
Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark

Founded in 2003, CSIS is a leading provider of advanced cybersecurity capabilities, focused on actionable and intelligence-driven detection and response services. CSIS is the preferred cybersecurity partner to notable organizations across various sectors, including Banking & Financial Services, Ener

HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S - Your Crop Care Partner Part of Exel group and the leader of agricultural crop protection equipment. Based in Denmark, HARDI has daughter companies in France, USA, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, Spain, UK, Russia, Poland, China and HARDI exports to all corners

Slagelse Gymnasium er et attraktivt og tidssvarende gymnasium, der løfter dannelses- og uddannelsesopgaven i Slagelse og omegn. Vi udbyder hf- og stx-uddannelser af høj kvalitet.

Welcome to NoA Ignite Denmark Dear everyone. Hello Great Works becomes NoA Ignite! Along with the rest of The North Alliance, we’ve growing This means that from Monday 22/2 we will merge Hello Great Works with two other NoA companies and form a new, large, strong and competent joint international

Selskabets formål er at drive handel, fabrikation, investeringsvirksomhed og anden efter bestyrelsens skøn dermed beslægtet virksomhed.

Haderslev Stift


Her finder du vejledninger til brug i præstens arbejde.



Selskabets formål er i kraft af selskabets indgåelse af samarbejdsaftaler med ejendomsmægle-re at udvikle og levere serviceydelser og produkter til ejendomsformidling, samt være bindeled i samarbejdet mellem finansielle institutioner og mægler.



”Vi står midt i en global bevægelse, hvor forbrugerne går væk fra at ville eje sine ting, og foretrækker ‘adgang’ frem for ‘ejerskab’. Sagt på en anden måde, så vil vi gerne betale for tingene, når vi har brug for dem og undgå det, når vi ikke har. Vi er et partnerskab mellem 14 danske pengeinstitut

Sun Creature


Sun Creature is a project-driven international team of artists, directors & producers, dedicated to deliver high quality content from concept to final piece. In a dynamic atmosphere with constant movement we aim to give meaningful impact and a personal perspective to each project that will connect w



INFUSER is an atmospheric chemistry and engineering company that develops and delivers tailored-made and standardized advanced pollution control systems for the industry, indoor air quality systems and decontamination devices. INFUSER targets emissions that come from volatile organic compounds (VOC)

Danoffice IT


Danoffice IT provides professional and efficient IT & IS turnkey solutions to international organizations and businesses operating worldwide. Danoffice IT offers a one-stop-shopping platform with an array of products, services and logistical solutions backed by professional and certified personnel r

Les Deux


At Les Deux, we have the courage it takes to embrace difference. This is how we create something new. This is how we move forward. Les Deux was born from a chance meeting between two very different people, with contrasting personalities, who found themselves united in recognising opportunities. Two



Building the infrastructure of Performing Arts



Since 1963 Caljan has specialised in helping parcel carriers, retailers and manufacturers around the world handle loose cargo efficiently. Using highly engineered Logistics Automation technology, we optimise the supply chain. Throughput is increased, cost is reduced and the work environment is safer

We are Kalundborg Refinery, a Danish energy company, with more than 350 engaged employees. We are the largest oil refinery in Denmark processing approximately 5.5 million tonnes of crude oil, condensate and feedstock per year and has a tank capacity of 1.2 million m3. The refinery produces napht



Primetime er drevet af lige dele kreativitet og analyse. Og over 60 medarbejdere, som brænder for deres arbejde. Som løser kommunikationsopgaver i stort set alle genrer. Verden er kompleks. Derfor skal kommunikation være enkel. Det kan lyde banalt, men vi sætter en stor ære i, at vores kunder bliver



Paradis er frisk håndlavet premium is lavet på udvalgte råvarer. Paradis er et franchise koncept med iscafeer over hele Danmark

Merkur Andelskasse er en bank som alle andre – det vil sige, at vi tilbyder alle de bankservices, du kender. Der er dog en væsentlig forskel – for i Merkur arbejder dine penge for klimaet, for større social lighed og for en levende kultur. Vi arbejder med en tredobbelt bundlinje, hvor det at passe p



From insight to impact, we help organisations and people to grow. We mobilize people to become innovators, strategists and skilled collaborators capable of turning strategic ambitions into reality. We are passionate about our work, masters of our trade and highly ambitious together with our clients.



PadelPadel bygger Danmarks 4 største padel centre i Århus, Aalborg, Odense og København. Århus åbnede 1/6 som det første med 9 world padel tour dobbeltbaner, 1 world padel tour center court og 2 single baner. Vi har 10 meter til loftet.

Chapter 5


Chapter 5 har gennem 20 år udviklet skræddersyede line of business applikationer til erhvervslivet, indenfor bl.a. finans, pensions - og medicinalindistrien. Vi har leveret administrationssystemer, understøttet komplekse datastrukturer, workflow optimering, business intelligence og procesunderstøt

Treat Systems


Treat Systems is focused on developing and market software for antimicrobial stewardship. Our mission is to improve the clinical outcome of patients with infections while preserving the effectiveness of antimicrobials for future human generations. Our expertise lies in the understanding of both the

Global Wind Service (GWS) is one of the largest companies in Europe offering onshore and offshore installation and servicing of wind turbines around the world. And we do it with the right people, tools and flexibility to deliver the best possible solutions to the highest quality. Our goal is always

Global Equestrian Group consists of a range of top sporting brands within the equestrian industry and a range of new ventures. Through innovative ways of engagement, they create a superior equestrian customer experience in services and products.The group is owned by Waterland Private Equity, Andreas



Struggling to find qualified manpower? Or are you tired of navigating in the TAX jungle? At Sky-Energy we always provide the contractor with a turnkey solution, this includes qualified manpower, local taxes and equipment. Our team consists of a professional rope access network with many years of

Syntese Digital


Vi er Danmarks stærkeste udbyder af display annoncering, og en virksomhed i stor vækst. Vi er i dag 16 ansatte og har kontor i Søborg & Århus.

