Explore 4,309 companies in Denmark
Originally founded in 1975, SGM has more than 40 years of experience within the entertainment lighting business. Focusing on innovation and experimenting with emerging technologies, SGM has gathered one of the most experienced R&D teams in the world. Though SGM has grown to be a large global playe
Captego is a visual inspection platform for collecting field data. They provide an inspection app for inspecting construction projects. They use a camera app solution to report workflow and inspect projects in the construction industry. Captego's modern APIs, connectors, and data visualization capab
Mission East is an international relief and development organisation working in crisis-affected countries in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Asia. We deliver emergency relief during disasters as well as long-term development assistance. We are based on Christian values. Mission East wo
Hovmand has for more than 50 years made work life safer and easier for companies where lifting is a part of everyday life. Our Danish-designed, high-quality lifters can handle anything from 3 to 300 kg, and we tailor our lifters to meet your specific needs. By reducing the need for manual lifting, w
Pakkelabels.dk er en komplet fragtløsning til din virksomhed.
Domstolene arbejder tidssvarende og professionelt for ret og retfærdighed ved at træffe rigtige afgørelser i rette tid – afgørelser som er velbegrundede og til at forstå. På den måde gør vi os fortjent til befolkningens tillid og respekt. Danmarks Domstole består af Højesteret, Østre Landsret, Vest
Fortrolighed, Engagement og Indlevelsesevne Sønderup Revisorer arbejder ud fra værdierne, fortrolighed, engagement og indlevelsesevne. Vores tilgang til vores kunder og til opgaverne er åbent og løsningsorienteret. Vores hold af engagerede og erfarne revisorer står klar til at hjælpe dig med regns
Selek's mission is to create value between supplier and customer. We work responsibly with selected suppliers, where we have built a good and strong long-term cooperation which ensures that, we are able to deliver the right products and competitive prices to our customers. At Selek we develop our ow
MotorPower drives af ambitionen om, at levere den optimale ydelse både i forhold til produkt og service. Personer, der investerer i en premiumbil, skal have muligheden for at udnytte bilens fulde kapacitet og nyde bilens egentlige kraft uden at bekymre sig om sikkerhed eller øget slitage. Disse bi
Sundhed.dk er den åbne dør til sundhedsvæsenet. Sundhed.dk er et samlet tilbud med information og digitale tjenester fra det offentlige sundhedsvæsen. Danske Regioner, Ministeriet for Sundhed og Forebyggelse, Sundhedsstyrelsen, regioner, sygehuse, og kommuner bruger sundhed.dk i betjeningen af borge
Wolfpack er kortløs udlægshåndtering og digitalisering af kvitteringer, alt sammen i simpel og tilgængelig app. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at flænse deres firmakort, så private udlæg kan blive en leg for alle medarbejdere. Det betyder, at alle i virksomheden kan downloade vores app, uden det komme
Folks is a full-service solution for workplaces, looking for familiar smiles and reliable kindness. The Folks platform keeps the wheels turning, even when you are not on the clock.
