Åbenrå (Jes P. Jessen), Rødekro (Als Motor) og Sønderborg (Als Motor) Hos Karvil får du den bedste købsoplevelse og den bedste service i hele
KLINGER Denmark supplies valves, instruments, gaskets and seals to a wide range of applications, such as: Marine Oil & Gas Energy Pharma Chemical Industry Food & Beverages Infrastructure Pulp & Paper We provide our customers with know-how and experience from our technical experts -
We are Paboco, the paper bottle company, and we have decided to become part of the solution for a sustainable future.
Data tracking in construction and logistics. Monitor assets wherever they travel. Analyze, optimize and recover with robust IoT hardware an online data portal. Across industries, our tough, durable devices and intelligent software solution provide insights that help you solve your business challeng
Hos Roesgaard har vi samlet revision og rådgivning under ét tag. Med et stærkt internt samarbejde favner vi hele din virksomhed og skaber udvikling og vækst - sammen med dig. Vi vægter de langvarige og nære relationer til vores kunder. Gennem viden og indsigt i din virksomhed har vi de bedste forud
EPICO-IT er et IT-konsulenthus som favner bredt på tværs af brancher og IT-ressourcer. EPICO er et af Danmarks største IT-konsulenthuse og med mere end 10 års erfaring, som konsulenthus, har EPICO opbygget et bredt netværk og kompetent viden. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 2009 og beskæftiger i dag m
EIVA is an engineering company with more than 45 years’ experience in the offshore and shallow water construction and survey industry. We provide software, equipment, integrated system solutions, rental services, 24/7 support and software training to a wide range of segments, covering virtually any
Vordingborg Kommunes hjemmeside. Se hvad vi kan byde på af oplevelser og servicetilbud.
HC Andersen Capital is a financial service company that focus on investor relations and connecting institutional investors with small and mid cap companies.
1 follower
A booking site for hotels worldwide. Look for the certifications on our site to find the best eco-conscious hotels!
MIGLIORINI is a strategic public relations and marketing agency specialised in lifestyle and design.
We provide advice within geotechnics, including special testing and analysis of piles and foundations, in addition to noise and vibration.
1 follower
Re-public is a strategic design agency specializing in branding and visual identity. They are creative partners to businesses who want to build strong brands.
Vi bygger boliger til de mange mennesker, og vi ønsker at have øje for deres behov og passe godt på planeten, vi lever på. Vi gør os umage med at bygge levende boligområder og boliger med rum til at leve. Vores boliger skal sætte det lavest mulige aftryk og tilbyde en sund og god hverdag for dem, so
Via.Danese was founded in 2002 and the name arose through the founder and CEO Jakob Berre Eriksen’s predilection for Italy and Italian fashion. Today, Via.Danese is the leading fashion sales agency in Scandinavia, distributing a portfolio of luxury & premium brands among others Moncler, Brunello Cuc
Zentropa was founded in 1992 by director Lars von Trier and producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen following their collaboration on Europa, which won three awards at the 1991 Cannes Film Festival. Within its short lifetime Zentropa has grown to become recognized as one of the most original and successful prod
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Imagine having your very own dentist in your pocket at all times. That's us.
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Chabber is an online job market that connects companies with freelancers in the hotel, event and catering industry.
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They offer consulting and support within financial compliance and provide transparency through expertise and technology.
Pensure’s digital services lets anyone access state of the art pension advice. Utilising data, behavioural economics and great UI, we make pension a fun, intuitive and exhilarating experience.
HK er en af Danmarks største fagforeninger med næsten 300.000 medlemmer, der arbejder inden for bl.a. handel, kontor og administration på både det offentlige og private arbejdsmarked. HK forhandler og aftaler løn- og arbejdsforhold via overenskomster, yder juridisk bistand samt rådgiver og vejlede
Velkommen til SAC-IT Vi er glade for at byde dig velkommen hos os! Der findes mange dygtige it-specialister på markedet, men kun få, der formår at levere løsninger, der tager udgangspunkt i de udfordringer, mange virksomhedsledere har i den daglige drift. Erfaring og ærlighed gør forskellen
Morph Capital invests and co-creates companies with great founders helping them reach their next level faster.
Dette er den officielle side for UN Global Compact Network Denmark. Global Compact Network Denmark er et lokalt netværk for danske virksomheder og organisationer, der forpligter sig til at arbejde for en mere bæredygtig fremtid. Det danske netværk er del af Global Compacts globale fællesskab og er
We have some of the country’s most talented consultants, who have many years of experience in implementing budget and business intelligence solutions at both public and private companies at home and abroad. We offer a thorough review of your financial and budget management focusing on achieving effi
Redia arbejder på at bringe bibliotek og brugere tættere på hinanden med moderne og brugervenlige produkter. Vi står bag appen Biblioteket samt en række andre produkter til bibliotekerne. Vi gør det nemt og enkelt at bestille, låne og aflevere materialer på biblioteket, og vi hjælper bibliotekarerne
Unlimited Training - IT Courses and Certifications made simple and insanely affordable. Tired of overspending on IT training & courses? Are on-demand video courses not delivering the results you expected? We believe, that LIVE Instructor-led IT courses are much better than pre-recorded videos in
Danfond A/S is a Danish based business focusing on B2B meat and ingredients and the facilitation of local and global trade. We specialise in sourcing competitive meat & fish products for human consumption as well other nutritional purposes Danfond A/S conducts its business with integrity and with
Ziik is a whole new generation of intranet. We combine the best intranet features with social technologies in a single company app, enabling effective and engaging communication for all.Our clients span from small startups to global enterprise brands like Subway and many others. What do they have in
VAEKST provides sales-as-a-service to B2B brands.
Plastindustrien er den danske brancheforening for plastvirksomheder. Vi arbejder for at sikre danske plastvirksomheder optimale rammer for succes ved at klæde dem på til fremtiden, hvor den grønne omstilling er forudsætningen for, at vi passer bedre på vores ressourcer og skaber nye attraktive arbe
Selskabets formål er handel og investering og dermed beslægtet virksomhed
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Firmainvest is an investment company that, for its own resources, helps SMEs strengthen the foundation for growth and development.
Team Rynkeby is an international charity cycling team. Every summer we cycle from Scandinavian to Paris to raise money for children with cancer.
Founded in 1956, Spies is Denmark's best Charter Travel Agency. Spies is a successful travel agency, and one of the reasons it should be in their original values, as Spies was built on, still it is applicable: To those who buy a holiday with the tour operator Spies, can be sure that things is in ord
På Dragør Kommunes hjemmeside finder du information, service og selvbetjeningsydelser fra Dragør Kommune. Du kan også følge med i det politiske liv.