Center for Familieudvikling er en non-profitorganisation, som ønsker at give familier en faglig og forskningsbaseret håndsrækning til trivsel og udvikling af sunde relationer. Centeret tilbyder uddannelse til fagfolk, PREP-kurser for par, Kurser i fælles forældreansvar efter samlivsbrud (KIFF),

Stenderup A/S


The purpose with this company site, is to tell people about our core competences and the machines that we sell. You will also be able to find some standard company information on the site including our locations and contact information. Stenderup A/S is a family owned company who was founded in 1936



ARYZE issues fully redeemable stable coins backed by and pegged to traditional assets. By creating the bridge between traditional value and digital currencies ARYZE aims to be the primary payment infrastructure enabling individuals, businesses and IOT devices to make instant payments globally in a m

Nordic Insurance Software (NIS) was founded in 1996 in Copenhagen, Denmark. With additional offices in Toronto and London, NIS provides software solutions in more than 35 countries worldwide to leading Insurance companies, Assistance companies and TPAs operating within the following sectors: ✔ Trav

Selskabets formål er, direkte eller indirekte, at udføre affaldsbehandling og industrirengøring og direkte eller indirekte at drive anden virksomhed, der efter bestyrelsens skøn er forbunden dermed.



Biograil is a biotech company manufacturing an oral device for delivery of biologics.

Australian Bodycare Continental ApS is a Company developing and producing skin care products based on active ingredients. We are leading within skin care products based on antiseptic tea tree oil. Our products are sold in more than 15 markets through pharmacies, drugstores and webshops. The produc

With 50 years of experience Vitrex Medical has become the largest manufacturer of capillary tubes in the world today by developing equipment, establishing technologies, and optimizing production processes. This is a position we are very proud of having achieved – and we intend to keep it. Vitrex

DGE Danmark


Miljø er vores kernekompetence og vores ansvar. Derfor fokuserer vi på bæredygtige løsninger, når vi rådgiver vores kunder. Vi er specialister i miljørådgivning med særligt fokus på jord og grundvand, bygningsforurening og indeklima, industrimiljø og genanvendelse af ressourcer. Vi er DGE – en vær

Chora A/S


Chora creates and supplies unique advanced solutions for mission critical challenges, applying best-in-class technology and an unparalleled understanding of real customer requirements to create simple, effective and easy-to-use solutions. Our products and solutions which are developed and manufactur

Allround Byg

1 follower

Allround Byg A/S is a construction company located in northern Odense.



Smart wearables that help reduce the risk of work-related strain injuries by providing a cloud-based real time body activity analysis



Automated transfer of data between webshops, accounting systems, POS, warehouse management systems, acquirers, subscription systems and file formats.



Developer of a recycling technology intended to separate synthetic turf into raw components. The company's technology is based upon a mechanical separation which can recycle the entire turf system while avoiding waste products, enabling organizations to dispose of the old turf in an environmentally



Hypefactors is leading the PR tech revolution. All the tools to power your hype. All the facts to document your results.



Ideanote is the Innovation-Led Growth platform enabling businesses of any size to collect, develop and manage ideas with ease.

Rødovre Kommune


In Rødovre, they have a thriving association life, and it can be a good way to get to know other committed people in the local area. They have a valuable network with more than 300 associations, so there is something for everyone.



BLUETOWN offers a sustainable, low-cost technology solution and business model to bring rural internet access to the developing world.

Cecilie Bahnsen


Cecilie Bahnsen, founded in 2015, is a luxury-clothing label based in Copenhagen with a stockiest list counting 70 of the finest doors worldwide. Drawing on a rich culture of design, the collections combine couture craftsmanship with sculptural silhouettes, reinterpreted for a contemporary audience.

Imbox Protection


THE BEST, EASIEST AND MOST SUSTAINABLE PROTECTION OF FOOTWEAR ON THE MARKET IMBOX was created to better the world of footwear protection and be safe for people and the planet. IMBOX Protection is the only in-store footwear protection solution in the world. The treatment is safe, environmentally fr

Selskabets formål er at drive murer- og entreprenør- virksomhed samt handel, herunder handel med fast ejen- dom og anden i forbindelse dermed stående virksomhed



Go’Bolig er en af Danmarks største udbydere af lejeboliger med mere end 60 ejendomme i og omkring landets største vækstbyer. Vi tilbyder moderne boliger, der passer til enhver livssituation og økonomi. Vi tror på, at når hverdagen føles nem, så trives mennesker. Vi tror på godt naboskab og sociale f

Viden Djurs


Knowledge Djurs covers the broad educational needs of young people, adults and companies within the technical, commercial and general subject area.

Navitas Wind A/S was founded in 2019 to meet the growing demand for highly qualified technicians within the wind industry. In 2024, Navitas Wind A/S name was changed to Navitas Renewables A/S to reflect the company's broader involvement in various energy solutions. The company currently operates i