Hos Bluebyte leverer vi fremtidens IT til virksomheder, der ønsker en samarbejdspartner med det bedste team af IT-eksperter til rådighed. Bluebyte er i dag det største lokalejede IT-konsulenthus i Sydvestjylland og som kunde, kan du trygt overlade din IT til os. Vi har 18 års erfaring med at levere
Bodil is a booking and payment platform for businesses looking to streamline their workday and focus on what matters most. With Bodil, managing bookings is easy and efficient, allowing you to concentrate on delivering top-quality services to your clients. Whether you're a hairdresser, tattoo artist
Karmameju is skincare with nature's ingredients and sense-awakening fragrances. As we believe in the human connection with nature, we base our skincare on natural, bioactive and organic ingredients. Created with biotechnology, plant oils, plant extracts, essential oils and clinically proven ingredi
FURUNO DANMARK A/S (FDK) is a 100% subsidiary of FURUNO ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Our headquarter is in Hvidovre, Copenhagen. In Denmark, FDK has offices in Esbjerg and Skagen and employs approx. 55 employees in a range of maritime electronic disciplines, ensuring that FDK can meet all tasks from design to
Key2Quality er et test-konsulenthus med speciale i softwarekvalitet og med base i Skanderborg, Jylland. Vi kalder os Key2Quality, fordi vi er nøglen til test- og kvalitetssikring i dit projekt eller din organisation. Med mange års erfaring indenfor test engineering, test management, procesforbedr
We are on a mission to reinvent the microelectrochemical sensor and change the way hydrogen sulfide is reliably measured in industrial applications. The SulfiLogger™ sensor provides the insights you need to take your H₂S management to the next level. Using these insights, you can optimize mitigatio
The move to a Global Digital Attention Economy has entirely changed the game and will have winners and losers. Winners are those with the capability to automatically cut through the overwhelming noise with accurate, relevant, and individualized messaging. What until recently was hugely expensive an
Hustømrerne A/S er et firma med stolte håndværksmæssige traditioner, som har eksistereret i næsten 100 år. I dag er vi et økonomisk solidt firma, med afdelinger i Aarhus, Aalborg, Aabenraa og Kolding. Vi er klar både når der skal bygges stort og nyt og når delikat gammelt håndværk skal serviceres.
Retail24 Danmark specializes in sales, distribution, monitoring of in-store activities to suppliers and retailers with a focus on quality.
Herningsholm Erhvervsskole tilbyder erhvervsuddannelser (EUD og EUX), gymnasiale uddannelser (HHX og HTX) og efteruddannelse
Spiras kom til verden 22. juni 2023, hvor medlemmerne af LandboSyd, Sønderjysk Landboforening (SLF) og Kolding Herreds Landbrugsforening (KHL) valgte at fusionere de tre foreninger. Det gjorde de for at skabe stærke faglige fællesskaber, der danner grundlaget for fremtidens rådgivning. Hos Spiras er
Finanstilsynets hovedopgave er tilsynet med finansielle virksomheder – penge- og realkreditinstitutter, pensions- og forsikringsselskaber, investeringsforeninger, investeringsselskaber og fondsmæglere m.fl. Den centrale tilsynsaktivitet er at overvåge, at virksomhederne har tilstrækkelig kapital i f
Econet er en uafhængig konsulentvirksomhed, der i næsten 30 år har rådgivet om miljø, affald og ressourcer. Vi arbejder for mindre og renere affald fra husholdninger, erhverv og genbrugspladser. Vi forstår dit affald og vi kan dokumentere det. Konsulenterne på kontoret har forskellige faglige bag
The Rails Foundation is a non-profit foundation set up to improve the documentation, education, marketing, and events of the Ruby on Rails framework to the benefit of all new and existing Rails developers, and to ensure a prosperous ecosystem that continues to improve for decades to come. In alphab
CO/PLUS is a Creative Business Consultancy, based in Copenhagen. We are equally passionate about strategy and creativity. We grow new top line for companies all over the world through questioning the status quo and approaching branding differently. Whether it’s about expanding a business, creative
Empowering energy transition dialogue. FORESIGHT Climate & Energy is a growing global community of enthusiasts and experts tackling energy transition challenges. Engage in high-level discussions, access the latest news, and dive into in-depth analysis—all in one place. Listen anywhere, anytime: I
Danish based AGITO Medical provides healthcare solutions to hospitals, clinics and distributors worldwide. Founded in 2004 AGITO Medical has since expanded to include representatives in France, The Netherlands and United Kingdom. AGITO Medical offers an extensive selection of spare parts to hospita
Everybody agrees that it's a great idea to automate those agreements that lawyers normally spend tens of hours manually tailoring. But corporate legal departments and law firms are struggling to achieve meaningful progress in doing this. This is what the Document Drafter is changing. We have mad
AIAYU is a well-established and rapidly growing luxury brand with a strong commitment to responsible practices, natural materials, exceptional quality, and craftsmanship. Since 2005, we have created clothes and home goods for everyday life that are made to last – always with the greatest respect for
Undersøgelse, behandling og pleje. På Herlev Hospital står specialister fra 21 afdelinger klar til at hjælpe dig.
Beritech delivers premium project solutions to diverse clients in the food and pharmaceutical industries. At the heart of our success lies a passionate team of 720+ employees driving innovation and collaboration to achieve high-quality outcomes in every project. What sets Beritech Group apart is ou
Ventu is a software company and the creator of Microbizz. About Microbizz Microbizz is a digital business solution that enables you to take control of your digitalization and act in a timely, independent, and agile manner to new market needs and changes. With Microbizz you can digitalize and optim
Klubben der i alt hvad den gør, vækker begejstring og giver overskud til mennesker. Alle i klubben skal gives mulighed for at finde deres rolle, dygtiggøre sig, præstere og opleve glæden ved spillet og idrætsfællesskabet. Vi forener professionalisme med amatører og frivillige. Vi skaber sportslig li
Sysmex Denmark was founded in 1995 with three employees, and was established as an affiliate of Sysmex Deutschland SE In 2017, the company name was changed to Sysmex Nordic ApS with Norway and Sweden as branch offices. The entity is fully owned by Sysmex Europe SE, the European Headquarter of Sysmex
Hos Xsystems er vi stolte over at bruge vores hverdag på at skabe bedre arbejdsmiljø hos vores kunder. Og samtidig fremstå som et godt eksempel på en virksomhed, der selv arbejder med arbejdsmiljøet alle 360° rundt i hele norden. Mission: Bedre arbejdsmiljø “Vi vil forbedre det fysiske arbejdsmilj
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Velkommen til DIN nye iværksætterportal! Her kan du finde inspiration og hjælp til iværksættere. Få et overblik over startup rådgivning, iværksætterkursus, kontorfælleskaber.
Leagues are an international esports platform enabling grassroots esport on a national level to make the daily task easier for organizers, teams, and players to grow. Our goal is to make esport as structured, well driven, and acknowledged as traditional sports, and we want to be the go-to platform f
MOOD is a Visual Development Studio that provides art & design services for the AAA game developers including Guerilla Games, Sony Santa Monica, Sharkmob, Hidden Path, Insomiac Games, Avalanche Studios, Zenimax Media, Crytek and Naughty Dog. With over 20 years of experience we have worked on such a
Electrophysiology recording system to better guide ablation therapy
At Fiberline you get all of the advantages combined in a single profile. Fiberline is a world-leading supplier of advanced composite profiles in glass- and carbon fibre for the wind industry and for construction purposes.
nSales is a leader in sales optimizing solutions for the wholesale industry. Since 2005, it has been nSales' mission to help companies digitize and optimize their sales. We service more than 2500+ sales reps and 100+ brands making it the preferred sales tool for Sales Reps around the world. nSale
Kingo er Danmarks førende nedbrydnings- og skrotningsentreprenør. Vi leverer alle former for nedbrydningsydelser - fra totalnedbrydning og indvendig rydning, over miljøsanering, til recycling, genbrug og jordrensning. Alle opgaver håndteres seriøst, og miljø og arbejdsmiljø prioriteres højt. Kvali
Slaterconsult specializes in recruiting and training engineers for marine, automotive, renewable energy, and automation industries.
MacArtney is a privately owned company founded in 1978; having an extensive track record within the industry as well as strong financials, we strive to work closely with our customers to provide optimal solutions while adhering to the highest standards of service and quality. Our competencies range
Skyhost er et web og app baseret modulsystem til brug ved bl.a.: Flådestyring, Værktøjs registrering, Billeddokumentation med Geotag og Job/Opgavestyring samt mobilt intranet. Vi tilbyder en fleksibel løsning der dækker bredt med sine mange funktioner og er med til at lette administration
Velkommen til Slagelse Kommunes hjemmeside. Her kan du få hjælp og svar på langt de fleste af dine spørgsmål, samt information om en række af de tilbud, som Slagelse Kommune tilbyder.